<<@EmsDude says : My rights don’t end where your fear begins.>> <<@bananapanda9805 says : Words cannot express my frustration and rage>> <<@darthcravus says : The republican base claims to be pro life. I don't think they know the meaning>> <<@creaturecore13 says : The idea that we had a ban on assault weapons is factually incorrect. Assault weapons where around for decades before and people bought them in mass. During the "ban" assault weapons where not banned, but certain cosmetic features. So no adjustable stock or a threaded barrel. Both of which do nothing to the lethality of the gun. There is nothing special about the ar15, its just a rifle that is popular because of its modularity of parts and the fetishization of it in the right wing. It is no more dangerous then a rifle with a wooden stock and removable magazine. There are more guns then people in this country, banning it wont do anything and people will just buy guns that look slightly different. If we started over with no guns in the country, yeah, strict laws would work, but now this is dumb. There are laws that would actually help and the right wing wont go for them, but banning AR15s and 30 round standard capacity magazines isn't going to change anything. Also while there are more mass shootings with people going after schools, work places, and other personal reasons to them, overall gun homicides are down from where they used to be decades ago and relatively stable since the 90s. Going down steadily then picking back up slightly the last 7 or so years. What has gone down significantly since the 90s is the number of people shot. We went from 1.5 million to under 500k people actually victimized by guns. The issue is people on the left like you know nothing about guns and know nothing about how to properly make laws to help and people on the right who refuse to do anything that is common sense.>> <<@yolandasoto5815 says : Maby since he knew them maby the gun law will change>> <<@renardleblanc5556 says : Doesn't this governor have better things to do than dwell on THOTs and players? Not very upstanding of him.>> <<@bobbieballinger3523 says : When there is a mass shooting the right doubles down on guns & saying more guns will make us safer..When? Cause it isn't working!! 🙄🙄🙄>> <<@bobbieballinger3523 says : Republicans will talk about every thing except gun control & women's reproductive rights!!!>> <<@stevenbottin8260 says : This is were you get it wrong. Most shootings ate carried out by a hand gun not a rifle. Also the AR15 is not a fully automatic firearm. What is a assault weapon?>> <<@DesertVox says : It's EITHER God+Guns OR NoGod+NoGuns. An atheist society is by definition a mentally unstable and morally blind society. Basically, it's like living in an asylum run by dem0nic spirits that possess people to do their bidding.>> <<@thevoidnews9617 says : List your statistics while making a claim 61% of Americans want assault rifles banned. Also, let's say you get your stupid want. What's to stop someone using multiple pistols, multiple magazines from doing exactly what this shooter did? Nothing. If you somehow got rid of "assault weapons" you would still have mass shootings with pistols and I'm pretty sure they are cheaper.... so.... nonsense. I think it's china or Japan, but what they have is not mass shootings sure... but they have mass stabbings. A crazy person is going to crazy. Guns are not the common denominator that matters, there is another... mental illness, you don't randomly kill a bunch of civilians without being fked in the head.>> <<@Renegade2786 says : Back to regular scheduled program of a hetreo whyte man doing a mass sh00ting>> <<@hareth3911 says : The real reason of most problems is hides deeply , so it’s not as simple as guns , it’s bullying that leads to mental illness that leads to owning guns>> <<@scottscott232 says : I love Cenk's sincerity and passion. We are talking about the indiscriminate destruction of human life using assault weapons.>> <<@danielcubas1 says : A list of groups at the right considers undesirable, unworthy, problematic, And beneath them, blacks, LGBT plus, people with disabilities, and anybody who disagrees with them. they want to keep their guns because it’s the second amendment right that they have. However, they have not considered the rights of other people. It’s easy for them to put murderers on death row and or half police shoot them. any program that is put in place to help people with disabilities including mental illness are considered a waste for most Republicans. to summarize, they want to keep their guns and have people who commit murder even if they are disabled killed off. What can we expect from these people? They want to cut social services and other funding even for those who have not done anything wrong. The Bible says to love those who persecute you and your enemies. Whatever Bible these Republicans are reading from, it is certainly not the one I am. And for those on the left that despise religion and the belief in a god, keep thinking that the world would be just fine without spiritual beliefs. It would be the same thing as it is today, if not worse. you also make fun of other people just as the right does. Some of you can also become uncaring, insensitive, and selfish. The left and right are the cause for the downhill of America. both parties are hypocritical and have an attitude of superiority which has infected most of the people that follow these two parties. this country has gotten drunk from the American exceptionalism lie. isn’t it interesting how since the foundation of this country we have considered particular groups inferior to us? We have even said that a lot of them were half a human. We have treated them bad in every way imaginable. And even now, we ostracize/marginalize certain groups. yet, we still have the audacity to ask where is God in all of this. Don’t ask for the help of God you do not believe in. We have brought this upon ourselves. It’s time that we fixed our own mess. It seems as if the United States is the place where paranoia is rampant. everybody needs a gun just in case somebody attacks them. Nobody wants to know why the other person decides to attack. people exaggerate too much as well. Day in and day out, Republicans and Democrats go to restaurants and bars not knowing if the person whom is serving them is a democrat or republican. America has become an insane asylum and some of us would like to escape from it.>> <<@danielcubas1 says : It is sad that another one of these shootings has taken place, and people are not willing to do anything about it. I would like to take the discussion beyond the second amendment. I don’t think that most Republicans are advocating for guns because of what the second amendment says, I believe that they’re using the second amendment as a façade. they are in love with guns and other kind of weapons. The second amendment is just an excuse to have them. Republicans want to look good on the outside. They want others to admire them for the things that they do. some if not most Republicans, love themselves and their own. The Bible, morality, and whatever else they use to show their goodness it’s just a cover. These are people who have hijacked Christianity. just as atheists don’t believe in God, these people don’t believe in him as well. Just because you say you go to church, you say that you do good things, and you advocate for supposed rights does not make you a Christian. The actions that the Republican party has taken do not align with biblical principles. The mistake that the left is making is that they think that all Christians are Republicans, which is not true. As we have seen most of the time, once again they will avoid responsibility by saying that these shootings are due to people who are mentally ill. It’s always somebody else’s fault why Something Happens. as long as this keeps happening, people with intellectual disabilities, depression, and other illnesses will be stigmatized and marginalized. These people are wolves in sheep‘s clothing, and the left is not seeing that. republicans say that people who have a mental illness should be helped, but at the same time they’re taking Services away from them. I think the reason why Republicans are advocating for guns is not for self-defense, but it is because they want to appear tough, it is for enjoyment purposes, end it is to make themselves bigger.>> <<@johnkirkman2849 says : I hunt hogs and use a Winchester 30/30. Works just fine. Actually better than a AR-15. If you need that to shoot a hog you're a pretty crappy shot.>> <<@amercanmade2685 says : Here are some true Facts for you all In the category of per capita firearms homicides, the United States is #32. Despite being the #1 gun owning nation on earth. Of the 31 nations above the US on the list, 29 of them have outlawed civilian firearms ownership, entirely. The nations above the US in per capita firearms homicides are as follows: El Salvador, Venezuela, Guatemala, Columbia, Honduras, Brazil, Puerto Rico, The Bahamas, Virgin islands, Mexico, Trinidad, Belize, Dominican Republic, St Kitts, Panama, Guyana, Jamaica, Haiti, St Lucia, St Vincent, The Philippines, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Iraq, Ecuador, Lesotho, Somalia, Palestine, South Africa, Mali, Barbados>> <<@19stacymoore says : 60% of Americans do not want to get rid of “assault weapons”. Cenk lies and TYTs lie.>> <<@trebrown8144 says : Is this the part where he cries and tells us he wants to take our guns? Sounds like a sacrafice too me. Fake bots in the comments make buy more guns we see the agenda.>> <<@tinbender28086 says : That same governor will do NOTHING about it>> <<@benniecohens226 says : You are not going to do nothing lmmao>> <<@courtneydurham8429 says : This is what it'll take for change. People in power, Republicans in particular, losing people they love.>> <<@visionhawk4403 says : I live in Louisville, I was born here, and I have lived here most of my life. I'm 50 years old and remember what it was like during the 80s and 90s. Whenever someone was shot in this city, it was so shocking to hear, because that just wasn't common. But these days, not a day seems to go by without someone being shot. The surgeon at University hospital where the victims were taken, explained how having two or three gunshot victims come into the ER everyday is now a regular occurrence. Louisville used to be a pretty safe city, except for maybe a couple of neighborhoods but even those neighborhoods deemed "bad" were nothing like this. This mass shooting has shocked a lot of people here but there are still idiots clinging to their guns in fear that they may be taken away. And the lack of a background check to purchase a gun is just the most ridiculous thing. I don't own a gun and I don't own a gun because I have a severe mental illness that I've lived over half of my life with. This particular shooter, from what I've heard locally, had heard he was going to be fired and went into a bad depression. He called people for help and he got none. He bought the gun on April 4th and this mass murder happened just 6 days later. That tells me that he bought that particular gun, at a local dealer, and legally, just to perform this heinous act. Something has got to be done and Kentucky needs to wake the hell up and stop catering to the NRA and gun zealots.>> <<@phillyphil1513 says : CALLING BALLOON HEAD CHARLIE KIRK...!!! CALLING BALLOON HEAD CHARLIE KIRK...!!!>> <<@smtnwld1 says : I've said it before nothing will ever change until their very own are affected with a mass shooting. Republicans believe that as long as it doesn't affect them personally it's all thoughts and prayers. Just wait till some prominent republican or NRA official loses a close family member or their own life in a mass shooting. Thoughts any prayers will change over night to actions. Time and again they have proven to be NIMBY's. .>> <<@veteranLT3373 says : The shooter in Nashville didn’t use a AR 15. Used a pistol caliber carbine. Spread more misinformation like main stream news>> <<@veteranLT3373 says : You still need a background to buy a gun not to have the license because you’ve passed one to get the gun 7:31 your wrong when you say you don’t need a background check to buy a gun. Please educate yourselves on gun laws. You all sound ridiculous.>> <<@lindapalka2058 says : Here's my point, Karma. You play, you pay, and he's paying.>> <<@alexjespersen1128 says : All lifes matter- but free acess to guns matter more... Your gun laws are too liberal.>> <<@wildboy700 says : 2nd Republican Governor who just so happened to know the victims. Hmmm...🤔. I'm starting to wonder if these Republicon Governors are now starting to ice off anyone that happens to disagree with them in their own circle. Don't believe me. Look at Nulvaney, he b itching about stomach pains again in Russia. But, thoughts and prayers, and until next week everyone.>> <<@keepinitreal6547 says : If you look up the statistics...handguns are used 74% of the time in mass shootings. So Cenk's claim about the AR-15 always being used in these shootings is false. The media only focuses on the shootings that are carried out with AR-15s.>> <<@ianmonam7439 says : Is this governor in favor of AR15s being available to the public?>> <<@dadada486 says : What Cenk says at 3:45 isn't controversial at all...in fact it's tragically and ironically hilarious!>> <<@dadada486 says : I don't know how Americans can go about their day to day lives without feeling extremely jumpy at the first sign of something that might sound like gunfire>> <<@jameslawler6336 says : I can't remember who it was, but this year some representative here in Tennessee tried to introduce a bill which would legalize "Any weapon that can not be carried by a single person" and it went on to specifically mention essentially grenade launchers. I don't remember the exact wording but it said something about 1.5 inch diameter projectiles>> <<@raharmonnelson7537 says : Maybe he will care now.... lmao... he will not.... nothing will change.... so don't cover him and give him and sympathy or credit>> <<@botswanareaper says : I wonder how many people have to die before the actual fear of dying from a mass shooting becomes higher than the fear of government tyranny to the gun activists>> <<@Emonduh says : gun violence not important It's a myth Victims they never matter The real question is the gun okay Coz guns matters so is Scooby Doo>> <<@lovemetender497 says : Sad>> <<@JohnnyThacker says : White supremacy will destroy America. This force is on its way.>> <<@dzibanart8521 says : Most american politicians are morally bankrupt. U.u>> <<@LukeMcGuireoides says : When I was young gun nuts were seen as just that - nuts, weirdos. Not just by liberals, but by people in general. Now being a gun nut is a badge of honor.>> <<@chrisoffersen says : I’m going to look for some reporting on how an assault weapons ban would be implemented. Just stop selling new ones? Removing already sold ones? There are just so many… this would be a huge operation… just logistically>> <<@toddcott9510 says : I have put of my visit to the US, for the unforseen future. I would feel safer holidaying in Ukraine.>> <<@johndor7793 says : THE POLICE HAVE TO CARRY SHIELDS AS STANDARD EQUIPMENT IN THEIR CARS FFS!>> <<@meltondyer5275 says : I've said this before, and I will say it again, nothing is ever going to change until the Republican party are voted out of power. The Republican party, and the corporate Democrats who enable them do not give a shit how many lives are cost, vote the bastards out, vote for politicians who will not take money from gun manufacturers, corporations, and Multi billionaire.>> <<@ktmggg says : Why wouldn't a ban on assault weapons work? Abortion has been banned in several states and now women can't get abortions.>> <<@JeffRL1956 says : So what's the governor going to do about it? More thoughts and prayers? "Too soon" to do anything?>> <<@eldoc2020 says : Cop's getting brain surgery? Bring Hans Delbruk. 🧐>>