<<@1345sgv says : Democrats are liars sale outs>> <<@DSN262 says : Biden out. No more war>> <<@shrek3ondvd913 says : The media: hAkEeM jEfFrIeS iS sO pRoGrEsSiVe>> <<@softwhiteund3rarm0r says : Atleast democrats will fund social services also. Torn between defense and none at all. Remember america before ww1? Pacifist and doing just fine.>> <<@mongo_congo9908 says : The snake stinks from the head down. Where are the 51 former Intelligence Officials, who signed an untruthful letter to the American People stating that the Hunter Biden laptop of criminality was “Russian Disinformation? The Biden Crime Family, with over 170 “Suspicious Activity, Reports“ from the US Treasury, involving up to 12 members of the Biden Crime Family, is the basis for RICO violations as an "ongoing criminal enterprise operation". These transactions have all the “EARMARKS” of a Federal "RICO" case so where is Federal Law Enforcement?>> <<@CDogg-kn4wt says : This is all just a money game and they all know how the game is played it's the only reason they want to be in office. 🤷🏾‍♂️>> <<@jjs1990 says : The problem is your using the Huffington Post as one of your sources lol>> <<@erielugo891 says : But you're going to tell us to vote for the Democrats anyway.>> <<@samuelmachado6088 says : I Bless the LORD Yeshua Hamashiach for His Goodness, Grace and Faithfulness over the Land of America....it's His Grace that the wickedness of Biden, Obama, Kamala Devi, etc Have been exposed and put to the sword...Hallelujah.....Psalms 75:10>> <<@razman4240 says : With guards carrying guns stationed all over and bodyguards with guns guarding the politicians. Typical.>> <<@4idhero798 says : Duh. The government works for corporations. Why is it even a surprise?>> <<@buddy-hu1vr says : They complain about the "gun lobby" and push "gun control" while handing the "gun lobby" billion dollar gun contracts.>> <<@Monieloved1 says : So what?!>> <<@Mr.Popeye2u says : Sad thing, this country is being destroyed>> <<@meoff7602 says : Wait, aren't defense contractors supposed to wine and dine the politicians to get what they want? I'm confused as ro why this is a problem. If you think they aren't going to throw parties. You got some issues.>> <<@janekamonsiri says : Bunch of crooks get together planing how to rob tax payers next year. Good thing DEM and REP dont get along. Imagine if they both on the same team? People will be so FEKeD>> <<@aeris...5389 says : You have me at a klondike bar>> <<@phaZed9 says : Dems rpove they agree with Republicans and the Bush White House. They can't get enough of Bush era policies and WAR - they love that war! They love making it, keeping it going, and they love the money from it. Keep voting for these guys - and all you'll have left is corrupt Republicans. This country is done for. The Dems are a huge corrupt failure - and that doesn't absolve anything on the horrible "other side" - which are even more horrible. This is a losing game, voting for this two party system only serves to normalize the worst of us. Don't vote for these corrupt politicians.. vote at any cost, for anyone else - no matter the unlikelihood of their winning. There's no winning with these two parties guaranteed... the chance of change with these two is ZERO - might as well go for a 2% chance or whatever. Don't need to put your seal of approval on their crap.>> <<@ravenr1420 says : I guess the defense budget is going up to $900 billion next year. Our politicians on both sides serve their donors, not us. We are doomed.>> <<@baby-boomer3693 says : As usual democrats show they couldn't give a s**t about ameruca. Un-party>> <<@jrizaac says : The people say they’re against corruption, but yet they ALLOW it to go on. This gives LICENSE for the corruption to carry on!>> <<@michaelbliss1811 says : You do not realize the problem is not spending but collecting from the rich ie 90% of money and assets are own by 3% of the population but 80+ percent of monies collected by IRS is by people making less than a 100,000$ per year in other words most of our incomes are not even being taxed but they keep trying to milk that same Cow over and over when are we going to take it from that other herd?>> <<@johnhonahan2321 says : Honestly if the dmeocrats win back the house the squad should do what the freedom cauaus did with the mcarhty speaker vote>> <<@KylaMedina says : Yea let’s tie the democrats hands behind their back and to make it easier the republicans to punch them in the face>> <<@edwardskoda2409 says : This is really something and it shows how fu-ked up leftists have become. This got a mere 12k views after 15 hours but if it was something about Trump regardless of how innocuous it is, it would have gotten 100k plus views of you screaming at the top of your lungs. TYT knows this is a big story showing how corrupt Democratic politicians are and it should bother a true progressive but doesn't.>> <<@duh70 says : Meanwhile US military planes and helicopters keep accidentally falling out of the sky.>> <<@timmy-wj2hc says : But TYT supports the US proxy war against Russia. So there's that. Lol>> <<@carltalley4136 says : Does two wrongs make a right? Hell Nah! But we know the game. No side should have an advantage in this area.>> <<@chucklyDee says : They're just showing us who their REAL bosses are>> <<@1958PonyBoy says : Hey, defense companies have businesses in a lot of places. And that's done by design. That's so politicians can benefit from the money they bring to their areas. And even though those dollars may come from the evil defense industry, they spend like any others. And I've never known a democrat that didn't want as many tax dollars as they could get their hands on.>> <<@godusopp2752 says : Tyt having a feud with defense contractors will never not be funny, they aren’t going anywhere>> <<@norwoodsstokes3883 says : I'm sure this sort of corruption would have made it on, Tucker's or some other Fox programming...😏😂>> <<@jsweet744 says : This is why I never say "vote blue" or support posters who do.>> <<@mattbebe2555 says : This is what progressives voted for. The same people that claim Cleopatra was black. 😢>> <<@9148H2 says : Same evil Assholes, but a different name to the party. A pox on both their houses I say. The corruption never sleeps, it never goes away. like an infectious disease, it spreads. It is clear that the Democratic Party has joined with the Republicans in thinking that Democracy is a thing of the past and they have joined with their unholy brethren in making sure we remain prisoners in a capitalistic hell world. They believe they will survive the cataclysmic changes that are to come if they serve their owners and live a cushy lifestyle for themselves and their kids. Some might have a little conscience knowing they are willfully letting millions of civilians in America and abroad die through their evil policies, but they use psychological distractions on themselves to get them to avoid looking at the mirror and see the ugly truth that they are no different from the Republicans. Anything to sleep at night, while most of them don't even have a conscience due to their upbringing and institutional brainwashing. The two parties will be the death of us all if this corrupt system is allowed to continue. It doesn't matter who's in charge when both parties continue the cycle of corruption and social psychopathy. What this country needs are not Political Parties, what this country needs is a true Democracy. A Democracy where Political Parties, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court are abolished.Where the decisions are decided by majority vote and by the mass populace, not by a select few chosen by committee and those who serve owners. Is there any real hope or are we doomed for the inevitable rise of apocalyptic climate change, world-shattering diseases, and Nuclear War? And both Parties are stupid enough to think they are going to survive the next hundred years when they are guilty in their role of fastening this country and the planet as a whole to its demise.>> <<@ViridisAmbrosia says : This is sick. Gawd I remember long ago when the Dems were the anti-war party. But i guess they were lying to us even then. Both parties are so corrupt our nation is going to disintegrate. Capitalism makes me ill. The United States is an imperialist war country. It is a disgusting unregulated capitalist hellhole. I wish people could see.>> <<@rawfootagetoday6766 says : Democrats are heading towards a fascist buzzsaw with smiles on their faces.... history does repeat itself.>> <<@msmithy7813 says : The Republicans and Democrats literally switched roles and colors. The Republicans used to be blue(true story) and were the party of big business and big war. That's who the democrats are now.>> <<@qwertyuiopgarth says : WTF????????? The correct phrasing is "Democratic Leaders Wine and Dine Defense Contractors as Lavish Gala". Stop imitating Republicans with your incorrect lack of attaching 'ic' to the noun 'Democrat' to form the adjective 'Democratic' with the meaning "of or relating to'' Democrats. Would you refer to a member of the Republican Party as a 'Republic'? The Republicans may speak as if they were not fully conversant with the English Language, but you can - and should - do better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@somchai272 says : Nothing new here. Next.>> <<@goyoy6433 says : Defense contractors need wars to make money the the reason why America will always being waring with another country, proxy or not.>> <<@teebone2157 says : Same ole story . Time to get rid of money in politics and get all new politicians chosen by the peoole>> <<@bigraviolees says : War pigs eye a trillion a year as tv whores tell the gullible be afraid of a Canada invasion fuel the madness more>> <<@joebeal4212 says : How is this suprising? Democrats and establishment Republicans love war .>> <<@rich748 says : Corrupt democrats establishment corruption democrats who care about money in their pockets than the will of the people>> <<@grahamjones5400 says : In November 2024, TYT hosts will will screaming "VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO!! AND GIMME DONATIONS!!">> <<@b.louise9091 says : This channel trashed Trump and the watchers voted for Biden. Now, you're bitching about the consequences of that vote.>> <<@Jon-ju4uo says : Your looking great Francesca>> <<@keithsmall7464 says : S0 What>> <<@thiosemicarbizidebenzoylal2921 says : The Ronald Reagan effect cannibalized the Federal budget. Deal with Reagans legacy and this all goes away.>>