<<@UniShuoi-e6z says : Always knew Ben Shapiro was a liberal>> <<@KatieMarilen says : I'M SORRY.. DID THIS B REALLY JUST SAY "THERE'S AN ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE OF TRANS PEOPLE IN THE U.S.?" ..... I've literally NEVER heard anything so ignorant and demented in my life. It's a 🦰 too.. shocker!>> <<@DavyMaca says : Trans people should not be excluded from 2A, all gun controls inevitably lead to privileging criminals.>> <<@SMCwasTaken says : Knives: am i a joke to you 😂😂😂>> <<@JordanSnyder-ip8ij says : Ben dont you go near my gun laws with that liberal bullshit. Banning guns on mental illness hmm how long it take them to start viewing religion as a mental illness? Now you cant own a gun or you know what lets go a set further anyone with a mental illness cant vote now so trans people anyone with depression and anyone who thinks religion is real are off the list. Slipper slope that makes you sound like a liberal.>> <<@SevenEonXeon says : Ben I am sorry I love ya love what you and Tom did but this is not right and Trans is an umbrella term that encompases straight what ever color person who like to wear the opposite clothing for sexual purposes that is not a Transsexual many intersexed people get gender affirming surgery .your compleatly wrong here>> <<@helloihaveaguninmypants says : Lol scared were gonna snap? I know a few trans people that are losing their sanity.>> <<@nphoenixcrimefighter says : So you’re admitting Gender dysphoria and Trans are the same thing?>> <<@JWL-UK says : Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder as per American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Therefore they should be treated as such and NEVER given the opportunity to buy guns. It's the law.>> <<@VaraLaFey says : A thing about me: I've been an Ayn Rand Objectivist for over 30 years and a proud transwoman for 11. So I would probably disagree with almost everything Young Turks believe in, and I could make an iron-clad case for any such disagreement because I do not agree or disagree lightly. But I'm with you on _this_ particular thing because you see through Ben Closet-Shapiro much as I do. A thing about Ben Closet-Shapiro: he _IS_ almost certainly a closet trans. (Blaire White has a video of some of his worst moments where she makes clear that she also suspects this.) Closet-Shapiro has a high squeaky voice, speaks with a feminine speed and rhythm, uses a lot of feminine mannerisms, would make a fairly pretty transwoman with some cleanup, has been caught wearing tight girl-jeans while lunching with Jordan Peterson (girl-jeans are a very common first step in publicly presenting as a transwoman), happily hangs out with Brett Cooper who is his feminine spitting-image and they both admit it, and he _surely_ doth protest too much against transwomen - and we all know that protesting too much is a _trans_parent coverup for one's own personal issues. I seriously think he is one strategically-timed photograph away from being outed. Please remember that a transwoman predicted this. Another thing about Ben Closet-Shapiro is that he is not only anti-RKBA (and thus anti-Constitutional and anti-American), he also through complete lack of principle _supports anti-Semitism_ by forgetting Jewish history when he openly and explicitly advocated that transwomen - "men" he calls us - be _forced by law_ to wear men's clothes. (Blaire White has this on video as well.) Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it - but he _knows_ history. He knows damned well that in nazi Germany Jews were _forced by law_ to wear specific clothing items: armbands. He absolutely knows this, but his own _transphobic mental illness_ prevents him from making the connection in his tiny and hateful little 'mind'. A thing about people _like_ Ben Closet-Shapiro: there are _NO_ principles which they will not immediately abandon when faced with the mere existence of anyone who makes them feel all funny about themselves. They support ruzzia over Ukraine and masses of them are now coming out and admitting it proudly with the explicit 'justification' that ruzzia "isn't woke". So in their tribal hatred of trans, here is what they knowingly and willingly accept from ruzzia: gun control, speech control, media control, emigration control, socialized medicine, stolen elections, murder of political opponents, gigantic all-intrusive government, widespread government corruption, widespread drunkenness, and militaristic imperialism. Many of them are actually _moving_ to ruzzia. I sincerely hope they get what they deserve for immigrating to a dictatorship _precisely because_ it is hateful and statist. FURTHERMORE_ a Youtube commenter recently said, "The only time I've ever seen Christians and Muslims united together is fighting against this [trans] bs". Since I and likely all of us have known decent Muslims who are not transphobic, we know that the Muslims the YT rando means are _shariah jihadists._ I seriously think more US transphobes will express solidarity with jihadist terrorism because they are mutually driven by nothing but hate, fear and xenophobia the same as Vladimir Putrid's ruzzia. Please remember that a Randian Objectivist transwoman predicted this.>> <<@MrGrzegorzD says : Stupid chick>> <<@Gluten_possum says : Gotta love America 👍 Who needs constitutional rights anyways>> <<@bobbobbington3615 says : He never said that.>> <<@richarddavenport31 says : the trans movement is a Communist movement. wake up!!!!>> <<@richarddavenport31 says : A TRans guy advises to buy guns so he can stop women from stopping him from going to the womens bathrooms thats dangerous!!!!!>> <<@JuicyAk74 says : There weren’t like any trans people in 1966 that’s why they didn’t commit shootings💀>> <<@UNPRESIDENTED-g4v says : You idiot he clearly stated that people with gender dysphporia have higher chances of mental malaise and that's the reason guns should be banned for them. If you still don't get the point than your just an idiot.>> <<@entertainmentfan1463 says : So in other words, retarded Ben don't want trans people to have guns because he's worried one of them might just use it on him similar to how politicians are don't want people to own guns in case someone who isn't a chicken shit retard might actually put one of those damn traitors in the ground. Hey maybe we should ban conservatives from owning gun because from their constantly whining and bitching 24/7 about everything that isn't a straight white man and their ever pushing closer to becoming the KKK again, doesn't sound like they're mentally stable to own guns. Actually we already have cases of their fellow incel manbitches going on shooting sprees just because no one wants to suck their dicks besides themselves.>> <<@jeremyallen5974 says : It doesn't usually end well when mentally ill people get their hands on guns. Remember the Nashville shooting?>> <<@starrieyedGirl says : If I did not have my gun the two armed men that tried to kill me would have exceeded. So I think you're wrong.>> <<@farrelllobo548 says : You people are stupid... Who sells guns to civilians.. as if they are groceries... You people just care about your big fat egos. Just the soldiers or responsible police needs guns>> <<@farrelllobo548 says : Why don't you sick Americans ban guns...you people are responsible for the death of these poor kids. Only soldiers need guns or the police>> <<@ethandollarhide7943 says : Ben Shapiro and his followers are constantly making violent threats towards the Trans Community: They NEED guns because of him and that's the real reason he doesn't want them to have them.>> <<@capsitan says : Ladies and gentlemen behold the turkish porcupine>> <<@capsitan says : Name calling just shuts people down>> <<@pimonster1998 says : blaire white took him down>> <<@itsthosehours says : As much as i dont support transgenderism, i hugely disagree with ben. Let them have the same rights as the rest of us, why discriminate?>> <<@9Glaedr0 says : Why are trangenders mentally ill? Because they are nuts to give up the privileges of their birth gender. Transwomen give up privileges of being 'men' while transmen give up on the privilege of being a 'woman'. All for what? Discrimination at the hands of the rest of the world. Truly nuts.>> <<@AKHKCZplus says : Shapiro is absolutely right. If we’re going to allow people with an untreatable (DSM labeled) psychological sickness called Gender Dysphoria to purchase firearms than Schizophrenics (which is treatable) should be allowed the same 2A rights. Unfortunately, both are mentally ill, & anyone with extreme mental disorders are turned away immediately, or arrested on felony charges for lying on their firearm applications. LGTBQ (no meds for that disease), & firearms don’t mix.>> <<@BladedBear says : OH give me a break, add more context beyond "straight males" in terms of who commit the most gun homicides per capita. You can't be THIS disingenuous.>> <<@WendyWise-kp1mg says : 2nd ammendment levels the field athoritarian pigs>> <<@libertatem_aut_mori_conatur says : Ehat exactly did he say? The world health organization classifies it as a mental illness he not once went after any trans anything>> <<@wobwobwubwub says : dude his sister is toooooo hot lemme hit them mommy milkers>> <<@Ghost-eu1rg says : Could not agree more with Ben here. People suffering from gender dysphoria are suffering from severe mental illness and often are suffering from many mental diagnoses. Also considering their extremely high rate of suicide, allowing them to own firearms is putting themselves and the rest of society at risk of harm>> <<@graceeyler9846 says : im so confused on why they did a vid about this this channel is weird and not to mention the lady on their looks like a skunk mixed with a raccoon>> <<@AbhishekBalodiBCS says : .>> <<@thevezer3040 says : Young Turks are fake news do not listen to them>> <<@Lincolnsdaddy762 says : A man thinking he is a woman or woman thinking that she is a man is obviously a sign of a mental disorder.>> <<@scottlangrehr144 says : The right to bear arms was based on the threat a tyrannical government had to its citizens...correct me if I'm wrong>> <<@kevinhowell4836 says : especesaly in nashville>> <<@HighCastleGuns says : No he's saying somebody who is so mental ill they're willing to cut their own dick off shouldn't be allowed to own a gun because they're so mentally ill that they would cut their own penis off to have a vagina then going to a school and shoot innocent children how retarded are you lady get a clue>> <<@markkissel1997 says : How are these retards aka the young turks still on air 🤣🤣🤣>> <<@KiingKillerr says : w>> <<@samuelmarek says : Ben Shapiro officially lost my respect with a disgusting statement like that .>> <<@yea4834 says : Transgender individuals are more likely to get bullied... And more likely to resort to violence to win an argument.. And more like to Y'know>> <<@Cupcake_Royale says : How about no one should be allowed to have guns? 💀>> <<@hannalaforest4520 says : Yea maybe because people with gender dysphoria have a large percentage of suicide rates/thoughts. Duh. Maybe because if they’re buying guns they might be more likely to actually go through with committing suicide>> <<@cecilrose6367 says : Your one of the reasons lgbt people are getting armed>> <<@Mikeonyoutuification says : I'm a conservative and I think Trans people should have guns if they want to have them.>> <<@peak_aesthetix says : Yes it’s never trans people because only 0,6% of people are trans 😂😂😂>>