<<@manuelcaraballo3840 says : Tell me you don't know how money works without telling me.>> <<@kyranadrian says : Honestly I think Sam is definitely better than the American right wing. But on a lot of issues he's very unimpressive and can be just as partisan as the right at times>> <<@slim3time says : Sure tax the rich. But where would the tax money go? Look at where it goes now it doesn’t benefit the people that need it. Look at Democratic controlled cities run into the ground, how can people vote blue and find comfort in their policies. Drugs, homelessness and crime sounds like a great society.>> <<@MercurtioCor says : There was a time when tax breaks was restricted to investment to your business; keeping CEO and board members from giving themselves the money.>> <<@parallelparkerrr says : 100% agree that kenneth copeland, joel osteen are greedy assholes. As a christian, the bible says its easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven. Conveniently most people skip over that and hoard without donating a penny to the poor. And then we (joel osteen and kenneth Copeland types) turn around and talk about the woman with only two coins to her name, and gave it all and was blessed, then interpret that as “the more you donate to the church the more you get in return” its not about that, its about helping real people and supporting each other regardless of if you make 1k a month or 100k a month. Keep it real and keep the dialog open, God bless 🤙>> <<@hallarious506 says : In all honesty, you are throwing alot of assumptions in there. You have the notion that people saying those things mean that everybody can be a millionaire. And that is not the argument. So stating that taxes should be fairer is one thing, but talking like that about it, is just buying into the other extreme.>> <<@TwentyNineJP says : Lots of haters saying dumb stuff in the comments clearly showing that they haven't taken any time to think over the things you're saying.>> <<@dancheng3014 says : WTF happened to this guy. People with high net worth DO NOT HOARD anything. That money is deployed - deployed as equity or debt. Even money in a savings account is not being hoarded - that money is used by the bank to lend to different businesses in the community. Jesus Christ. Try to familiarize yourself with elementary finance concepts. Holy S.>> <<@JohnJJSchmidt says : The idea of a "loophole" is to basically outsource the job of the gov't by providing funding to programs that are supposed to benefit the general public without the overhead and incompetent distribution that the gov't provides through taxation. It just that rich people figured out how to funnel that back up to themselves. Dems do it too. Hate to break it to you.>> <<@JohnJJSchmidt says : Can anyone here name one of these "loopholes" off the top of their head? Go ahead and look it up bc you can't.>> <<@jsaiz187505 says : You are proposing that a government that takes in trillions of dollars a year and ducks so much up, they should get even more money? You talk about billionaires " hoarding" so much money, what about the dam government that keeps taking trillions? Sam would get ripped apart by someone like Eric July or Michael Malice. He wants to argue with figure heads and celebrity personalities and not true thinkers.>> <<@natecorsn9097 says : Bootlickers think that the country should just be full of people making enough money to be a monarch? If Billionaires dropping a million here and a billion there is enough to drastically influence public policy then it should not be possible to become a billionaire imo. I don’t want any one person holding that much power. Sam gave bill gates as an example.>> <<@MySqueezingArm says : 100 Million, so 1 Million/year from birth to death or more for most people. Over 80k/month, more than most Americans make in a year. That's more than enough for anybody.>> <<@willygene829 says : Love your content bro>> <<@captainatheist3644 says : Sam Seder is a dork>> <<@dkmenace1990 says : As a tax accountant, it's not even a debate that the rich pay a supermajority of the taxes. You want the rich to pay more? Simplify the tax code more and more like what previous tax reforms and cuts did. Leftists like Seder (who was born into wealth and never had to really work hard) are advocating for a tax system that historically was full of massive loopholes and very few actually paid the full rate that is being advocated. The tax cuts of the past simplified the code more and allowed to get the rich to pay more. We continuously have record revenues unless its a recession. That's why the left will always be wrong in taxes. As someone who was working class who recently became middle class the old fashion way, the record inflation has done more damage to me than tax cuts for the rich ever did.>> <<@roundandedgeless.1218 says : 5:40 that’s literally what the U.S used to do, you know, before everything went to shit.>> <<@cameronidk2 says : Wow dumb on dumb support. I watch valuetainment all the time. I had no clue who Sam Sneed was till you reminded me that i did watch him .. Because i do watch and listen to many different people on many Different subjects. The World we live in is nothing like the world they claim we live in. But how would you know? How would you be able to know who's bullshiting who about what? They know that you can't. In order to have a solid understanding of reality you need to have a large lived experience. I mean from manual labor to to big business innovations From a life a crime to a life of service . To really understand each system or what was classically known as institutions that make up and sustain our world. But the aver4age person will always be limited by their average life. The thing's you say about who pays what and what people have been conditioned to believe is steeped in shallow "every man " Biases. Sam and you Begin your whole self-righteous Theory's about ethics, and evil doer's from a place that you assume is reality but is in fact a mere shard, a fraction of actual truth. .. Sam has a curraterd narrative, which he's been developing for a long time. A Polished presentation is only that. .. debate? Sam isn't on the level you think he is... He's not going to convince anyh one of any thing that they either were undecided on or already Believe. Because all he is is a debater, a sophist, a Self promoter.. He makes a living arguing about the world,. he has zero interest in changing it.>> <<@DK6Marius says : Tax money in California doesn't go to anyone who needs it. This state's a shithole lol.>> <<@DK6Marius says : it's moral that a person can do what they want with what they own, to bequeath and invest it how they wish, yes. Full stop. Especially money they've already paid their fair share of taxes on. Now we must address that wealth isn't piled and hoarded like some dragon's hoard. The richest one per cent don't need to "hoard" money like that, that's just for us poors. I think your biggest flaw is buying into the materialist utopian approach that leftists peddle. It's hogwash and horse cock.>> <<@GabbieCh says : I don't know if I would call this hoarding. The amount of money gives them power that others don't have, access to the most elite social circles, ability to buy or rent the most luxurious places and things on Earth. This is why people dream of being rich, they want to access the "ultimate" version of what life is. They wanna know what having a private jet is like, what having a super yacht is like, what it is like to be able to buy a whole country, buy out politicians, etc. You'll rarely find people who got to be billionaires in the first place who would give up that power. And you can always spend your money. There are so many ultra expensive things that you could buy, and your money would be gone. You can spend any amount of money, if you buy the most expensive things. But most billionaires don't really have their money in cash, it's usually in stocks, at least for the more "legit" ones.>> <<@Jrocka7x says : Every time I’ve tried to watch Sam, it’s been a chore.>> <<@MrMortombachman says : Listen to the majority report regularly. Smart guy, but baba yaga is a bit much.>> <<@_DanielFernandez_ says : As someone who works directly with homeless people. Yes the system is broken. Also, and not mutually exclusive most people are lazy and bad with their money. Knowledge is readily available, and mainly free. Nothing stopping some black guy from starting his own perfect "communism" and getting every one to buy in. Communism is bad. Government control is bad. Greed is bad. I challenge some black guy to release his tax returns from the last 10 years, and how he spends his money in a complete breakdown and let's see how generous he is with his own money before I hear any argument on what is "moral".>> <<@lunchbox118 says : Right, the ideological platform of taxation was drilled into peoples head from millionaires and billionaires... Not a nearly century old economic debate, or a nearly 2 century old philosophical debate.>> <<@NotYurAverageJoe says : Sam knows more about policy than 90% of the people he talks to but ppl’s eyes just glaze over cuz they don’t wanna actually learn anything new. They want someone to make a rhetorical point devoid of specific data to appeal to a subjective, holistic sense of logic. Sam rarely does that, he almost always talks specific history and evidence rather than wax philosophical, which makes him boring to some but that’s why i like him.>> <<@simonhall9583 says : Joe Rogan doesn't have 100 million dollars stashed in dry wall like Pablo Escobar dude. There's a lot of naivety in this video.>> <<@dangood1726 says : Honestly a bad take, all of it; Joe has not changed, you have.>> <<@Chunky-n-spunky says : We just went through all of this shit with this free money and look where it got us. Inflation. Millions of able bodied men not in the workforce. And, I guarantee you. If you had that money you would see it differently.>> <<@Chunky-n-spunky says : My guy went full Commie.>> <<@Chunky-n-spunky says : How much money do you donate to charities?>> <<@Chunky-n-spunky says : Why the hell you want to give the government more money? They are the worst with money.>> <<@REG3305 says : SBG says the left isn't " fighting to make people poorer!" .. .. .. as he LITERALLY IS ADVOCATING FOR MAKING THE "RICH" POORER. Liberals = 2 brain cells only used to be confused if they are a boy or girl.>> <<@ReasonBound says : Best commentary I’ve hear you, or anyone, give in a long time>> <<@LiftYagami says : A massive hole in your entire argument is that people who are that rich, have businesses. You excuse business expenses but then say people who make over 300M should be taxed 90%. How will these people be able to upkeep their multi million dollar companies, and especially expand with 30M? Building space and construction costs hundreds of millions>> <<@LiftYagami says : It’s insane to say you’re a centrist, but then say the government can control and own 90% of anyone’s money>> <<@joshuatempleton9556 says : handing out money does not fix problems, you can't end world hunger and homelessness with a billion dollars as the left likes to claim, you can feed a few million people for a week but then they are starving again as the underlying issues that create such problems are not getting fixed, btw wealth creation creates opportunity for others with out creating wealth nobody has a job.>> <<@joshuatempleton9556 says : net worth is not the same as net cash, there wealth comes from appraised value not actual cash sitting in the bank. 1% of the country cover 80% taxes.>> <<@porscheoscar says : interesting these comments ... makes realize how little people know about tax avoidance into literally perpetuity. Ultra wealthy families employ entire armies of lawyers who each concentrate on every stage of capital becoming wealth at effectively zero tax. Theyll put up literally ZERO cash, buy companies, load up the debt, pull out milions into defered compensation, roll that into another tax avoidance vehicle as it grows and grows while your mortgage just doubled taking half of your check because rates went from 3% to 6% making the wealthy even richer as they make bank even on short term T bills.>> <<@codyopperman5930 says : Alternatively title. Derek bitches about rich people, assume government would solve the problem. My brother in christ, the government has been choosing the rich since Teddy.>> <<@codyopperman5930 says : Everything I've seen from Sam has be performative stupidity.>> <<@pointlessendeavors5653 says : I have seen several episodes of Majority Report and so far I have seen nothing of value.>> <<@danmartin7515 says : damn bro you changed got to unsub Sam Seder is a clown and always will be>> <<@sunkillsmoon says : Tim would 100% have Sam on , he has offendered to have Sam on but Sam is a lying clown and won't go on but said Tim is scared to have him on....>> <<@sunkillsmoon says : Wow ...a dangly earring ....so original dude...>> <<@adrianrobledo7568 says : Sam Seeder is not interesting not even his subscribers want to see him why would anyone else would want to platform him>> <<@theeggreat4 says : Just a small note, Bill Simmons had a top 5 podcast but also had a full network of podcast. That’s why he got the money he did.>> <<@RoboFuryMan says : Saying things like, "when it comes to taxes people on the left are just correct because they use data" just means you're economically left, it doesn't mean the left is correct just because you call yourself a centrist "observing the facts". Of course the facts shown in the context of creating broader economic prosperity may be true but it doesn't focus on the amount of theft being done or other principles violated to make that happen; whose wealth and property is being stolen and to whom is it being redistributed. Perhaps all we need to do is better protect unions and guarantee more jobs but instead we focus on all these other ways to manipulate the flow of money, exploiting the bleeding hearts of utilitarians. Perhaps there are other societal issues you are center or even center-right on but not economics overall.>> <<@OctopusDropkick says : The concept of 'somebody had to grind to be here' is such a vague phrase, you gotta really investigate this stuff using your brain. There is literally no excuse for these huge mounds of money. You're watching a flawed system malfunction in real time. It doesn't matter if you were born rich or not. There is no way any of this is healthy or good or excusable. It's like setting up a system where people get the right to legally murder other folk if they're born exactly at the maximum height of five foot six. This is all luck and chance. Nobody has the particular abilities to outperform another human being at thousands of time their threshold capability. Even someone 'working really hard' can die in a ditch, absolutely poor. You can grind all you want and live forever in poverty. No matter what you do, period. This is all a collection of chances coming together for people, who exploit it in the moment. That's it. We live in a deranged lotto system.>> <<@OctopusDropkick says : It's very funny seeing all the stupid libertarian folk look around the crumbling dystopia about them and go 'this is fucked up!' Guys, this is the end result of your naive political philosophy. This is what you wanted. It's time to stop being a libertarian. Please for the love of god get a fucking clue.>>