<<@calisto9856 says : so now these freaks think they can control where we go ?? were citizens not your cattle herd . wtf ?>> <<@haruhisuzumiya6650 says : Truly Orwellian>> <<@katsmith2343 says : I predict that secrecy will become a way of life in Idaho. Mormons are the dominant religion in Idaho and according to boise state public radio over 1/3 of the legislature identifies as Mormon. Mormons are very adept at keeping secrets. Starting with Joseph Smith and polygamy, secrecy is a Mormon way of life. They make their members covenant to keep secret what is taught in the temple and in Mitt Romney's time they actually made the members pretend to slit their own throat as punishment for revealing what went on in those ornate temples they build. People in Idaho will still get medical care for their daughters, it will just be kept secret. What if a minor drives herself to a different state for an abortion. Would she be subject to this law? I notice there is no mention whatsoever of consequences for the male that caused the unwanted pregnancy. What next Idaho? Are you going to stop adult women from traveling as well? Are you going to mandate pregnancy checks at your border?>> <<@atlas5687 says : I just wish I could be around to see the faces of the Bible thumpers that had their kids take the purity rings when their children get pregnant, unwed and have to face their congregation every Sunday. Ruin your own children's lives and your hoity-toity reputation. I'd like to do some research to see how many unwed pregnant teen privacy homes start to established so parents can send their kids away because they're pregnant....>> <<@chriss-nf1bd says : The breakup of the US Republic is coming soon enough.>> <<@chriss-nf1bd says : These laws will backfire. Eventually in all these Red States. women and doctors will leave. What's going to happen when the already shortage in doctors in those States worsen? Or men get angry because they cant get laid? I also can see major toll roads that block the easy flow of goods and service into red States. As retaliation for the arrest of doctors in legal abortion States...>> <<@chriss-nf1bd says : Doesn't this violate Federal law in interstate commerce? Let alone the 14th Amendment under free travel?>> <<@catcrimes80 says : Idaho, North Korea. No difference. For now on I wouldn't care if their is school shootings or similar bad stuff that happens in Idaho.>> <<@dracotaz says : I bet it is not illegal to fly to another state for an abortion. It's only illegal for those without money. Idaho is the worst>> <<@TheodoraKimmelHello says : Idaho, why don’t some souls know they don’t have to force a woman in any way to get a chance at life here on planet earth?>> <<@barryduff9839 says : Will they ban Viagra?>> <<@tdsoldier3198 says : That is one of the most unconstitutional laws I've ever seen.>> <<@Malcolm.Y says : Horrific travel ban? Horrific? And killing babies? No horror in that.>> <<@sherrygroves9214 says : Republicans are not interested in how bad THEIR anti-abortion bullshit affects women and young girls Why don’t they crack down on all the men who do not pay their child support for their children who are here and in need of it>> <<@stefansnellgrove says : Republican logic to young to know their gender or sexuality old enough to carry their family member’s rapist baby what a time to be alive>> <<@kaso6383 says : All women need to grab their children & run from the he'llscape that is now Idaho>> <<@bigraviolees says : If you're rural & country u grow up o n church & Stoopid blind obedience>> <<@thecynic9232 says : Have these red states banned the morning-after pill?>> <<@jawant6039 says : Soooo the Left wants us to prevent a law from going into force because of the 0.006% chance that a minor was impregnated by a family member but they don't have that same energy when the Right wants to enact a law that will prevent the 0.0006% ocurrences of girls losing to boys who identify as girls. So let's take into account extremely rare situation for the Left but let's not allow such a thing for the Right. Thanks Leftist double-standard bearers>> <<@TheL0wner says : you don't get to consuct medical procedures on a minor without parental consent. period.>> <<@alliet.7582 says : I drove my brother's 16 year old girlfriend to Planed Parenthood to get an abortion without her parents knowledge. In fact, I straight up LIED to them when they asked where I was taking their daughter. (I said we were going shopping and out to lunch.) 100% would do it again, even if I faced jail time.>> <<@lenurban says : Land of the fee, home of the slave.>> <<@memtesin5918 says : Many churches are evil. Don't give your child up for adoption. They want to ban abortion only for their own greed and evil intentions; to sell children to pedophiles, sexual perverts and into slavery.>> <<@ashleymarie6682 says : Idaho is a terrorist state.>> <<@jasonweinstock1282 says : Conservatives never seem to STFU about wanting less government in people's lives.but,when it comes to government deciding what goes on in a woman's uterus,then they seem just fine with that!>> <<@jasonweinstock1282 says : Don't these stupid idiotic wombsniffing conservatives have better shit to worry about than what a woman does with her body!?>> <<@jasonweinstock1282 says : If only busybody wombsniffers would get a life of their own, and quit sticking their snouts up the nether regions of total strangers..the utter hubris of these wannabe pregnancy enforcing numbnuts is astounding!>> <<@jasonweinstock1282 says : Defund the womb police!>> <<@azayzelderegis1655 says : 1) Abortion bans do nothing. Women will always have the option of abortion, whether it’s banned or not. 2) Abortion bans actually increase the number of abortions, ironically. So I guess you people really aren’t about saving fetal lives so much as virtue signaling. 3) Fetuses now have a right that no other human being has, and that is that the government can forcibly allow the fetus to use another person’s body to stay alive. No other human has ever been granted that right. Even if you stab someone and they’re bleeding out, and you have matching blood types, the government cannot force you to give them your blood to keep them alive. Or if you use a mask, gloves, etc. but you still accidentally give a disease to someone who is immunocompromised and their organs start shutting down, the government cannot forcibly make you attach to them and keep them alive with your own organs. You used protection, so the chances of giving this person the disease that you’re a carrier for were very low, but it still happened, and now they’re dying because of you. Guess what—the government does not have the right to force you to use your body to keep that person alive. That’s exactly what an abortion ban attempts to do, however. So I’m not sure why fetuses should have that right when no one else does.>> <<@StarlajamesfanoFano says : Only The Crazy American worries about something isn't important in the world abortion The Chinese have more important things to worries about like take over everything in the world well the Crazy American still fight over abortion hah 👎>> <<@zoefang4563 says : SHAME on you IDAHO. Do they NOT CARE how tough it is for women to get abortions???!!>> <<@akahina says : Idaho is a cesspool digging a hole to hell.>> <<@Atelier19a says : Mind blowing!>> <<@kaylandry3142 says : Christian males have always gotten pleasure out of hurting women & hurting little girls.>> <<@greggiles7309 says : The Supreme court will throw it out, States cannot prohibit interstate travel.>> <<@stephaniebrooks8044 says : Wat a bunch of loons😅😅>> <<@barbiedahl says : Warning! Triggered Rightist Snowflake Alert in this comment section! Denial and coping at blizzard level conditions, proceed with caution.🚨🚨🚨>> <<@barbiedahl says : Fascism on the rise in America, Fascism on the rise in Idaho.>> <<@CurtisSmale says : This isn't about fear. It is about preventing work arounds to law. When you create a law it is meant to not be broken.>> <<@barbiedahl says : Probably won't hold up against Right to Travel.>> <<@christiansmith-of7dt says : Cry cry cry stupid cry .>> <<@rickschroeder9012 says : And Healthcare is socialism? What is wrong with America? You have no more moral authority over anything in this universe. Get your shit in order.>> <<@onetwo9792 says : More likely they are being sexually targeted by the ones trafficking them. This guy had to formulate his opinion taking the age out of the discussion……weird>> <<@donivanpotter2762 says : Well people elected cons, liars and fools plus religious zealots because they can't give up their hate of those born different like the LGBT community. Religious people don't care about life if they did we would have universal healthcare.>> <<@edwardpatterson7609 says : Any body that agrees with this law is not a AMERICAN they are FASCIST TRAITORS to AMERICA kick them out kick them to the curb nobody tells AMERICANS were they can go and were they cannot go. FASCIST republican brad little and and his FASCIST followers are over stepping their BOUNDS. Down with brad little wannabe dictator of Idaho. No body tells AMERICANS were they can and cannot go .tell Brad little where he can go down with the FASCIST brad little>> <<@Jetspro100 says : Yea when the GOP talks about mental health with guns, they just go 100000 steps back by screwing with people with this law>> <<@peteshand543 says : Never mind crappy Idaho, what a shit country.>> <<@cyninbend says : When a parental notification law was on the ballot here in Oregon, I volunteered to phonebook for Planned Parenthood. I sure learned some shocking crap--how many men would seriously hurt their daughters if they learned the daughter was engaging in sex. The moms would tell us how they were voting with PP, but had to hide their ballots from their husbands. PP had to mask who we were on caller ID when we called voters--just getting a call from PP would expose women to harm from loony toon loser right-wing husbands who demanded they control her voting. Moms here take their young, not yet sexually active daughters to the gynecologist and set up measures for her to go in for birth control b4 she begins having sex without having to confess to her mom or risking dad finding out. Setting up payment mechanisms so dads will not know. Idaho's laws (not far from Central Oregon) are just another method for these monsters to control the lives of women in. their families. It's not just that men want sexual contact with daughters--they often just want to control their daughters, limit their options.>> <<@salvadorcadenas says : I originally thought this was a joke... This is some dystopian sh** right here...>> <<@edwardpatterson7609 says : You watch the governor and these other politicians that push this through. as soon as somebody in their family gets raped watch as they go somewhere silently in the night to get that abortion that's a republican for you do as I say not as I do .the FASCIST governor can not tell you where you can and cannot go .let him know your an American citizen and you're not going to stand for it. down with the FASCIST governor soon he will tell you when you can have a child and what you can do in your home that's what FA$CIST do tell Brad little where he can go>>