<<@ShadowFoxSF says : It only took about 5 years for the bank to fail after regulations were lifted. Sad. These monetary Jenga towers might reach a little higher, but dang do they fall over hard. This is also a similar example to explain why people need to be aware that the economy and policy don't always go hand in hand temporally. Trump era loosened the regulations, and that Tipsy Tower stood up long enough for it to fall with the next guy. It wasn't a matter of if, but when. Ps. I recommend both games of Jenga and Tipsy Tower.>> <<@ShadowFoxSF says : No here is how the GQP gets around their need for handing primary and general elections so drastically different. Step 1) be a raving lunatic in the primaries and get tons of attention. To win it. Step 2) don't debate for the general election. Expecting your base to still support you and others to be so in the dark they don't think about how bad it is. Someone might try to flip that on its head and not debate in the primaries, but they need to already have recognition and support or they won't win that.>> <<@JAMAICADOCK says : The mere fact that Graham is gay, makes him progressive in Trump's eyes. A conservative queer being just too much of a contradiction in terms of Trump's rigid worldview.>> <<@dalesmth1 says : #LiberalsAreRetarded>> <<@wheelchair4x368 says : What going be worse now. When the Trumpers start using AI faking. To get the loonies to believe more in the psycho Trump ISM . Even before the technology became what it is today, they used it encluded FOX . As for Trump. Yea he is coward that uses name calling like the bully in the playground . But it's the other cowards that won't do anything to run the Trump coward out of the park. Cowards like politicians, judges, DOJ and remaining Republicans that still have some sanity left . Like having a car that is broken. You know the mechanic has what needed to fix it. But if you don't take the car to mechanic. The car not going get fix. Like Fox firing Tucker. Thinking in fixing the flat is going to fix broken transmission which is really why the car not running.>> <<@kristenbaker1597 says : My son came up with an interesting idea. He said in a true Democracy that the American people should be able to list percentage priorities where their tax money goes when filing their taxes. It would be a system that needs some complex fair implementation, but do think he is on to something creative that isn't done anywhere else.>> <<@johndilivio2770 says : Did trump called Biden crazy joe>> <<@johndilivio2770 says : How many girls trump attack in department stores>> <<@mikeyochim1948 says : Republicans have no vision for the future so they have to regurgitate old grievances and issues. I live in New Hampshire and saw a clip of him in Manchester, there were maybe 6-8 people on the street as he went into a building.>> <<@smalpree says : like chubby ass cigar smoking whining child-man would ever "work out" I bet he can barely bench the empty metal bar. This "Man" needs a good old fashioned ass beating.>> <<@nicholashardy3269 says : What insane 😳 he is a proper nut job. Needs to be locked up and throw away the keys>> <<@outerrealm says : The reason I stopped watching this channel a long time ago was this elite country club exclusivity for paying members. All of the hawking of their swag. And last but not least, I ordered a "you're fired" Trump t shirt and after over a month I hadn't received it, so I had my bank claw back my money. It's all about the money now. There's rarely any story here that isn't covered equally well or better elsewhere, often before they get their hands on it. Hypocrites.>> <<@davidnichols565 says : There was voter fraud and Biden had all kinds of stuff suppressed and covered up so the USA didn't see it b4 the election and pushed the fake news and lies about trump... still doing it...>> <<@oakpkdude says : PLEASE GOD not another narcissistic jackass in The White House.>> <<@maryestergall says : What a moron. And those that follow him are even bigger morons.>> <<@josephj6521 says : With Steve Crowder, karma has bought up with him. His endless abuse towards Biden, Hillary Clinton, Democrats and his bottom kissing of Trump. It’s all come full circle. I pity for his ex-wife. May she have a wonderful future.>> <<@davidwaller3790 says : Acts insane? He IS insane!!>> <<@bloo9699 says : Question is... will anyone leave the mug club? Or is it full of psychos who will just see the video as "proper tradwife training"?>> <<@victorlh180 says : I don't think there's one republican that ever had to stuggle a day in their life other than the choice of being racist and keeping the guilt passed down to them by the id!ots of yesteryears going or not.🤔😕 They're disconnected from reality and the majority of the public. Their up bringing shows in how they operate in their position and will operate in any position they're going for.>> <<@charlesknighton1292 says : I agree with Jellis333 ! Trump,please fade away. ASAP, is not soon enough !>> <<@rwgoodship3653 says : In medieval times devil worshippers would be required to perform the ‘Osculum infame’ the ‘kiss of shame’. When the devil showed himself he would present his ass and the worshipper would be required to kneel and kiss the devil’s ass. Sooooo, sound familiar?🙄. Cheers from Canada😊🇨🇦🏹>> <<@sabinekatsavrias4422 says : You guys keep making trump relevant..just sayin>> <<@clanice1503 says : Girl they cannot be racist wtf 😂😂 1:42:57>> <<@ROBOT-FACE says : Wasn't that a little whiny to be abusive. Like, are whiny babies _abusing_ those around them? Second video goes from whiny to temper tantrum, closer to a toddler and closer to genuinely abusive. Third video, he sounds like a teenager. Now he's finally mature enough to be abusive.>> <<@wendellwesley4970 says : Can we the people Sue the DOJ in falling to do their job in Holding Donald Trump accountable. Donald Trump is guilty of treason Section 3 Of the 14th Amendment. Donald Trump should not be able to run for any ever again especially for President. This is so wrong on so many levels.>> <<@m.a.sperry3424 says : Hilary is so calm in this video in order to not say anything to send him into a rage. It's obvious she's had lots of practice. What a POS. Just one small point:-They have only 1,ONE,1 car? This is so infuriating-I'm screaming at my screen.>> <<@m.racheljones7019 says : Ya know, the magaTs keep saying Bunker Boy was sent by gawd, and maybe they're right because it sure looks like he was sent to destroy the republikkklan party 🤣>> <<@heatherclouse7127 says : That video was very triggering. My wife 🌈was just like that. 😩 Ugh I so don't miss that. So glad I divorced that woman!>> <<@dannetteporter6325 says : Retire the word crooked yet use it for Biden? Do I not understand understand the word "retire"?>> <<@jellis333j7 says : I’ll just be glad when Trump goes away. Retires in some jail cell perhaps. Or some mental institution. So many important issues and problems but it’s all about trump.>> <<@GG-kk9dr says : As someone who survived a physical, emotional, and verbally abusive marriage, I promise The emotional was the worst.>> <<@GG-kk9dr says : That Steven Crowder video was awful. So many people don't realize this is abuse. IT IS!!!>> <<@Moonlight-qo5hw says : Steven Crowder thinks Condoms are against his religion>> <<@Lichan11 says : I would think that if I was being tortured that I would DEFINITELY remember who was there!!!!!>> <<@estlhm805 says : 🤔🤔🤔>> <<@kara_30 says : Sooo, the party that lied & cried & said how wrong, illegal & fraudulent, early voting & voting by mail was?! How rich & so self serving!>> <<@voodoojimi69 says : So is Steven saying that working men are not capable of being good fathers?>> <<@demoskunk says : There should not be any voting allowed before ALL the debates have aired. Trump won the second debate against Biden. Trump should focus on his policy achievements. He lowered 70% of Americans' federal income taxes, dissolved NAFTA, withdrew our troops from foreign countries, made us energy independent, gave us a strong economy, the Right to Try Act, lowered RX drug costs...It's POLICIES that matter.>> <<@guyberger4169 says : Actually he was merely acting that he was NOT INSANE the past 75 Years and it was starting to lose its appeal. So now he’s just being himself>> <<@flolucio601 says : Biows is out of his mind Trump belongs in prison>> <<@pollylougene says : you all need to interview Brandy X. Lee>> <<@nathancox6249 says : Not so committed to him now>> <<@J.D666 says : I think, Republicans will drive up the number of vasectomies. Just leave a specimen; just in case, fire all blanks with no regrets.>> <<@Sevenhundredseventyseven777 says : "You can still be kinda racist." 🤨>> <<@amymegginson-uz7jj says : 1:17:35 Why don't men that don't pay child support or cheat on their wives have to get a vasectomy?>> <<@lindastimer8667 says : What do you mean, acted insane. He has always been totally inaane, from the word go.>> <<@davemarr7743 says : Why even have headlines... They never match your content!>>