<<@toneyingram732 says : If she would have said boo Josh would have ran like hell>> <<@maesdejardin8648 says : I'm not trans I don't go by my birth name No one ever gives me a hard time, calling me by my prefered name Why would that be so difficult if my birth gender and my presumed gender were different?>> <<@dennydritic2628 says : firstly stop screaming so much Ana. that doesnt make you a "strong independent opinionated woman" it just makes you sound insecure. Secondly every day another leftist like myself is lost on this horrificly stupid issue. LGBT shit shoves down our throats and now our kids throat. rubbish>> <<@yourenotthecenterofmyuniverse says : tyt = the young transphobes>> <<@cicichambers3887 says : Kira made a good points but at the same time what the senator was trying to make a point of is that 99.9% of the people out there having babies are genetic women in fact all of the people having babies are genetic women… Regardless of their trans status or nonbinary status now I am an ally, but when people start getting too radical, it reminds me of the Island of Dr. Moreau . Just because you force the outside to change doesn’t mean you change the nature or the nurture.>> <<@samwlodawskitheone says : It’s insane how hard conservatives think it is to call someone by their name. They’ll say stuff like oh my God I can’t be bothered. How do I know what you want to be called? I’m gonna call you what I want too. It’s not hard work just to call someone by their name. No one gives a shit, if you don’t get why that’s their name but it’s their name so just call them by it.>> <<@damien86 says : What does gender mean then?>> <<@chriss-nf1bd says : 1 in 25k children are born as both genders. Often mutilated to be the easy gender, male. What does these law say to them.>> <<@chriss-nf1bd says : There was a young woman on my high school football team. She was the kicker. Would republicans head explode if they knew then?>> <<@anniedeedrix6732 says : There is laws regarding children having to be in school . Children 14 and under must receive an education in my country , abused children must be taken away from their abusers , the state is suppose to protect children because fckd up parents exist . Protection against the worse case scenario and there are plenty of parents who insist their two year olds are trans . That is fckd up . Forced transitions is a growing situation and unfortunately laws must prevent it . Why is there no meds to combat dysphoria without ppl changing ? Meds to help ppl be comfortable in their skin . Why dont u ppl push the govt to pressure big pharma to focus on such meds ? Unite to get results that truly help and have no long term battles , im sure scientists can develop a drug that does not involve bruce becoming caitlyn , bruce staying bruce and happy being bruce .>> <<@js7733 says : Actually liberals are making this a big deal.>> <<@marym22 says : Is that Olay? Yeah Prince changed his name as an F U to the record company so he could own his music and take back power!>> <<@Seedsofreason says : Why is it so difficult to respect what someone wants to identify as. You don’t have to agree. But can’t you have just a little bit of empathy and compassion for others? Especially if you call yourself a Christian. Love your neighbor as yourself. Your trans neighbor. Your liberal neighbor. Your conservative neighbor. Your claim of being a follower of the Christ means nothing if you don’t learn love above all.>> <<@smartmama7928 says : University of Colorado had a female kicker on their football team. We finally have female referees and umps in collegiate and professional sports.>> <<@rickegan4096 says : Sorry this is out of context, but I loved your outrage that your Condo Board screwed you. Are there brown outs in the summer? Where is all this new electric coming from to charge all those new electric cars? What the batteries? Made where? China? How to dispose of them? 20K plus for a new one! Is there any network of charging stations? And, who really wants them?>> <<@russellmania5349 says : The only trans person that I like is Blair white. She is not woke and a conservative. She not pushing this crap on children and against pushing this on children.>> <<@williethomas9953 says : Nothing is worst than a gay man who attacks LGBTQ people.>> <<@ubiquitousdiabolus says : The question isn't "is gender different than biological sex?" the question is "when did gender replace biological sex as the factor to separate male and female bathrooms, locker rooms, sports, etc.?">> <<@SirBullet754 says : It's great to see that more and more people are standing up against this trans agenda. Including some liberals and LGB people. Progressives and the T are in the wrong, anti-science and just crazy. It's really sad that the left has become the party of delusions, because they used to actually have good policies regarding healthcare. Now it's just this nonsense. Wow the slippery slope was very real. Conservatives I hate to say are in the right here because these far leftists sound like clowns. And everyone knows the truth. Since when did enabling falsehoods or mental illness become a thing of the left? My goodness. Now the left has become the party that denies biology. Wow, no wonder Trump won in 2016.>> <<@aprilwilliamson9918 says : It was fine until you guys started proclaiming that trans women are women and put violent, rapist, biological men in women's prisons.>> <<@danriv66 says : Cassius Clay? They respected his decision to change to Muhammed Ali. This was not controversial.>> <<@monicaprince-grice1842 says : When a person gets married they change their names>> <<@chikushodiz91 says : Lol the right has no logic>> <<@OfficialRogueLogic says : The right wing just can't seem to let it go. What they need to do is ask themselves: "Why does this bother me?" We all know why it bothers them, they are fearful, hate-driven, and ignorant. At the very least, they could simply just ignore it if it is so upsetting to them, it's a created issue, manufactured to create a culture-war that just isn't necessary. At best, they could just admit they're hateful, homophobic, and that they dislike anything out of what they consider "normal" and leave people to their own devices, at least that would be honest.>> <<@williammatthews5422 says : The black girl on The Hill is wrong. The other two are right. When talking about the films Ellen Paige made before transition, one should be able to refer to Ellen Paige as being in the film.>> <<@soulmechanics7946 says : They aren't wrong. We are pretending that it is okay to remain hidden from ourselves even after we have managed to expose ourselves simply because it hurts to encounter who we were. It is not right and it is not beneficial for anybody. We signed on for this. We are the next stage of evolution and we bear the burden of exposing the world to the truth. On this issue, they certainly do not deserve to be dismissed, if even only because we deserve better than to be dismissive. This life is rougher than any of them could survive realizing for themselves, and we need to learn to be proud of our strength and our courage. We only hide from our past because their cult painted it with shame. Any fellow trans person who thinks we need to be dismissing who we had to be because of their scam are still being scammed. Fight back. You are thinking the way they taught you to, and you are still not yet quite realized.. but you are f*cking closer than ever before and these ghosts of their lost cause along with all of humanity both deserves and desperately needs to see how unrealistically beautiful you truly are. We came to see you shine. 👊>> <<@dannygonzales7923 says : YES LIKE IF I SAID EUROPEANS ARE THOSE WHO RACE AROUND THE WORLD ROBBING & KILLING AS THEY DO TODAY AND CALL IT DEMOCRACY !!!!!>> <<@geraldprechtelmeyers2319 says : So in this situation I feel there is a complication, movie credits. He is Ellen on all of the old credits. So do you say it's Elliot in Juno? So legit, do we discuss their career as two separate incarnations? I'm not asking to be rude, because I support people being who they are, I'm asking for knowledge and teaching opportunities>> <<@DarrenEden-ub4vj says : What about hermaphrodites. You do not hear enough about them. Just a few years ago doctors would measure the newborn baby's penis and decide whether the baby should be a male or female. If you want to get angry about mutilating children, this is it. Some countries have banned the practice. Does it still happen? I have no idea, but I suspect if it did it will be in places like the North Korea and middle east countries.>> <<@burningbarnavit says : Guys and gals at @tyt: why have you not hired her away from The Hill yet?!?!?!>> <<@Canbilly2 says : No. The alphabet community started this with getting people fired and calling them names when someone didn't agree with them on Twitter or other social media. They started the dumb shit. Nobody else. Your guys' equivocation is exhausting. Talk about bad faith. TYT is nothing but bad faith.>> <<@samgod says : I'm no right winger either, and I'm pro-trans. However, BOTH sides are being deliberately obtuse in this regard. Yes, conservatives know damn well what liberals mean by "people with the capacity to get pregnant." Josh Holly was clearly being a dick. However, liberals also know DAMN WELL that people are referring to sex, NOT gender, when using "women" in the context of pregnancy and biology. If you're a biological female with another gender and feel excluded when the medical community uses "woman", that's on you. Your outward expression, fashion sense, or preferred pronouns have no relevance when visiting your OBGYN or proctologist. In a biological context, "woman" and "man" refer to sex, not gender. This shouldn't be controversial folks. If you're going around schooling folks on the difference between sex and gender, it's helpful to recognize which of those contexts is being discussed before lecturing them.>> <<@DrSpaceCapeTV says : I'm pretty sure that Prince changed his name to the artist formerly known as Prince and then the artist and then to that symbol simply to expose record companies who would only refer to him as the artist in their contracts. So it was a way to show how the music industry dehumanizes artists by not referring to them by their name in the contract. So comparing dead naming a trans person to calling Prince The Artist is an incredibly disingenuous argument that refuses to understand the truth as to why Prince did what he did and is incredibly disrespectful to people who have transitioned. But we all know critical thinking is really hard for conservatives so don't expect them to understand this at all.>> <<@annepascoe3029 says : Yes we know that U have to be born a female to have a child but that doesn't mean people who are born female can't change their sex and transition but if they have a uterus they can get pregnant>> <<@machomusprime50 says : Let me preface my comments by saying I'm absolutely not a right-winger. But let's just be real. Men DO NOT have the capacity get pregnant. That's not offensive, it's the truth. I believe everybody has the right to live their lives as they see fit, unless you're purposely harming others. But don't try to force me to believe something that is simply untrue.>> <<@rextrek says : 3169th whenever a republican gives you a Thumbs up... RUN>> <<@LarryGoldenTalksLikeBuckwheat says : I can’t wait until being trans is no longer the trendy look at me thing. Then they will be onto the next trend.>> <<@LarryGoldenTalksLikeBuckwheat says : Even little kids at Halloween know they aren’t the things they dress up as.>> <<@Mrpolo19851 says : What is going on? Did we all lose our minds??? Am I tripping, or are there only 2 genders? either you were born a male or a female... you can be gay, sure... but what else are we talking about here???🤔🤷🏾‍♂️>> <<@lfish7792 says : Why did I get the complete opposite take from that first video>> <<@politicalvagabond1 says : I'm a cis woman who can't get pregnant. I don't even have a uterus or ovaries anymore. What does that make me?>> <<@LiberationMindedMediaB1 says : Let's quit playing games. Only WOMEN can get pregnant. This is getting outta control>> <<@TBRS says : I'm rather confused by this video, especially with Ana who just a little while back post a tweet mad about using inclusive language. Unlike other liberals I'm not going to pile on with more insults or anything. But if TYT could explain this it would be helpful. As someone who is trans inclusive language is very important. But how can you in good faith defend inclusive language while at the same time being angry about the use of inclusive language. The tweet was nothing if not full of turf dog whistles and talking points.>> <<@prestowitch says : as a trans woman, i think it’s important to recognize that, while Ana had some silly and problematic things to say regarding the “birthing people” discussion, she took a step back and corrected herself and her argument in this video. her tweet gained an unfortunate amount of traction but she obviously changer her opinion on it, so good on her>> <<@pjaypender1009 says : Ana, stop playing at allyship while you are behaving as a transphobe. You owe us an apology. Grow the fuck up already.>> <<@-erm2918 says : I changed my name when I was 19, 51 years ago.I don't tell people what my previous name was, because I find the many people are VERY DISRESPECTFUL and tend to use that name. Grow up, respect people's decisions.>> <<@kpw84u2 says : Anyone else notice how mainstream media turns their comments section off so very often? They dont want dialog. They dont want to Listen to the viewers.>> <<@superclaymaster says : I guess there’s still fuckwits saying Cassius clay so whatever>> <<@sheznotfunny says : "maybe prince did too" could you be any more obtuse?>> <<@GemmaHentsch says : Still no comment on Ana’s transphobia…>>