<<@TeffyJeffy says : evil>> <<@randomlyweirdjeff4638 says : Here in Kentucky it's the same thing. This affects 1 in 6 people and 1 in 5 children. Met Gap reported that this year 20.7% of Kentucky children live in food insecure households. In 2021 the percentage was 15.2%. In Eastern Kentucky 1 in 5 people face food insecurity. I am one of them. I am disabled and with what I get every month my grocery list is small. I was once a child who benefited from free lunches. Conservatives say they are pro life but they are also pro poverty and starvation. Our minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.>> <<@ToddMorris-j3o says : It is your responsible to care for poor kids when you have à printing press that prints all kinds of money and you freemason's can say what it's worth.Besides it's by faith our money supply has worth.Because the money is not backed by gold. So faith in the dollar says it's worth.Who are the freemason's your elite congressman both Democrat and Republicans.They care not for the poor and hate Jesus Christ because he loves the poor.Besides now on to lord helps they are a deceptive religious group under Christ but think they are god not god himself Jesus Christ.How do they know what my motives are .My motive is to stop the new world order.They gave themselves away when they exposed my plans.Only the illuminati trys to stop people from stopping the new world order.>> <<@howardannis3459 says : More fake news>> <<@TheCoolJavelin7 says : Pro life until the kid is hungry>> <<@codyadams3702 says : HMM...... "Is it the responsibility of the school district or the state of North Dakota to make sure that children are fed?" Well, seems how kids are required to go to school by law, I'd say yes. Prisoners get three free meals but we can't feed the kids. I'm not sure why republicans are so against helping people in need. They'd rather give tax cuts to the wealthy.>> <<@SomeRandomBod says : If there’s a group of ppl in society taking more welfare, doing less work, ruining more lives & stealing more money than politicians I’ve not found them.>> <<@MusicAsWeMakeIt says : The Republicans are protecting the pig and chicken and meat farm corporations as well as big pharma. The meals come with a caveat that they are healthy. Plant based alternatives are likely a part of the package such as Meatless Mondays or No Fried Fridays. It's NOT today, it's tomorrow. These young people growing up eating healthy means what? They will continue to eat healthy as adults. If diabetes were to drop 25% in America, big pharma would lose billions. It's the stuff OTHER THAN insulin they make money on. Don't be fooled. The Republicans are the board of the Corporation of the United States of America. The Democrats are the shareholders wanting to make profits legit. 😅>> <<@fredmichaels418 says : Mike Wobbema Republican Party North Dakota State Senate District 24 Tenure 2020 - Present Term ends 2024 Years in position 3 Compensation : Base salary $537/ monthly x12 =$6,444 annual salary Per diem $205/day $ 6,150 / monthly x 12 = $73,800 annual Per diem + $ 6,444 annual salary = $80,244 yearly for the Rubenesque Fellow from Valley City . Not sure if the recent meal Per diem increase for lawmakers is factored in . If not , add $120 for the little fellows annual meal voucher .>> <<@robreed8823 says : You forgot to mention that this is free money coming from the feds!>> <<@RKabasaC says : I love how abortion is so important to them. But after children are born they don’t give a crap about them.>> <<@hooker4749 says : are you kidding me...these people are all social benefits when your in government free total and complete health care free housing allowance, plane trips, all travel, meals, any all expenditures, BULLSHIT>> <<@rob214 says : This is totally insane these politicians waste enough money to pay for this program and feed our hungry children it's not rocket science>> <<@maukwa420 says : These people won't give poor kids 40 a month for food, but they want 45 a day............>> <<@vincentdinatale6962 says : Hunger is the problem of HUMANITY! The USA is infected with greed, selfishness and cruelty!>> <<@eleanormattice3598 says : ❤sad sad fools>> <<@coloradocrone says : no one seems to care>> <<@Kat57Mar says : Do these Republicans claim to be Christians? It doesn't matter. God's word says to feed the poor.>> <<@AP-op4rc says : I’d be so ashamed to try to argue taking away children’s lunches over money. Must be an easy life when you have 0 empathy.>> <<@rayrayray2620 says : The Republican party is the United State's Hamas. America's Taliban. Basically, the Republicans are terrorists.>> <<@user-te4bf6ye7r says : How the kids gone learn if they starving all day>> <<@mrp1zz492 says : Politicians are PAID with US TAX MONEY are you KIDDING ME? They don't deserve food or homes because they didn't earn it themselves! OR we could start using tax money that is being used and abused anyway and instead use it for EVERYONE since EVERYONE pays TAXES not just politicians.>> <<@SteveGeselle says : Republicans are not Christians. They are evil and downright mean I wish I had the right to take all their rights away.>> <<@blaska7131 says : " yes I can understand kids going hungry, but is that really the problem of the state?">> <<@annem.parent8580 says : Matthew 18:10 ESV / “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven. I see this lawmaker eating a sandwich for lunch in front of a child not to share. Then I can see this lawmaker in front of God for all his sins and call the devil to take him away from his sight!!!!>> <<@cheskydivision says : 45$ is more then a month of school lunches for a student.>> <<@firerabbit2659 says : If you've ever wondered if today's conservatives are just pragmatic and principled or actually just selfish REMEMBER THIS STORY. They're selfish. They're not fiscally conservative, they're just pieces of shit.>> <<@Valerie-uw2qd says : We have MET NEW HOMELESS Republicans in N. ENGLAND, who GAVE ALL Wages & Housing 💰💵💸 , TO Con BOY TRAITOR Trump>> <<@joshm6683 says : While democrats push children into sex change and force lgbt onto children. No wonder the superior brics nations laugh at what America has become. Americans have no representation from right or left side.>> <<@asinglemaleinuk says : Please don’t equate the support of Ukraine with this insanity of starving Americans. Ukrainian children women and men in Ukraine, an independent democracy, are being systematically murdered by Putin. If Putin is not stopped in Ukraine he has already stated he want to take other European countries. I have lived and worked in Lviv , Ukraine and visited Kyiv several times. Ukraine people are just like you and me.>> <<@asinglemaleinuk says : Thats commie stuff . In a capitalist system if you can’t provide for yourself or family- tough- you die, its your fault. None of this WOKE commie ideas, Americans are Christians …… ( for those who are without critical thinking skills this is called sarcasm)>> <<@1m2rich says : Certainly doesn't stop at Congressional greed. Their pockets fat with corporate funds.>> <<@michaelroberts1120 says : Free school lunches for American children: no way! Free money by the billions for Israel and Ukraine: We're all (Democrats and Republicans) on board with that!>> <<@robwilkes8436 says : It's the responsibility of the PARENTS, not the GOVERNMENT, to feed their children. However, incresing their own per diem is loathsome and reprehensible.>> <<@CountryMusicMann says : Where does it stop? How about when every kid here in ND can go to bed full and happy and healthy? Oh, the horror!>> <<@truckerthug66 says : They can send millions to Ukraine and billions for non citizens but can feed hungry kids of this country? The government sucks they are not for American people>> <<@Sassmouth4.0 says : That's almost a direct quote from JC.. just look it up in the bible!>> <<@andrewblackmon6251 says : If stops with you I’m sure they can live without paying your salary too>> <<@T-money0985 says : WAIT! They get BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER!!! WHY???>> <<@robertchartrand837 says : Sick bastards.>> <<@brewberry3894 says : The republicans are clearly villians. They attack freedom at every turn.>> <<@barbaradevine2100 says : Wakeup voters in North Dakota & S. Dakota! Republicans are invested in keeping you in poverty & powerless. Grab them by your voting power. Kick them out & vote for someone who has a record of protecting/ giving voters economic opportunitues.>> <<@kisha3688 says : Republicans crack me up they talked about abortion and about saving the lives of children but yet when the children get here they don't want to protect them and they don't want to feed them or have them be taken care of the Republican is full of crazy people>> <<@michaelpalczewski6421 says : That Republican looked like he could stand to miss a few meals.>> <<@maxtornogood says : This GOP is so concerned about the wellbeing of kids, *NOT!*>> <<@TheFlutecart says : Republicans suck my any measure. And they are not popular lately. We may be witnessing their demise.>> <<@eidolon737 says : "First we're feeding hungry children...where does it stop? Will we pay for sick children's treatment next? The inhumanity! Btw we identify as God fearing Christians."🤔🤨 Say what?>> <<@TruLdy says : HYPOCRITES, HOPE THEY CHOKE ON THEIR MEALS! Im so pissed off!! Greedy pos repukes who cry about saving a fetus calling it a baby yet not wanting to help them after.>> <<@ancientburner says : K F C>> <<@heathergoodwin2265 says : I bet he's anti-choice too! There's the real irony for you, it also illustrates anti-choice ≠pro-life>>