<<@Mossibossy says : I dont think you want to stand by this medical scandal when it blows up.>> <<@Gregman2274 says : Wonder how she feels about being silenced? Just like when anyone disagrees with their ridiculous ideology.>> <<@jefftolson6248 says : Remove tour self from politics and the view if our children you do nuthing to expand the human race there for useless to the survival if the species all your trying to do is corrupt the children if the natuon and make more mental health issues like your self you dint need to be in any office till you get mental help with your disforia>> <<@VeganSoyLatteFrappuccino says : Is that what inspired Ana and Cenk to be such blatant transphobic right wing grifters?>> <<@maureenm6090 says : She should not apologize. It's between parents, doctors, and children. The Freedom Caucas should go. These Republicans are fascists.>> <<@ohmydamn6807 says : These inclusive folks are like the nazis. Both believe in helping people with mental illness by sterilizing them an performing surgeries on them.>> <<@hunternedib1119 says : You have to give her credit,.... she has big balls!>> <<@64SMBZ says : It’s hilarious how the bigots can only argue about the gender of a trans woman and can’t contribute anything of substance.>> <<@modernmyth9050 says : Good. I propose a bill to start building the camps>> <<@NicoleForbis says : Is there a petition that we can sign to get her uncensured...? If not, I'll start it, as soon as enough people let me know one way or the other. Thanks! So: Yay OR Nay as a reply, please. 😊>> <<@joeycastaldo9297 says : Good next move should be banning anything democrat>> <<@lukedoesbutter says : Personally I feel much more comfortable around transpeople than old rapey white dudes>> <<@jarodwilliams4544 says : HE not SHE>> <<@makaylabyron972 says : Im a montanan and i agree with everything you guys said. Just fyi montanans absolutely hate out of staters and most do not claim our govenor who is a californian. Im surprised he is still alive.>> <<@GreigCarstairs says : To be honest there is no concrete evidence to support that kids will commit suicide if they don't get treatment. Gender dysphoria should be treated as it has been since it was first known. Puberty blockers can cause serious issues with the body at a young age. When it comes to this for a healthy human being they should be medically treated when they are over the age of 16. This doesn't mean you need to stop treating them as the gender they feel they are. That's what would seem to be the most logical thing to do.>> <<@hunternedib1119 says : "Hun, do I look fat in this dress" "No! You look like a man in that dress">> <<@hunternedib1119 says : This guy needs to be banned from the house Floor!...OOOPS!>> <<@kushan7182 says : That's a trans dude. Calling them women is just ignorant...>> <<@FielTulum says : bullshit, you are the ones who get ofended by everything like misgender a male who believes is a woman>> <<@albertfralinger2711 says : This sounds like a very sensible bill>> <<@travisjones640 says : This rep lady is insane but so is the rights response>> <<@adulthumanfemale265 says : It would seem he should be allowed to speak even though I think he's a fetishist and should be nowhere around children. He was elected though... As for Cenk, projection is not just for cinemas...>> <<@mjack7749 says : He is clearly mentally ill, and should not be able to speak on anything with authority>> <<@raylewis2121 says : I don’t have a dog in this fight, but I don’t want the government deciding who I, or my kids, grandkids are, or can be. The Montana legislature are butthurt, so they retaliated. THE MONTANA LEGISLATURE IS CORRUPT.>> <<@g2879 says : Like the song say I don't care>> <<@g2879 says : These people are really weird man all this because you can't get your way it's a stupid argument we need to stop entertaining these idiots>> <<@CapitalismHasNeverBeenTried says : You forgot to show the footage of all of the protestors and her encouraging them. But that wouldn’t have fit your neoliberal identity politics agenda, would it?>> <<@CapitalismHasNeverBeenTried says : They’re not trying to stop all trans people from doing their thing. They’re trying to stop people from the absurd and insane decision to let people who are minors make lifelong decisions that they can’t undo. These kids get sterilized and they often regret it. If we can’t trust parents to stop this insanity, then it should be illegal.>> <<@tamiwhite8233 says : Zooey got kicked out of the legislative session not because of anything related to gender, but for being a hate filled, obnoxious bully to a room full of colleagues. If that's why this person wanted to be in office, quit. No one has time for that.>> <<@amanhasnoname1510 says : What woman? I see a dude wearing woman’s clothes. That doesn’t make him a woman.>> <<@Katharine888 says : I am using this video as part of an assignment about bias in the media. It's really jarring to read other news publications, even ones that have a political bias, before watching this. There is almost no substance. Who wants to watch opinion and ad hominem attacks? At least I will have plenty to write about in my assignment.>> <<@hoomancan. says : All you guys do is stretch the truth or flat out lie.>> <<@hunternedib1119 says : Dad? What's that lump on Mom's throat? It's an Adam's Apple, son. All men have them!>> <<@amyma1076 says : What's wrong with this State? Why did they vote for a person who lie even his gender to be a lawmaker?>> <<@Googlegirl54 says : She wants to talk about PRAYER?? Well religions don't believe in ANY of this!!! Children's minds aren't equipt to make these decisions ESPECIALLY at such young ages. It's ridiculous!! Someone tell this weirdo they've been around since whenever! We're SICK of hearing about this!! They already knew what she had to say.. She said she disagreed , and said nothing else. So they went on with the vote. I guess blood is on her hands of the children that wish they NEVER did it. Watch the video. She said what she wanted. She isn't right.>> <<@BigHomieSteveTheMetalHead says : No healthy society would accept this tranz insanity as normal, I'm 31 years old and I never imagined legalizing ghey marriage would lead to tranzing children and all of the other insanity we're seeing. The last 6-10 years feels like we entered into an alternate dimension, social media and smartphones have brought western society to it's knees within a decade, I don't want to imagine what other horrors await us......>> <<@flibble89 says : He needs to be expelled from government, along with every democRat>> <<@dr00g35 says : for dumb people: kids transition is not surgeries or hormones day 1>> <<@mrganz101 says : How could a child know the gender difference in their own mind and body and affirming any changes that must take place. Under go surgery and the drug for male children that will chemically castrate them completely. This is the same drug our government uses to disinfect the rapist that attach women men and children in society! My child might like to drink beer because he sees his father drinking it. Does this mean I should allow such things? This is moronic behavior! This issue should not even be questioned to the validity of any constructive merits! The world and some people in it request us to have a lobotomy in order to go along with such changes! Thank you Montana State!>> <<@shara8956 says : I WISH MY PARENTS WOULDVE MADE ME WAIT! STOP THIS MADNESS PLEASE!!!!!!! NOT EVERY CHILD WHO THINKS THEYRE TRANS ARE TRANS!>> <<@CryptidMilky says : I hope she continues to scream it from the rooftops. She shouldn't have to apologize for anything; no one else ever does. It's her freedom of speech.>> <<@keithh.h396 says : great idea .... cut the balls off of young boys, chemically castrate children..... great idea. Folks get your rifles lets take care of these woke people>> <<@keithh.h396 says : how do you know they are transchild fuXJ you>> <<@keithh.h396 says : Unless you cut the cocks off of young boys you are a horrible person...... dont let weirdo like this control your state and children>> <<@republicansworstnightmare7576 says : I ain't into the lifestyle , and I don't agree living the lifestyle, but God have mercy on the homophobes that stand between me and what I choose to do!>> <<@MoonWitch77 says : She got banned for her BEHAVIOUR, not her GENDER !!!!>> <<@pa7749 says : This representative made this about one issue, when was about another… NO PUBLIC SERVANT IS AVOVE THE LAW or REGULATIONS. There are rules and regulations for a purpose, if you can’t abides by them how can you work on implementing it? This is NOT about feeling. Still you didn’t ask for forgiveness for breaking the regulations you swore to abide by .>> <<@MrOfcourseitsme says : Another thing - this person, Zephyr, includes LGB in her/his/whatever "fight". On this subject, it's strictly the T, and the rest in that acronym should speak out - being silent, what, are you afraid of the screaming crazies on your side?>> <<@MrOfcourseitsme says : No, sorry, the basis of what she said at the beginning of this video is off, making everything subsequent skewed. A child being trans is what needs to be looked at - a child who isn't allowed to drink, vote, drive, fight in the armed services and much more, but is allowed to be talked into being the "wrong gender". And because it comes out of the child's mouth, it is now gospel, and medicine given and medical procedures applied for which there is no sound data on long-term effects. You know who John Money is? I guarantee 90% of you don't. But his sick lies and abuse were ignored, and his "research" became canon in the medical communities. That isn't the only reason this trans push is absurd, but it is a huge one that progressives and media ignore.>> <<@traxagenda3445 says : Do liberals really think they can just say whatever they want and not get consequences from it?>>