<<@magicray5088 says : Roger Ailes is responsible for Fox news and Trump ... Rupert always knew Trump was a fool ...or at least that is the way I heard it... in the movie Loudest voice , or another movie ... Rupert went after Roger and Roger said "It's all about the ratings ... it's not about anything else... Roger went as far to say it is not his job to protect America ... his job is about Fox news Ratings>> <<@ultrafuel2559 says : Sounds like Russian collusion-- Bu11$!t.>> <<@therealrobertbirchall says : Lock him up.>> <<@joefran619 says : He most likely did dirty deals that us little people don't know about.>> <<@joefran619 says : Murdock, Central Banks, all run by the same group.>> <<@wrongturnVfor says : Yeah, that is exactly how "news" networks work. What does TYT think they do? And the reason why they wait for "some stupid thing" is because this all is always political. They are not actually trying to change the rules. They NEED the media to lie, they just want them to lie in the MIC interest not in the interest of a random person that doesnt follow the MIC line. Which is why ALL the garbage on all networks including fox was spared till today. Now they are facing lawsuit after lawsuit (aka Flak in Chomsky world) because they are not toeing the MIC line. Same with Trump. 99% of washington is corrupt and they didnt care about it - ever. They are persecuting (no I did not trype that wrong) trump because he doesnt follow the MIC line. Doesnt mean he didnt do it, its just that it is only visible to them because he is not with the MIC program. Same with Fox. Again not that they didnt do it but it is only visible because they are now lying to appease their audience that is full of trumpists and not lying for MIC. Same with Clarence Thomas. Judges have been doing that since forever, but he is receiving flak because of his position on section 230 (the only judge that has made his opinion known) which is against google and meta. The only time when you face so called "consequences" is when people stop serving the corporate interest. Understanding that is important otherwise you might delude yourself into thinking this is justice. When infact what you are supporting is corporate tyranny. Not saying you should oppose this, just saying be aware so you are not inadvertently helping corporations in keeping everyone in line. It is the same thing as in geopolitics. Our "allies"/vassal states/puppet dictators can do whatever they want and we pretend they are somehow always "good". Countries that refuse to do what we ask them to - start bashing them for things they do wrong or sometimes for things they didnt do. It is the exact same thing at play with insitutions, companies and people here at home too. Also a lot of the times these cases are settled out of court because they dont want a legal precedent set. Check out Westmoreland vs CBS. With Fox, I knew corporations would want the out of court settlement because otherwise there might have been a precedent set for blatantly lying on networks. Then what happens when they have to promote "Iraq has WMD's" to warmonger against someone? Networks have lied witch actual malice across the board for decades. They dont wanna geopardise that. They gave the flak, got Fox back in line and moved on. Does the public get the protection from media lies? nope. it just serves the MIC interests.>> <<@davidpresnell1734 says : How much will he have left for her to clean him out. She waited too long. She's too late.>> <<@Jabbawocki1 says : senile old fart the world would be better off without>> <<@suzibikerbabe8073 says : Dominion is just another greedy company. Settling doesn't restore their reputation, now I don't trust them.>> <<@kkorrupt89 says : What the hell is in the background of the first pic of murdoch wearing a hat? It looks like a naked little person>> <<@Fellow117 says : Truth matter! Pay back time!>> <<@saabguy303 says : Ah Man,You Can't Make It Up!>> <<@randyc9700 says : Sick Puppies- You're Going Down>> <<@sarahwilson4859 says : This man is weird, and he looks clogged up πŸ™„>> <<@MW66VB says : So, if Murdoch got trump to get laws passed favorable to his business, Shouldn't Trump have been required to register as a foreign agent since Murdoch is not an American citizen?>> <<@physicallymentallyemotiona6490 says : It does seem that a immigrant owned company would spout anti immigration policies πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ i gues thia shows him how his employees feel about him, πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ the irony of it ia priceless πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@tstemen1047 says : Quid pro crow……..>> <<@richardsinger3962 says : Murdoch is another piece of crap like trumpy dumpty>> <<@roughhabit6496 says : My recollection is that Trump did go to the Capital to stop the riot.>> <<@roughhabit6496 says : Quit latin bro>> <<@roughhabit6496 says : I reckon anonymous sources have more veracity the NY Times.>> <<@pjmvdbroek says : Murdoch should be banned from publishing>> <<@jonathanb3255 says : Its amazing reading comments here calling fox viewers oblivious and comments on fox videos calling lefties oblivious. We're all just so screwed and thats exactly how centralized govt and massive corporations want it...>> <<@kevinwashington8965 says : Fox πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@odetteredd4763 says : Trump will get his kick back from Murdock over time. I connections are just so apparent.>> <<@facebookiseffedup says : NOT BAD enough>> <<@ljacobs357 says : Doesn’t matter. Fox News viewers will continue to watch and believe their misinformation.>> <<@tsunami2447 says : Why would any of that implode Fox News?>> <<@jrcenteno1896 says : I wish { hope } that this lawsuit against FOX fake news , opinionated , Lying network results , not only in the huge amount of money they have to pay out , but also some rational , guardrails for FOX , and any other networks that try reporting unproven news ! That should not be acceptable in America ! That's like Propaganda , and it causes damage to the slow witted , mentally challenged viewer's. It's very harmful , and it's brainwashing Americans into believing LIES ! So I hope this lawsuit helps the Country on that important issue/ problem in America.>> <<@markopecinovic4475 says : Murdoch is an international propagandist, why are ALL western countries ignoring that fact?>> <<@CashRules660 says : Why is "killing two birds with one stone" considered "inappropriate" now? I'm a little confused..>> <<@barbarahayes2028 says : Murdock divorce is just moving assets out of reach of his financial consequences>> <<@hangingwithuncle4269 says : Poor Rupert, I hope he loses everything!>> <<@thefisherking78 says : Oh no. Anyway... what's for lunch?>> <<@paulstatz5188 says : Is that a topographical map of the Rockies Oh it's Rupert's face My God methuselah needs to retire He's buying the soul of America It's my park get your oil well out of it>> <<@JillRhoads says : This fracking seems to be one of those wierd events that even seems "oddly off even for not-normal". There were several others that I can think of....A Russian cyber-security conference in 2015-16(?) that told the attendees to watch out for a new astonishing attack (Rachel Maddow reported), the T***P Innauguration fund being much much bigger than any other presidents but having smaller venues and spending (again Rachel Maddow reported among others), and finally my "favorite" was one of the first peel back legislation by T***P was for lifting checks for ppl with "severe mental illness". All of these seemed "oddly off even for not-normal"....>> <<@ShabumkinSpleen says : Quid Pro Crow... Come on John, that's a book title right there! πŸ˜„ Right up your alley.>> <<@nedpoines8104 says : America will rue the day that they invited the Fox into the hen house!>> <<@vickycameron632 says : WE HAVE TOO MANY SENILE OLD MEN THINKING THEY CAN STILL RULE THE WOLD!>> <<@rwags6848 says : Weaponising the government Gym? Perhaps investigate in your own backyard! A view from afar>> <<@rwaanabarnes7166 says : Dude is 92 smh he don't care about none of us or what we think. He is going to die a billionaire and give billions to conservative groups to continue their hate campaigns>> <<@stubbywankenobi1 says : I’m so disappointed that the political opinions of a 92 year old Australian are what guide conservatives agendas>> <<@Kiki-en9vm says : I don't care about Fox at all, they are the evil that is destroying America by feeding them lies for decades now.>> <<@BNA_Est.1988 says : How is he not in rigormortis?>> <<@aarontrompeterrealestatebr6159 says : Rupert, Hannity and Carlson are no different than the kid with the classified documents. Traitors.>> <<@celestecanyon says : Alot of white washing and spinning going on from some of the fash now. Ultimately, fix news and the murder-ochs tried to coup for trump, for all to see. Any other info from them now is damage control, reputation laundering and spin. They're criminals>> <<@randalramsook5445 says : Rachel pop belly levine is really a dude.>> <<@richardmcmanus2087 says : Maybe Murdock is way better than your famed NSA>> <<@Fourtondragon says : Can you guys do a montage of Carlson saying it was AntiFa, then him saying they were tourists?>> <<@phcalama says : Multiple birds killed by one windmill....>>