<<@HeavyJay1421 says : 7:40 what do you mean YOU PEOPLE .?>> <<@jpsailorallaboardmatey461 says : While i personally didnt mind the episode, a lot of the complaints were it just wasnt how Bill was in the game. He had broken up with his bf and he didn't die>> <<@SkaterBlades says : Upon reflecting on this episode, i don't really like it all that much. It tells a strong love story and does flesh out the world a bit. My main issue is that it's a flashback episode for 2 characters who were already dead and barely advances the plot. There's three things that are relevant that happens in the episode that contribute to the wider story, ellie learning a bit more about the outbreak and her talk with joel about tess, ellie getting a gun and the pair getting a car. All of that could've been handled in a different episode that focused more on the plot. As much as i love seeing on screen gay male couples, being a duke of dick myself, we really didn't need it>> <<@brettwerner7128 says : Somegayguy>> <<@brettwerner7128 says : Lol ur automatically a “bigot” if you don’t like homosexuality now? How retarted is that?!>> <<@brettwerner7128 says : Why do people wear NASA merch? We all know they lie about everything>> <<@brettwerner7128 says : Population control? I dunno. But it’s def weird how this game and show makes the end of the world seem so gay. Def half the survivors in the end of the world are gay. Interesting lol>> <<@yoghass says : well said>> <<@B69ne says : Bill and his town were super exciting and frightening, I was hoping that the show was going to do that. The upside down shooting, like c'mon man. That was so damn fun and it skips it completely. It was very apparent that Frank and Bill were gay in the game. If they had Frank taking off looking for a battery and showing him escaping and getting bit, and then writing his letter, and ending his life it would have shown the world of TLOU. And if you look at EP 9, they don't even show ep 3 in the recap.>> <<@Stranzua says : Frank was completely desperate and stumbled across an oasis. Trust me, he did NOT want to leave. Once he got his foot into this fenced in community, took a shower with HOT water, got fresh clean clothes, and had a hot meal with wine, he instantly goes down on Bill. It ended romantically but that is not how it started. It started with Bill being desperate for any kind of connection and Frank being emotionally intelligent enough to see that. Plus, it was convenient for the story that Bill almost instantly put his guard down. Bill sitting down at the piano and giving his back to Frank was just way too uncharacteristic of him. We can see that in Bill's behavior with Joel and Tess. Bill kept grabbing his gun every few seconds, and if it wasn't for Frank, he would have never had guests. It was a great episode, but I just don't see how it was woke. In the end, the relationship between Bill and Frank was much more realistic in the game.>> <<@purpleclaws202 says : Damn no one played the damn game then. Bill IS GAY in the game and the show! It wasn't just "hinted" it was pretty much told and explicitly told that he's gay.>> <<@frankenbran85 says : I feel like this dude is the Black Hunter avallone>> <<@PetiHuber says : First time I played the game I was in my early teens. I think I totally missed they were gay. I thought he was a close friend, but it was just as equally moving when he found him in the house hanging from the ceiling. I'm happy they gave them more screen time in the show, otherwise the series would be just a scene by scene reshoot of the game.>> <<@nicholashufnagle9735 says : This episode was extremely well done. In order for something to qualify as Woke to me is typically their entire focus is on victim status, and plot be damned. I’m a very solid conservative, but in one episode they managed to introduce two new characters to me, make me feel emotionally invested in both of them, and their homosexual relationship. Thats no small feat. One critique of the show is the lack of showing a bond actually forming with Joel and Ellie though. They seemingly hated each other, then the next episode they suddenly lived each other. Their bond in the game seemed much more believable and organic.>> <<@darfjono says : i'm more concerned with the hypocrisy. "it was in the game!" shriek people who constantly reject arguments about faithfulness to sources.>> <<@Koudoken says : For me it cuts both ways, truth be told I'm tired of the constant bitching, on both sides.>> <<@soldattamtam says : Now many people know many things about what realy happens on this planet, illuminati, ghost caught on tape, urbex paranormal ...... but don't stop in the middle of the " knowledge path " For exemple : The blair witch project ( the first ) is not an ordinary horror movie, it's just a documentary, WENT BAD, in the real life, the 3 guys didn't play comedy, didn't play comedy at all !!! I learned to notice the diffrence between playing comedy and normal behavior, screaming from an actor ( even the best ) and Screaming with real fear/despair. It's obvious. Many EX-witches and EX-warlocks are Christians now, cauz they often physically meet some real evils and they know what religion the evils hate most, so far. Many EX-freemasons are Christians to now, cauz they are the kind of people Who knows what realy rules the planet. And an " hight range freemason " learns to hate Jesus in secret first. Entertainement-media's today represents : more monsters, gore, murderers celebrating, blood, horror, dope advertising, kills and more horror BUT ....... in the very same time : they turn nuns and preachers into bad guys in movies, they destroy churchs in series, they turn the real/JESUS/faith INTO some creepy/wierd/faith in documentarys And most : they laughting-at the Lord Jesus ( with subtility, I must say ) it's MATHEMATICAL = more " happy violence " but less JESUS faith. Mathematical. About N.ear D.eath E.xperience belivers : ( meeting familly, friends and pets still alive in the after-death ) JESUS is within so many witnesses from all around the world, not moses or mahomet or budah, it's JESUS. Question : how the moon and the sun have the very same size ? It's an IMPOSSIBLE CHANCE, UNBELIVABLE HAZARD, think about it : the sun is way way way far huge and the moon is smaller than earth = same size at sight !!! IMPOSSIBLE HAZARD. And what about famous POSSESSED people, stars ? ( trapped ? ) reptile eyes, faceshifting, sending soul to the opponent. What about real scary magic caught on the lightedscreen ? Do you need a werewolf eating your car in front of you to realise ? Something's wrong. Don't be afraid/ASHAMED to just talk with JESUS. It's not that difficult to just talk with JESUS. It's not that difficult to just talk with him.>> <<@schizofrenzia1884 says : Honestly it was treated really good.>> <<@SkyLukewater says : I can confirm that you will turn gay if you watch this episode. I am now gay, go away women you disgust me>> <<@Devilsmygrandpap says : It was a fine episode. It's the kind of connection that might happen in reality anyway. Gay people exist. Absolutely zero "wokeness" about it. Don't know what else to say about it.>> <<@AboveAll658 says : Bill was gay in the game. Period. But yes, the game devs are certainly woke. I’m sure the show runners are too (although the game director is one of them). But part 2 is what you would call woke.>> <<@danielabare86 says : I really like episode 3>> <<@richardn38 says : Ok buddy bills sexuality was for the audience to interpret and now we missed out on bil and ellie dynamic that would have been entertaining and hilarious for the audience I HATE THE SHOW BECAUSE I LOVE THE GAME>> <<@gingeranagram2467 says : "People don't like gay" No - they don't like the broken world and the changing of Bill's character>> <<@pauloliver1842 says : episode 3 was a beautifully shot episode all about love ....... why is the right wingg destroying it...>> <<@pauloliver1842 says : you understand do your thing i love ya>> <<@pauloliver1842 says : episode 3 was the perfect episode ....... who the fuk cares who loves who........ im sick of these non biggits>> <<@iamgubbler95 says : The Last of b(Us)sy>> <<@joedubner5846 says : Worst argument I've heard yet is "portraying homosexuality well is harmful because it promotes sterility" lol wut? I thought it was a cool dichotomy showing a childless couple in a show about fatherhood. And that claim uses the same flawed argument as "violence in video games makes people violent">> <<@tahnadana5435 says : is it really a good story telling? a good production overall? the walking dead already told these kinds of tiring stories, and speaking of production, no one would do a shoot out just standing in the middle of the street.>> <<@swickens930 says : Ya but bro, the difference is pretty obvious. Everything that's mainstream IS woke. Almost nothing that's mainstream is actually racist. And honestly, I think if you keep putting gay people into media, I'm gonna start thinking it's weird. It's not so much of art, as it is propaganda. If that's your art, your shits weird bahaha and your art is bad>> <<@OnlineHellMaster says : Woke is such a useless and meaningless word now>> <<@praetoriancorps says : As they say, the pendulum swings both ways.>> <<@The88Cheat says : So the algorithm recommended you and I can't lie, I had a lot of preconceptions when I saw the title of this video. I'm really happy to say that I was completely wrong. You have a really rational and reasonable take on this. Subbed.>> <<@charlesbackstrom6571 says : "right wing sjw" is the term i think weve needed. this coming from a more or less conservative person. i dont like people who make me look like an idiot for sharing and ideology with>> <<@ashleyclout9010 says : You're absolutely right. Gay couples being in media was a thing before all this SJW nonsense started appearing (although it's hard to not notice the woke tropes in Hollywood these days). The ani SJW mob are just as ideologically possessed as the SJWs they shit on. The word "woke" has now become little more than a buzzword. Keep calling out the bullshit man. It's refreshing.>> <<@FSB75 says : So....we're NOT gonna talk about that fact that this video was recorded IN A CLOSET?! Okay, just checking. As for the episode in question...it was a great story piece that held, at it's core, the human element as seen by a loving couple.....annnnnnd it was complete fluff filler that did next to nothing to progress the main story or provide any perspective from a retrospective. This episode took, in my opinion, too much creative liberty and deviated FAR FAR FAR from the original story. It is, specifically, this criticism that's being conflated with "hate", and it's bullshit. Okay, fine, fine, I kind of get it...not everyone is familiar with the game itself, but there should be some level of responsibility to accurately represent the authentic storyline. I, and many like me, couldn't care less about sexuality in 2023...but if your going ot expand on the relationship, at least ADD to the main story...this episode simply smacked of effort to evoke a response for the sake of evoking a response. Personally, and lastly, I viewed this episode as about as exploitive and Blaxploitation films of the 70's but without the over the top stereotypes given the context of the "theme" The Last of Us.>> <<@marcthompson9281 says : Power to you brother. Well said!!!>> <<@Just_An_AverageJoe says : Derrick needs to make a yt comment trash for these idiots always hatin but never leavin lol>> <<@Foxyprincess3 says : I obsessed over part one of TLOU. It was my first real video game that wasn't Nintendo. I was really skeptical that the show was gonna be any good, and I was most excited for the third episode cuz I knew it was gonna center around bills town (and honestly I really wanted to see the bloater from the gym scene.) BUT that said, they fleshed out bills character so well, and the story between Bill and Frank was so raw and genuine I was ugly crying by the end of the episode. It would've been cool to see a bloater, but there's nothing they could've done even with a rat king that would've topped that episode for me.>> <<@SirMarcMatthews says : Calling out Ben Shapiro? you wont be getting the terrible contract offer from DW now. for shame.>> <<@Swidhelm says : My only issue with the episode is it strayed so much from the main narrative. Same reason I stopped reading the Dark Tower series. Otherwise though, good episode, well written and extremely well acted. And I'm a fan of Offerman, so had to watch it. But Jesus, some scenes were emotionally brutal. Just sucker punched you right in the feels.>> <<@christophermills4067 says : Tim pool is at fault>> <<@mateo1726 says : The second game was woke trash. What did you expect here?>> <<@darmanskirata4167 says : I really loved the subtlety of Bills relationship in the game. It showed that it wasn’t a big deal that he is gay.>> <<@Jaykilljoy-tt9tt says : First comment: "Everything is sexist/satanic/woke/misogynistic/liberal/right wing....because it DOESN'T CONFORM TO MY WORLDVIEW." That is what it's ALWAYS come down to. To quote Frank Zappa during the PMRC days "People have to understand that rock music was never meant for those with conservative tastes." THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT'S 'SATANIC' THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT 'EVIL'.....YOU JUST DON'T LIKE IT BECAUSE EVERYTHING MUST CONFORM TO YOUR NARROW VALUES. To quote Ice T during a debate with censors "I aint sayin nothin negative YOU JUST GOT A PROBLEM WITH HOW I GREW UP AND HOW I LIVE." "YOU KNOW WHAT'S BETTER....THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYIN TO YOU - YOU KNOW WHAT'S BETTER FOR EVERYBODY, RIGHT?!" As someone who considered them selves a history buff and someone who has looked into movements, moral panics, and censor it really does and always does bug me when ever I hear this narrative of "It's mind boggling these people are FOLLOWING IN THEIR FOOTSTEPS." "Now it's the right wing." "Oh the right wing are now the snowflakes and censors." History lesson.......PMRC?! SATANIC PANIC?! That was like 98% on the right. "oh D&D is evil." "Oh Star wars, He-man, THE SMURFS, are satanic and evil." Teenagers would constantly get backlash from their fundamentalist parents for "listening to that devil music." STEVE F**KING SHIVES, ANYONE?! His WIFE admitting "I give you sh*t for that all the time." admitting she constantly gives her husband sh*t for his MUSIC collection...gee, where have I seen that before? One of the reasons why I despised and hated the SJW movement FROM THE VERY BEGINNING was BECAUSE I went "Your just a left wing version of Jerry Falwell. Of Fox news and the religious right. A left wing Jack Thompson......your just a left wing prude and puritan. Instead of "it's satanic. It's evil" it's "it's sexist, it's misnogynistic." and WHY?! Why do they say that? What do they REALLY mean by that?! What they mean is "THIS DOESN'T CONFORM TO MY INSULAR AND PURITAN BELIEFS!!!!" Also in the 80's, you had the Video nasties scare in the U.K where horror movies were banned. People went to PRISON for selling horror movies in the U.K. You have politicians like Mary Whitehouse, Margret Thatcher, and Graham Bright. ALL RIGHT WING U.K POLITICIANS. All the key major players in the panic. The daily mail with headlines like "BAN VIDEO SADISM, NOW!" Also a right news paper. In the 90's you had "Pokemon is satanic", Jack Thompson going after video games, movies, and artists like Ice T, Madonna, etc. He got the rap group Twolivecrew banned. He even admitted "And Twolivecrew doesn't exist anymore" because of him. Another history lesson. The satanic panic really began in the 70's. It was a fraudulent reaction to the counterculture of the 1960's. Out that we had "Star wars is satanic" "I was a former satanic high priest and we would sacrifice people to satanic....THEN I FOUND GOD AND BECAME A CHRISTIAN. BUY MY BOOK." ....listening to the claims of these frauds I kept going "CALL THE POLICE?! If I had heard this stuff, I WOULD OF CALLED THE F**KING AUTHORITIES. THAT'S WHAT YOU WOULD DO, RIGHT?! MASS MURDER?! CANNIBALISM?! Drinking the blood? CALL THE F**KING COPS?!" but nobody ever said and this would go around all over the country at tent revivals, churches, etc. They would tour all around the country "I killed people for satanic. I use to be part of a secret organized cabal of satan worshippers. BUY MY BOOK!" But this was only largely believed by a FRINGE christian community....but it was in the 80's when this satanic panic entered into the MAINSTREAM. What TJ amazing atheist calls "Pop feminism". The SJW movement...that only really existed within the fringes of college campuses. It wasn't till at least 2014 that it hit into the mainstream. Just like in 2016, Trump introduced conspiracy theory into the mainstream. In 2005, Noam Chomsky was interviewed about the SJW movement on college campuses and he was like "maybe....2 percent for students where that might be true." Did we see SJWism in the mainstream in 2005? NO. What we did see was the typical right wing culture war "War on Christmas." Teletubbies are evil, Pokemon is evil, video games should be banned or censored, etc. George Carlin even said "We can EXPECT censorship from the right wing, but it get it from the left wing; from the politically correct crowd...that surprised me." SO WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! All the SJWs did was give the right wing AMMO and make it a draw!!!!! Played into the right wing culture war handbook. The 1920's had a sexual revolution which died in the 1930's due to The great depression. Men and women could smoke cigerettes. Before men could only smoke cigars. They had a little bit of a "Free love" mentality going on. Where you could have sex and it didn't mean anything. Didn't mean you had to get married, etc. The 1920's....Americans along with many other countries had just gotten out of WW1 and a global pandemic; the spanish flu. To quote the X files. "Christmas, 1917. It was a time of dark, dark despair. American soldiers were dying at an ungodly rate in a war-torn Europe while at home, a deadly strain of the flu virus attacked young and old alike. Tragedy was a visitor on every doorstep while a creeping hopelessness set in with every man, woman and child. It was a time of dark, dark despair." And out of that came a "F**K YOUR VICTORIAN PURITAN VALUES!!!!! We just got out of a bloody war where millions of men died FOR NOTHING and we just got out of a pandemic!!!! LIFE IS TOO F**KING SHORT FOR THAT SH*T!" So out of that came sexual liberation, flapper culture, Jazz, bobbed hair, etc. People were traveling all around the world more. it was a time of hedonism. And of course the purtians, the right wing fought back. One of those attacks was blue laws such as skirt laws. Where it was illegal to wear a skirt that was too "short". So you had police officers walking around beaches, etc carrying rulers and stopping females to measure their skirts. MANSPREADING anyone?! The right wing is just doing WHAT THEY'VE ALWAYS DONE. To me, it looks like the right just took a short break [2013-2017] and now are back to what they've always been.....snowflakes puritans and I will never ever forgive the SJW movement for providing them COVER and making it a draw. You said "They've [right wing] have become everything they've disliked." NO, THEY HAVEN'T......they've ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT. They just put it on the down low back during the rise of the SJW movement back BECAUSE it was politically useful. "Wait...the LEFT WING have joined in on the fun? GREAT! I can totally exploit this. SHHHHhhhhhhhh, downplay the puritanism for the time being." And I see why some of you people have fallen for it. 1.Probably age. 2.Historical ignorance. 3.Short term memory when it comes to censorship and politics. I remember the 90's and 2000's. I am a history buff. I am a retro nerd. 98% of all my entertainment is from the 70's, 80's, and 90's. I've been studying censorship for decades. I'm a movie nerd. I am also in my 30's. Due to childhood trauma I've developed a strong dislike for puritans and prudes and I don't care if they are right or left and let's be honest here.....they've almost always been on the right. Looking at history, it would seem to me that the "culture war" was ALWAYS from a right wing perspective. The comic book censorship of the 1950's, the censorship movies in the 50's during McCarthyism, the 70's and 80's, and into the 90's and into 2010's and 2020's with it's new version; Qanon. If you really want the origin of the satanic panic, you got to go back to the witch hunts in the 14th to the 17th centuries. That is the true origin of the satanic panic....you can go back even further to Ancient Rome where you had literally the same exact thing but instead of "witches" ie the pagan minority, it was the christian minority of Rome. I mean just look at the claims during the witch hunts. 1.Witches worship a literal satan; Pagans don't worship satan. Christians made that up. 2.Engage in taboo sex. 3.Mass human sacrifice. 4.Mass infanticide. 5.Cannibalism. 6.Blood drinking. That is EXACTLY what was claimed during the satanic panic and now Qanon. As Manson said "Just a copy of an imitation." But I'm just a pitiful; anonymous.>> <<@tomektalk4671 says : hey. I Just want to say, I lost my best friend 7 years ago. He drowned. Very unexpected. It came out nowhere. It felt too soon. It felt unfair and didn't make sense. So, when Joel died in the game, it really clicked with me. It was so real. Like death is like that. Everything you feel, that's the way it is when it happens. TLOU has always to me been this brutal and real kind of story. So it just made sense to me. I just wanted to say that.>> <<@anthonyrowlodge5357 says : If anyone ever played the game, they'd know that they were a gay couple. Only thing I didn't like is that Bill's partner died by hanging himself after being bit and bill was alive when they split before Joel and ellie met up with Bill. Other than that, it was still a great episode of those two. A different take on them.>> <<@theone3662 says : it was a great episode>> <<@rayeficent832 says : Now they are the snowflakes. Listen I get it when it's bad, over the top, stereotypical, agenda driven gay that doesn't give LGBT any justice, but this was just normal, wholesome episode that we alway wanted.>>