<<@kmgyening says : I mean like, I'd say the term "woke," has become a buzzword at some point, yes, but the thing that it should be referring to when accurately used is "Critical Social Justice," which I think still hasn't been translated well into the mainstream. Tbh I'd like to think we could avoid the whole "woke is a buzzword" thing if we just used the latter term. Idk why we're apparently not collectively doing that, but I've been using the latter term more often than "woke.">> <<@howaboutsomesoyfood says : I remember when this guy actually had good takes>> <<@flyingpaladin617 says : I wish these were just buzzwords but unfortunately they aren't and there's tons of evidence that proves that>> <<@mattikunnas1962 says : The problem comes from the fact that early on people started to notice certain propagandistic elements popping up in entertainment and the media and that certain progressive ideals were often accompanied by many others so this phenomenon needed a name to just simplify the talk surrounding it. The problem is that the word was never really defined and narrowed and thus it keeps engulfing more and more stuff that keeps popping up alongside classically woke things. For example I wouldn't want environmentalism to be called out as woke even though it is often incorporated alongside woke messaging.>> <<@AaronJLong says : Arguments I've heard: Drag shows are burlesque shows filled with sex jokes an other adult raunchy humor. Reality: Drag shows are not a monolith. Different shows can have a different focus and be geared towards different target demographics. When someone thinks of "Horror Games" Resident Evil or something else M-rated probably comes to mind for most gamers, but there are so many horror games made specifically for kids (and adults with YouTube channels that play the games and pick apart every aspect of them in order to get views from child audiences) that it has become a very lucrative genre, with Freddy Fazbear themed plates and decorations in the Walmart party aisle next to the Paw Patrol stuff (and while there I even saw a child with a Freddy backpack) and lots of books as well which I can only imagine are what school kids were reading when they graduated to chapter books like my generation and Goosebumps. And that's just one game that opened the doors for many more kid's, or "family friendly" horror games to follow that feature even less descriptions/depictions of violence (FNAF games from what I've seen do have characters referencing some kind of gruesome things, scenes of blood and violence in the atari graphics style minigames, and lore about a guy that may also be a nonce murdering multiple children, but I think the original target audience was adults that grew up in the '80s/'90s that were creeped out by the chuck-e-cheese anamatronics as kids and after it proved to be most popular with kids the franchise doubled down on what made it popular such as the secrets and mysterious lore while being careful to keep it "family friendly" and as mentioned before releasing books and merch made specifically for kids) with a lot of short "don't get caught by the kind of scary looking enemy or it will jumpscare you and the screen will cut out because this is a kid's game so we can't show the monster killing you like in adult horror games" and it helps that the monsters look scary and threatening but not so much so that they can't sell kids merchandise featuring them. Argument: Drag is a fetish and thus inherently sexual so kids should not see or hear of it. Reality: The Lion King, a kid's movie, featured a scene in which in response to being told that they need a distraction Timon replies "What am I supposed to do, dress in Drag and do the Hula? Cut to him doing exactly that. Unlike cross dressing, which is sometimes, but not always, motivated by a kink or fetish, Drag is more of a performance art and often very exaggerated. I would even go as far as to say that many Drag performers, especially those performing for young audiences, are like a modern form of clowns now that clowns have fallen out of favor and are even seen as scary to many (media featuring evil/scary clowns are older than me, and while they probably didn't create the fear of clowns, they ensured that people would associate clowns with monsters for decades to the point that most people under 40's only exposure to clowns have been in illustrations made for children, Ronald McDonald, TV shows and movies about evil clowns, and the IRL evil clown LARPers from a few years back) while Drag also often features silly costumes, elaborate makeup, wigs, and humor, but without nearly as much of an association with horror. A small percentage of Drag Queens likely find some personal sexual appeal from dressing that way, but the same could be said for clowns. Arguments I've heard: Drag queens are grooming kids with books to confuse them about sexuality by targeting them with Drag Queen Story Hours at public libraries, and using them to get close to children. Reality: I can't speak for every one of these events, but I've seen a recording of one and it was of someone in over-the-top Drag reading a children's book with nothing to do with sexuality to kids. Also, these events are planned in advance, so it is likely there was some kind of vetting done on the performer. They don't just find a library full of unattended children to crash. The parents hear about these events and when they are occurring and make the choice to bring their kids to these events. The same can be said for any Drag show where there are children in the audience. They are there because their parents took them there knowing what it was. The same people complaining about kids seeing Drag performances are the ones complaining that public schools are allegedly indoctrinating kids into certain ideologies without parents' knowledge or consent. So schools possibly teaching something that the right doesn't like is bad because the parents don't know and can't to anything about it, but when parents choose to take their kids to see a Drag queen read age appropriate books while the parents supervise is also bad? I'm thinking it has nothing to do with parents getting a say in what their kids are exposed to, and they just want their own views to be taught in schools while parents with differing views shouldn't even have the option to let their kids see a Drag queen under any circumstances. I could go on, but I'm tired. I'm not fighting strawmen either, each of these arguments I've presented are things I've heard repeated multiple times, paraphrased a bit and occasionally combining multiple related accusations into one example arhument.>> <<@Hermann3635 says : I'm disappointed in you. I know you're black, so you don't believe that CRT is taught, but there are tons of evidence about it - videos, how teachers in primary schools admit that they teach CRT. Regarding the banning of books with sexual themes - isn't it funny that when parents start reading or showing pictures at school councils, they turn off the microphone, saying that such things must not be read, because there are children in the spotlight? It's strange that over 20% of Generation Z is LGBTI. Why is an opinion other than the bench opinion not tolerated at universities? Why are people fired from their jobs? Bill Maher always aptly shows what is happening. At this rate in 2045 the entire US population will be LGBTI. People who were considered liberals in 2010 and did not change their views are suddenly labeled as Nazis. Did you see the published video calls from the Disney management meeting declaring that they will promote LGBTI at all costs? You were disappointed. Who started the culture war? The radical left that controls the Democratic Party. What woke states like California look like is normal? Crime, homelessness and corporate flight?>> <<@sageisnotaplant99 says : Thank you for being one of the only rational people on the internet>> <<@gregsmw says : and there are people in these comments being the exact morons you criticise in this video the american right really are just utter morons at this point, its insane how insular and bigoted they have become, and how much they turn a blind eye to anything actually wrong in the world unless its "woke" at which point its the devil incarnate>> <<@artemschickl4109 says : & I'm ditching the rest. found nothing of value, here.>> <<@artemschickl4109 says : 5:04 the pro-tier pearlclutching, lmao. ppl say grooming when what kids are brought into is *squints* bad. as opposed to say heterosexuality, main condition of our hitherto survival as a species, as peoples, as lineages & communities... maybe u should google "anisogamy" & stuff to get a clue abt what this is all about.>> <<@artemschickl4109 says : imagine comparing watching men LARPing female roles in e.g. tragedy, cause sexual differenciation was so strong in Ancient Greece that women were banned from peak civic participations & stuff, to bringing ur kids to get twerked on by major deviants, oft pushing the abolition of the sexes, and other manners of stuff that'd get one pushed off of a big rock in 5 min in those olden times... 😅>> <<@artemschickl4109 says : neo-communism, aka wokism, aka intersectional social justice, replaces the bourgeoisie with - especially assertive, straight, male... - Whites as scapegoat whose sacrifice will bring about a Heaven on Earth, where the Last shall be First>> <<@briant6669 says : Still using that old quote mine?>> <<@pitpride1220 says : They're not stupid. They're bigoted and racist. That's why you can't figure it out. You think it's an intellectual thing. It's cultural. The system has told them they are the best and brightest and always correct. Any deviation from that makes them go into a rage blaming things that don't correlate.>> <<@pitpride1220 says : I won't respect the right wing until they go after the church. Which they never will. Especially the catholic church.>> <<@wakkablockablaw6025 says : Bruh, mans just called religion stupid. Yet the people that think unrestrained abortion, child gender transition surgeries, and communism is normal. What happened to you, Derrek?>> <<@uchihamadara3106 says : Bruh idk how you became so left bias from when I started watching you,you used to be centrist now your not...crazy>> <<@andnowmikejae2812 says : All both sides do is use buzzwords. But nothing else>> <<@steveo4991 says : Damn this dude fell off 😂>> <<@samanthatucker7796 says : I am so happy to watch someone who has common sense, and that is outrageous that we can't find people who aren't pandering to one side or the other...Thank you for telling the TRUTH! You should be much bigger already, I hope your channel blows up soon!>> <<@sexylexiesdad1 says : American's IQ is dropping fast, a lot faster than the rest of the world, & you got to ask yourself why is that, and what is causing it.>> <<@louisfk9880 says : The gaslight continues until morale improves 😑😑>> <<@doctorgrubious7725 says : Coming back after a few years, I expected Ls, saw Ls, oh how the… well not “mighty” but somewhat entertaining have fallen>> <<@midnitest0rm says : I followed your suggestion about halfway through and googled “pastor arrested.” Most recent result about child molestation was 21 hours ago. 21. Hours. Ago.>> <<@humanityrestored6204 says : Ima need a link to the CUM shirt please and thank you.>> <<@ReasonBound says : I’ve caught your videos off and on over the years and I really thought you brought up phenomenal points and gave sound commentary in this video. I appreciate your content 🙏>> <<@vlover15OO says : Cool. Now do racist and grifter>> <<@wadetisthammer3612 says : 11:55 to 12:03 - "They can't be this stupid." You seem to be overlooking something: when bad religious people do illegal stuff, it's illegal and they get arrested. (And let's not stereotype; most religious folks are decent enough and don't engage in such felonies ) The stuff that some conservatives call "grooming" is legal and they want it stopped. They want the illegal stuff by bad religious people stopped too but that's already illegal so there isn't as much to change from a government perspective. 19:30 to 19:53 - Hmm, sounds sus. From not liking a lifestyle to not liking that people _exist?_>> <<@thebigdawgj says : Why are you supporting those who diddle kids?>> <<@Hotchpotchsoup says : I don't wanna be labelled as either this or that, but I think those people you're talking about dislike it when trans things are glorified. You can put a hero's cape on an anorexic person and kids will be like "I wanna be like that!". Trans people sadly do have issues with their own body, I wholeheartedly wish they can find ways to feel better about themselves. But to present them as heroes and applaud them as they struggle wouldn't surprise me if it caused more kids to grow up with uncertainty about themselves and feeling disappointed with their body. It would probably be more positive for everyone if we could just love eachother and ourselves for who we are without putting capes on particular types of people. Many people don't have time or energy to sit down and reflect on their own opinions, or they lack the skill to properly express themselves, and therefore just look up some loudmouth that resonates well with them and repeat whatever shit that one's got coming out of their mouth. Don't waste your energy on those people if you're not actually trying to help/encourage them to think for themselves and also making them feel listened to.>> <<@bicuriousdirtbikeboi2594 says : A gay person?! Existing?! On MY planet?!?! (Also just so you know Drag Race is in season 15 currently, and it’s very obviously marketed to only adults.)>> <<@theguitarpicker says : I can see your points, but on the Left, anything THEY disagree with, they make accusations of 'racsit' and 'white supremacy', or 'transphobia'. So please remember that BOTH sides do this.>> <<@brandoncavallaro4982 says : whilst I agree with the overall point. there are some drag shows that are fuckin real creepy and I wish people would acknowledge that and stop giving the "anti-woke" side ammunition>> <<@venuslove-i1v says : I'm glad you exposing the issues with both sides. This is why I have followed you for years. People are so quick to demonize an ENTIRE group for the actions of a few. They apply "woke" to describe any situation where it has a black person in a movie or a gay person (even when movies and shows have started existing like this since the 90s). Applying groomer to every Drag Queen or trans person is equivalent to calling every actor or singer a groomer just because some do sexual stuff in adult clubs. Not ever Drag Performer is sexual. And why protest the Drag Queens doing sexual stuff in adult places? They're doing their job: performing. Why don't people go after the adults that let their kids come with them in there in the first place?>> <<@kennysmith1336 says : It's funny that the same people take their kids to Hooters are the same people that complained about drag shows>> <<@grzegorzk5149 says : woke means neo-communist. grooming means pedophilia. I'd be grateful if we called things by their proper names.>> <<@Eveningbreeze721 says : I feel the same about this push against African American studies in school. That's been available in learning FOREVER. They just never noticed, didn't care, and were never interested in taking any of the courses.>> <<@sub-harmonik says : I think the 'grooming' and 'pedo' stuff is mostly stupid, but I think 'woke' kind of just means 'sjw'. If you think 'sjw' has a definition, then woke does too. An example, is putting 'diversity and inclusion' in stuff for its own sake and racial quotas in media. I did like the last of us ep. 3 tho. Also when ppl say they're teaching crt in schools essentially they're talking about kids being taught using tenets that critical race theory uses. I actually think critical race theory is useful but yeah there are definitely some ways of 'systemic' thinking in common with new things being taught in elementary school. I guess mainly people are talking about teaching kids about racism and the history of it at a young age. (making assumptions about a black or queer or whatever person always being oppressed and disadvantaged in every situation)>> <<@scepteredisle says : This is a really bad take, mate. They literally are trying to groom - you need to pay attention more. Sure, a minority but, for example, a DRAG QUEEN (not the pantomime "ha ha look at me I'm silly and dressed as a women, madess" type - which is fine. Sexualised drag ones reading or performing to kids - they are grooming kids.>> <<@JustSomeGuy says : I think you’re underestimating the power of confirmation bias and indoctrination. Conservatives have a long history of hating minorities and LGBT people. The biases they formed are still a part of their political and religious culture, and it takes very little to bring those biased sack out. It doesn’t help that the far left gave the right a push in that direction, but the right were already heading back there. If anyone plays to their biases, they’ll get triggered real fast, especially if it gets tied to protecting their families. It's not that these people are stupid. It’s that they believe that they’re never wrong. There’s simply no evidence you could ever present that they’d accept. They have a narrative, and they’re going to stick to it, so it doesn’t matter that more boys were circumcised this year than any trans kid got a sex change in the last decade. They don’t like trans people, so that one gets their attention. They couldn’t care less about the mutilation of boys. The same goes for abuse. They don’t like gay people, so drag shows get their attention. They couldn’t care less about the religious figures hurting kids. It’s not that they don’t know. It’s that they don’t care because it doesn’t into their ideology.>> <<@t-bonethearchangel9644 says : Drag Queens 🤤>> <<@herold1985 says : It will never be not weird inviting drag queens to read a book for children. This stuff happens in europe too now so it almost seems like these teacher are part of a religious sect really.>> <<@army103 says : I don't have kids, but if I did, while I wouldn't endorse any drag-queen-led events put on by their schools, I wouldn't pull them out of class to keep them from participating in it, either. It just seems like something people on the far left are organizing more because it rattles conservatives than because of any actual social value it has.>> <<@typhlosionproductions5970 says : The conservatives being surprised SBG has a liberal take is so funny to me>> <<@jordancorley828 says : Solid video>> <<@Rad-Dude63andathird says : You forgot "based". Every time a person is objectively terrible, like just a hateful vile being or they do something just awful, some dickhead trudges through and garbles out "bAsEd!" and farms the attention they so desperately crave.>> <<@SecretAgentPaul says : Never thought I'd see Derek standing up for people who like little kids.>> <<@masturcheef105 says : So when you use the lefts baby language against them suddenly it's dumb and not worth talking about. They might not be consistent but damn are they predictable.>> <<@J3rr3LL says : Politics is dirty.>> <<@JerrytheJ says : I stepped back from the Right a while ago.>>