<<@rodrigocampos2898 says : Ana explaining the stock image clip LMAO>> <<@ryanb9526 says : Of course this thief should repay what he stole. Would TYT be as indignant of the amount of restitution if he had stolen from an individual and not a giant corporation? 🤔>> <<@theunboxer3964 says : Oh well. Cheaters never win. Haha>> <<@Renegade2786 says : Game Over! PS: Next up, a hacker known as Robotnik, is going to go after Sega>> <<@kirikun5636 says : Well that's what you get for hacking video games and get caught>> <<@KuDastardly says : Isn't Bowser also the name of the CEO for Nintendo USA? As in Doug Bowser.>> <<@truestdude says : The fact that his name is Bowser makes this an instant classic 😅😅😅>> <<@Zuriki09 says : He was not a hacker. He did not "steal" anything and he definitely did not cause millions of dollars of damage. He sold access to copies of old games which are largely no longer available for retail purchase, literally $0 of damage for the vast majority of the cases.>> <<@joshuatewolde1837 says : THERE HE IS!! Are YOU The Hacker Pirate Responsible For These ‘Unauthorized Leaks’? YEEESSSS — YEEEESSS, I AAAAMMM!!! 😟 😢 Then On BEHALF Of The EMPLOYEES, CAST, CREW & TEAM Of NINTENDO, I PRESENT You With THIS ‘SUMMONS’ — To PAY For The $10M Pirating Damages Of Our COMPANY Games & SECRETS, YOU Will PAY 30% Of Your SALARY EVERY MONTH, For The REST OF YOUR LIFE. 😡 📑 Huh? 😮😢>> <<@apv5774 says : It's called Fuck Around and Find Out. I stand with Nintendo on this>> <<@alexlexusZXpredator says : 😮😮😮😮>> <<@danieldavis3565 says : I love TYT for its hypocrisy and its totally sexist b footage 🤣>> <<@RichardScholar says : Nice! Andrew Tate would blush that you acknowledged the Matrix 😂>> <<@protosonic17 says : With that outfit ana's rocking a nice claire redfield look>> <<@murderfaery5715 says : From what I heard the games that were pirated Nintendo no longer has in distribution and no longer makes any money off them. So no one was hurt. Nintendo is just upset that they aren't the ones making money.>> <<@BobfromSydney says : I agree with what you are saying about legal accountability for corporate crimes, but that doesn't excuse someone running a business that sells pirated software - it's very different from the crackers in the 90's who would provide pirated versions of games for free. Especially if this person shared in $300,000 of the profits from this criminal enterprise. This is not an abusive copyright strike or misuse of copyright to suppress speech, nor is it someone who pirated the game for their own use without any profit incentive. This is piracy as a business, which is exactly what copyright laws are meant to prevent. I remember watching videos and DVDs and they used to always start with a big copyright warning advising the penalty amounts on a per-breach basis. I think it would be insane to fine a kid $25,000 for pirating a game, but someone whose full time job is working at a business whose business plan is Piracy for profit? Fair game in my opinion.>> <<@i-yell-a-lot4906 says : THE FIRST JOB OF A HACKER IS TO NOT GET CAUGHT.>> <<@bisurker says : Man... and the cop that fired blindly into Breonna Taylor's apartment from outside only got fired.>> <<@winsweatherupdates6702 says : Nintendo will come after anyone who even ATTEMPTS any form of IP theft. Fair use is not even a concept to them. You draw a fan-art Mario?? That's a cease and desist. Record a mashup parody of Smash Bros and upload it? That's a lawsuit. Make funny skits with Nintendo puppets and upload it to YouTube? You've just committed a crime. They have no respect whatsoever for the fans that actually PROMOTE their content, nevermind what they will do to actual pirates.>> <<@bhambhole says : "Bowser was indicted" lol>> <<@Yoshizuyuner says : These people never even talk about the fact that he was selling ransome ware that can brick your entire system most rom hackers arent that evill but this one is special type of evil, the fact that they are selling something that can harm your own console is terrible specially bad for consumer that pays for it. Like yeah he didnt kill anybody but the hacker group was the most popular group online so its pretty obvious that they not going to hold back on them specially if there very well known for what they do. Its very ridicules to let any of that group off the hook for what they have done but the news dont care that hackers scammed millions of people with the ransome ware they sold to people that can damage or even brick your console. Its almost like they have no idea what they talking about, wont be surprising if they haven’t touch a game in years>> <<@punanyologist says : Nah all that for kidnapping the princess and leaving a toadstool in place video game worlds are messed up next thing they are gonna sue gannon>> <<@johndane3261 says : Hahaha. You guys were waiting for it hahahaha. Punchline hahahaha.>> <<@johndane3261 says : Could feel Ana wanted to laugh ^_^, as she said Gary Bowser ^_^. hahahaha. Wow.>> <<@johndane3261 says : Gary Bowser? Bwuahahahahahahah ^_^. The hacker of Nintendo is Gary Bowser ^_^? hahahahahaha>> <<@SlipperyPeteClassic says : Nintendo after falling on hard times: "Well, at least we have this guy's wage garnishment to keep us going!">> <<@alin81-82 says : This world is tilted to corporations. Its completely f'd up.>> <<@CyrussNP says : I was just talking to my brother about this the other night about how Nintendo doesn’t fuck around with their IPs>> <<@jamesnash6101 says : These companies will vigorously protect their intellectual property. At all costs. They will also send a crystal sparkling clear message, that we will crush anyone crossing that line. And that is exactly the message spoken loud and clear. "You mess with the bull, you'll get the horn. For the rest of your life">> <<@cheyamil says : Nintendo is a disgusting company always going with the worse options. They have a long history of killing YouTube channels with out real reasons.>> <<@TheLastLineLive says : 5:56 memories of Marvel Vs Capcom 2>> <<@mr.whisper3338 says : Cenk finally said what we were all thinking about the hacker's last name. 😂😂😂>> <<@jakebrandon7632 says : Glad to know this is more newsworthy than riots and assaults in Chicago.>> <<@Himel_Creeper_Bros says : I don't believe his real name is Bowser...Love for it to be true.>> <<@talyahr3302 says : I made a really cool t-shirt that says "Tax The Rich" on it with a Blue Shell (from Mario Kart) under it. And people have wanted to buy it but I already know Nintendo would come for me so I only made the one t shirt for myself 😂>> <<@talyahr3302 says : That's a bit much. They're just pissed because they were embarrassed.>> <<@rikcab says : How dare you think that you can steal from your 1% owners. Why do you think their republican puppets attempted a coup. Got to get rid of those Pesky Voting Rights! More Tax Cuts and Deregulations for the poor 1% job CREATORS!!!>> <<@Andysavage24 says : Nintendo probably paid prisoners to clap Bowser's cheeks.>> <<@FFM0594 says : If a Nintendo game costs $100 retail and they say they lost $65,000,000 then he would have had to have sold 650,000 copies just to match that figure. I sincerely doubt he did. This also presumes that everyone who bought the game(s) for $5 from Bowser would have otherwise bought it at full price from Nintendo. Judges are often the least tech-savvy people out there and blindly believe the sum presented to them by corporations in such cases. I would also suggest that Bowsers lawyer did a really bad job defending him. An indication that Bowser did not have the money to hire a good attorney.>> <<@jamesc7894 says : Stealing is wrong. Regardless of wealth.>> <<@jamesc7894 says : Nintendo owns their games, music and characters. No one else. I hope they get crushed legally.>> <<@MrBrownsugar85 says : lol all corporations are evil>> <<@mrhypnagogia says : How is becoming a slave legal???>> <<@TheBasedGreeg says : I’m curious what game(s) were being sold as pirated copies. I can understand going after them (not the punishment they actually received, just like a cease and desist) if they were doing it for recent games, like on Switch or something. But if these people were selling copies of an ancient game that’s no longer produced or sold, then that’s ridiculous.>> <<@RyaStarGames says : Nintendo is a horrible company that hates it's fans and is in a constant battle to make those fans suffer for the crime of enjoying Nintendo's games>> <<@gravity-zero2917 says : Good thing bowser is a villain 😅>> <<@Tlab0624 says : They obviously didn't watch Tetris. Nintendo does not play.>> <<@jeovanneramos5066 says : I agree with nintendo>> <<@dragoonzen says : Disgusting.>> <<@reeseseater12 says : So I get the point of trying to connect this story to that issue but since Bowser isn’t an employee (not that Bowser at least) and you didn’t connect Nintendo to wage theft it was a bit sloppy. I think it would’ve worked out a bit better if you brought up the labor complaints against Nintendo of America (there were a few last year I believe) to illustrate that corporations get away with more than people. (Btw, that complaint is mostly against NOA, the main branch in Japan is apparently amazing to work for; they banned crunch time and will delay projects, they recently increased worker pay, in the past executives took pay cuts to avoid layoffs, etc…) I think that bringing that up shows it’s American corporate culture that is the issue; same company but different practices in different countries>>