<<@brianbrodkorb45 says : Could Candace even SOLVE this WOF puzzle: " _ANDACE _S _N _DIOT"?>> <<@brianbrodkorb45 says : I'm sure it's a REWARD for all of his TREASONOUS decisions!>> <<@brianbrodkorb45 says : Tennessee Republicans are obviously AMERICA HATERS!>> <<@ShadowFoxSF says : 25:35 The republicans there are throwing off some serious "Dark Crystal: Age of Rebellion", Skeksis vibes. And the protesters are the Gelflings.>> <<@AltrTheEgo says : "Matt Taibi is like if you bought your propagandists on fiver" that got me 😂>> <<@linonaranjo1023 says : Candance Owens is black but she identified as white supremacist>> <<@4lovebysara says : "Gender affirming surgeries", on the very rare time that they happen to someone underage, it's probably like 16 with parental consent. But also people hear "Gender affirming surgery" and immediately think top or bottom surgery & that isn't all there is. There are things like FFS (facial feminization surgery) where, yes, it may be irreversible, but it's just making cheekbones more pronounced & sculpting the face a bit. Not exactly "castration" like the QOP wants you to think. But ultimately there are VERY FEW people that would get to a Gender affirming surgery without YEARS of therapy, living as the other gender, conversations about what happens after, etc. It isn't like you can just have a consultation & surgery because it sounds good one day. Even HRT will take a LOT of doctors & psychiatrists before a person is allowed on these things. So if a 16 y/o can drive a lethal weapon, which could also change someone's life forever if you were to have a severe accident, I don't see why we couldn't/wouldn't approve gender affirming care & smaller surgeries for kids who are 16+, with parental consent, who have been living as their preferred gender since they were 7 y/o. If someone can exhibit their gender for that long, the likelihood of regret after surgery goes down (I would assume - I haven't seen studies or anything).>> <<@MeganAnne-HeyokaEmpath says : Nope we are calling for his Resign for the #Crimebill humanity issues>> <<@Z1zero5 says : Gd right John!>> <<@georgearmour5259 says : Candace is a aunt Tom ass propped up by the Gop to rant about all the hate she has for blacks the LGBTQ and she’s a despicable bitch>> <<@229Mike says : This is too long format. 2 hours?! I got lucky and FF to 58 mins and that seem good talking on the subject. Welcome>> <<@kristenbaker1597 says : I agree with Ben about not doing irreversible reproductive surgery on minors. HOWEVER, the science is still evolving on this and since it is not a black and white issue there are exceptions. Therefore, I just take it from a position that it is NOT the government's role to make laws about anyone's bodies including children. We need to trust doctors, psychologists, and parents to help that decision making of children unless it is specific abuse then the government can step in. My point is at this stage of understanding the government should not step in at all to pass any anti-transgender laws even regarding surgery. Child surgery laws should be the same for all children whether they identify as transgender or not. This is a complex issue, but it is a simple issue if we argue from the standpoint that it just isn't the government's role period...like abortion. Government doesn't have place in regulation of bodies.>> <<@margoryplacha4374 says : You can not just silence someone for speaking their mind. Just because it is not your opinion>> <<@rockstargirl213 says : Damn, I am so proud of those men. 🔥🔥 #youareNotalone>> <<@hermanyanto1338 says : All right than ! It's time to put a American born Muslim in the Supreme Court to revive my God to honest Faith in this equal opportunity USA.,🙁🤔🇺🇸>> <<@homeaccount7977 says : Love the double standard when insurrectionists storm a capitol's chamber while in session. The irony is top notch.>> <<@allenarthur6597 says : We can see Republican Tennessee is apparently racist who woulda thought they've also been bought and sold by the NRA>> <<@StoveToTheFace says : I'm glad Ben admitted he was wrong/misinformed on trans sports issues and he was open to learn. I personally hated that segment Ben and Cenk did because it was obvious they didn't know what they were talking about. I hope Cenk will admit he was wrong too like Ben but honestly I doubt it.>> <<@scottfinnie.copisamajordf.5758 says : TRUMP IS GOD>> <<@robinpickett592 says : Insurrectionist anti constitution criminals.>> <<@KlausJLinke says : In a sane country, the TN GOP would be punished at the polls for abuse of power. From the comments I've seen on MSNBC, they'll be rewarded for their racism.>> <<@sgraham1hotmailcom says : 1:30:55 Candace Owen's arguments are intelligent and fact based as I've come to expect from her, over the years.>> <<@dianeclarkson9607 says : If decorum was the concern of the Republicans, Margerie would have been expelled for heckling the POTUS, Lauren would be expelled for the same, and Josh would have been expelled for his fist in the air and encouraging the insurrection, along with the Congress people who provide tours to some of those rioters. And, oh, they would have definitely supported the impeachment of donald trump. Such racist hypocrisy.>> <<@kristenbaker1597 says : So confused by Candace Owens...so if segregation of race is horrible then shouldn't segregation of gender also be horrible??? Do we not have a SPECTRUM of race. We also have a SPECTRUM of gender. Very few of us are all white or all Black...according to DNA testing...we are not all female nor all male either according to scientists. Definitely we have a majority percentage of genetics..i.e. majority white or Black and majority male or female. However truth is we all are a mix of humanity! This woman pretends she is smart while being so low IQ and misinformed it would be laughable if she didn't have a following of equally stupid sheep. Discrimination in all forms is ignorant to the point of stupid!>> <<@barrone9317 says : Democracy is dead ☠️>> <<@rationalbasis2172 says : The Constitution of the State of Tennessee specifically allows members of the legislature to dissent from proceedings which they believe injurious to the public weal. Viz: Tennessee Constitution, Article II, Section 27: "Any member of either House of the General Assembly shall have liberty to dissent from and protest against, any act or resolve which he may think injurious to the public or to any individual, and to have the reasons for his dissent entered on the journals." Seems like the Constitution of the State is now a dead letter.>> <<@crowfoot7355 says : How in Dafuq is there no code of ethics for the Supreme Court???>> <<@kristenbaker1597 says : Ben is the best! We need people who research issues and are willing to then change their opinions. This is called personal growth, and then we all benefit. Full disclosure...I was raised by fundamentalist Christian Conservative parents, and although ended up Liberal and rejected political Conservatism, I was originally against same sex marriage (despite being LGBTQ myself 🤔) only for the adoption aspect thinking two men or two women being allowed to raise a child would be an "unfair" disadvantage to that child. Then I became a single mother, obtained a degree in psychology, and realized sex didn't matter. All that matters is at least one supportive parent. I had two parents...traditional male and female relationship...neither were supportive. Sometimes we are correct in our initial beliefs...other times we aren't. Learning is the most morally correct path ❤. None of us are perfect in our beliefs...we should judge others if they are willing to listen, if they are willing to learn, and if they are willing to change! That is a reflection of the heart.>> <<@donaldwilliams901 says : @DragonforgedLïo, Sweden is known to be far, far liberal & progressive, even more so than California. I am sure the ban was based on an independent & scientific study. Just because the parents & doctors was against gender affirming care does not make them anti-trans. Now remember: trust the parents and the doctors to make their own decisions for their children.>> <<@jondoe6786 says : Isn't candace owens Trans..? Why would he/she hate on his/her own...SUUUUURE LOOKS THE PART...>> <<@donaldwilliams901 says : @Matthew Sutherland In Great Britain, the NHS closed the Tavistock child gender identity clinic due to a scathing independent review.>> <<@donaldwilliams901 says : @Mechanic 66 @Jesus Raphael Look up foreskin restoration.>> <<@kristenbaker1597 says : I was a tiny (5' 1" height and 115 lbs weight) top female athlete able to compete with MALES! So this "save female sports" bullshit is sexist to begin with. There are some advantages in males with strength, but there are other advantages in females with endurance and coordination (also important factors in athletic performance). This is proven scientifically. All of this is damn nonsense! The ONLY valid scientific issue is males tend to have higher muscle to fat ratio meaning females could be hurt more easily when participating with males, which would negatively affect transgender boys more than transgender girls. Transgender girls WILL NOT have an unfair advantage. Focus on transgender girls mainly is so degrading to women athletes and uplifts the sexism thinking males are better at sports in general! We live on the boarder of Mexico and there was no local competitive girls soccer team so my daughter was allowed to play on the boys team. It was an amazing experience. All of the young boys accepted her...everyone grew from the experience. We need diversity in sports especially at the lower levels because it allows everyone to reach their full athletic abilities via competition whether male, female, or transgender!>> <<@brettmitchell8 says : I would love to be educated on this subject as well because I truly worry about women’s rights. Serena Williams publically has said she can’t compete with men cause there is just a biological difference. I know this is a 4th grader and it’s different but there are a small amount of examples of where trans women have competed in the olympics. I understand how small a matter it is. But a weight lifter in New Zealand was selected to compete for her country and was a trans woman. Now that’s one antadote of course but remember that’s one woman who misses out on competing for her country in the Olympics. Wins don’t matter but if there is an advantage of things like males have advantage in competitive strength categories which is why we have split genders in sports to begin with. Look I don’t mean to sound like I’m anti trans and I truly want them to compete but it has to be fair. Remember guys on your side and would love to know more happy to be educated and shown wrong on this subject more. Also need to do my own due diligence and challenge my own views on the subject.>> <<@privatedition2013 says : The Republicans are doubling down on their propaganda…>> <<@brettmitchell8 says : Must say I’m confused that Raskin isn’t in the convo. A man going through chemo but still fighting with the most thought provoking arguments and just plain facts that he brings to each hearing he attends. I may have missed something why he can’t run. But a candidate who is fighting cancer ( becomes a sympathetic and heroic figure to the polls ) I believe a constitutional scholar, not sure but a legitimate lawyer, and just amazing bullet point arguments which are easily digestible for both sides of the aisle. Is there a reason he is not considered I’m missing? An honest question cause I may be and I’m just not educated on it>> <<@michaelmcgee8543 says : Today Republican Party isn't what half of the republican party was under abe Lincoln. Today they are no different than national socialists.>> <<@michaelmcgee8543 says : Brownshirt news media is lying about parents of trans children allowing their kids to have a surgical sex change. What lies . This is illegal, to begin with.>> <<@TheoneGodfather says : People are really tired of these make believers bs.>> <<@ronaldblackburn8947 says : Before I leave, what's with the LONG intro music..video has not.started yet ! :(>> <<@donaldwilliams901 says : Thank you, Ben, for asking good questions regarding your thoughts concerning gender-affirming "care" and the ethical issues surrounding hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery. People who have these genuine questions and want to strike a conciliatory tone should not be labelled a "right-winger" or a "transphobe" for having genuine concerns about the ethical issues around this matter.>> <<@sethwooten5678 says : I'm w Ben on this. I'm open minded. I'm willing to take new information into my opinions. I have no malice towards anyone who wants this affirming care. I just look back at myself when I was 18, and I am glad I didn't get that tattoo. Not minimizing it. I guess I'm just ignorant bc I've never had to deal w this. When Rachel Dolezal was being lambasted by everyone for identifying as a black woman, even tho she lived as an activist for black people the world came down on her. She had no malicious intent. I get the argument that she didn't have the black person experience in this country, but she tried as hard as she could to identify w black women. Everyone came down on her like she was a fraud. As far as I can tell, she spent her time trying to advocate for black people. Then the world came down on her for it. At the time tyt's argument was "she's a person w white priv masquerading as a black woman". She lived life, and identified as a black woman. I know women face discrimination from men, so what's the difference? I'm honestly asking>> <<@brettmitchell8 says : I think when people say that trump is a martyr ( sorry not sure how to spell that word ) but these indictments will make him more popular. This is different the tennesse 3 as their now known as are going to get a huge push and open many eyeballs in favour of democrats, but for me hopefully progressives as well>> <<@marcosmunguia2835 says : 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH PIBULL SLAM....PRAGERU YOUTUBE 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@DerekScottBland says : Have they apologized for the gay bashing from yesterday yet?>> <<@markmitchell9109 says : The TYT.. shall set you free ❤😎>> <<@ZombiUnikorn3 says : Our government has turned into a fukn circus 🎪 🙄 😒🤦‍♂️😂>>