<<@jeffreysmith2069 says : 100%; Cenk, All -in the Family, Three's Company; you- may see -lines of acceptable as -wider thanst we now- -hold -to.>> <<@nickyberry9742 says : Friends is the best sitcom ever and I don’t want anything to be changed about in it it is absolutely perfect people should go and feel bad somewhere else and stop hating on friends and plus for a show in the 90’s it’s very inclusive>> <<@rubenrebenz1000 says : Truth is this world has evolved from the past. You can’t go back to America great again. If you lived in the past and don’t fit in the future, that’s your problem. Why you talking about friends? You should be talking about Seinfeld.>> <<@fluxrider7027 says : Ted Danson went out with Whoopi Goldberg?!?>> <<@TRAN305 says : WOKE IS WEAKNESS>> <<@nicholausbuthmann1421 says : I have no problem with CARRYING ON THE TRADITION of DON RICKLES, RICHARD PRYOR, GEORGE CARLIN, REDD FOX, & PAUL RODRIGUEZ......Who gives a damn if it pisses off Hollywood Executives and MacLean, Virginia Lobbyists ! Oh and yes, the Extreme Left is just as bad, thank you Cenk !>> <<@judeinfante8909 says : I know we've gone far but. Blazing Sadles would still work Today in fact we could add more and just make fun of everything>> <<@davidkazakov6232 says : Aniston is right and female host (Ana Kasparian) is absolutely miserable>> <<@dethengine says : Yeah, that "master bedroom" take is straight out of the white privilege playbook. Also, there are LOTS of great comedians with great jokes that don't depend on hurtful jokes for a laugh, and if a "comic" does, then he or she is just not a good comic. And I get that it's okay to make light of oneself or of ones own condition, just don't do it at the expense of others. Just a little more care can go a long way towards lifting everyone. All that being said, please make as much fun of repukelicans as you can. They deserve it for trying to hurt so many others.>> <<@rajanogray9088 says : Thanks!>> <<@grecia31 says : Jennifer is annoyed cause people prefer Seinfeld>> <<@rara1800 says : About what Ana Kasparian was saying about the “master bedroom” the reason why people find that that term offensive is because the master bedroom was where the slave master would bring his female slaves and rape them in his room. Slavery which of course most of you all know is a painful subject for African Americans that’s why ppl want that term erased. I’m not sure if Ana K is aware I certainly wasnt>> <<@dariusrucker5820 says : Okay, ho'lup...since when is Jennifer Anniston a comedian? She literally has no body of work, Friends is all scripted and Jen isn't writing the lines or coming up with any of the material. Secondly, Dave Chappelle is legendary. He may not be "YOUR" cup of tea, but saying he needs to make jokes is the equivalent of saying you both need to make news. Dave Chappelle makes literally "the best" jokes and Cenk and Ana you both do a great job of reporting factually and truthfully. Just because you don't agree with Dave Chappelle, doesn't mean he doesn't tell jokes, and it certainly says a lot about your sense of humor if you prefer Ricky Gervais over Dave Chappelle. Also, love your show, Cenk keep crushing it, Ana you look amazing as always.>> <<@craftmom5302 says : Have you considered she might be a republican and since she is famous her people have leaned on her about the topic>> <<@soulmechanics7946 says : Personally, I feel like the appropriate response at this point would rather have to be expulsion, by means of terminal force if necessary, but hey, I am just a human person with an honest opinion about what I see happening to my home.>> <<@jameshawkins2633 says : Yeah but bill Cosby show was not taking seriously because it featured a successful black man.>> <<@notafaker says : The problem with Friends was the show concept was stolen. As for blackface the issue is Americans refused to listen to black Americans who’ve were explaining why it was wrong since forever. The deal is younger white kids listen maybe due to learning college African American study courses and telling people they know what they’ve learn.>> <<@manjapetrov7358 says : Sometimes I'm sad that I'm in the same political tribe with Ana. She finds "Abbot Elementary" funny but "Friends" boring...lmao. Why? Cause "Abbot elementary", awful and extremely performative as it is, is all about underfunded school with underprivileged black kids which rhymes well with the leftist narrative, but "Friends" is indiscriminately making fun of everything and everyone including gays, transfolks etc, so that's incompatible within the leftist ideology>> <<@manjapetrov7358 says : Lol leftists, especially American leftists, are completely losing the sense of humor! "Friends" is boring? WHAAAAAAAAT? I've watched it 10 times maybe and it's still cracking me up.>> <<@souljaboyisbad says : @KingZNIN can't find that comment thread, so I'll say it here:You're conflating "it's not sufficient to be antiwoke to be successful " with "everyone hates antiwoke". I'm not gonna watch a movie based on something being antiwoke.>> <<@alcovegodinan4312 says : The "fat suit" stuff on Friends was probably not great>> <<@m.racheljones7019 says : So the overpaid Hollywood executives, who can afford to do market research, still think magaTs are half of the country???? 😂🤣😅😂🤣 They're barely a third of the repubs!!!>> <<@newbloomwon says : As a New Yorker, I can still appreciate a show like Friends, about a group of friends in a major city of Nebraska.>> <<@DM-fe2bc says : Jennifer's comment was that there's a whole generation of people who find Friends offensive. Well, that's just the nature of time. Putting aside the fact that shows like Friends and Seinfeld contained things that were offensive and tone deaf to certain groups of people even during their time (it's just that the target audience was either blissfully unaware of the harm or didn't care), I don't recall anyone saying we should go back and take these shows off the air. She just needs to accept that newer generations aren't as moved by the show, and they shouldn't be expected to worship it like previous generations did. I agree that the show was just representative of its time--lack of diversity in certain circles was real, and this show just centered around that type of circle. The reality is that every newer generation is going to enjoy and value different things. This new generation seems to be largely disinterested in stories surrounding homogeneous groups of people. Friends had its time, enjoyed its era of popularity, and she benefited immensely from it. Comedy today will be built for this generation, enjoy its run of popularity, and then future generations will talk about how offensive and tone deaf it was.🤷‍♂ Comedians don't have to tailor their comedy to an unknown future, they just have to stay current if they want to stay relevant; and I think comedians who have a formula for success based in the past are just struggling to adjust.>> <<@realplayer54 says : Soul Man from the '80's was a whole movie about a white guy doing black face, but without seeing most of it I already know that the movie is condemning blackface and not celebrating it.>> <<@abram2535 says : Cenk is right because they are using WOKE as a movement but still they are using to shut us up. Fascist communist movement. Politicians are smart, and dont care about common people, they love for us to hate each other. They love racism.>> <<@Sincerealise says : Ana, what’s she’s saying is that a show like Archie Bunker couldn’t exist. Oh wait, Cenk just stole my thunder…>> <<@amisanthrope247 says : I kind of get what she means. For instance, I am gay. The mere utterance of any gay-themed slang words does not immediately upset me. I use the word f*g all the time. It in itself isn't a bad word. For me it's just slang for a gay man. A straight friend of mine, who constantly, all day, everyday used the word gay to describe something in a negative way or to say it was stupid, lame, it sucked, it was sh*t, etc. I casually use the word f*g in a conversation talking to him one day as in talking about someone that was interested in me and I said "so, hes a f*g too, ya know? But yadda-yadda..." He abruptly interrupts me completely freaking that I said it & that he wanted me to know that he would never say something so offensive to me. LOL! I explained to him what I just explained here, & told him it's not the fact that they use a word like that, it's whether or not there is venom & malice behind their words. After years of listening to this dude say "oh that's gay, gay this, gay that, that's stupid gay, etc & for the first time I told him that saying sh*t like _that_ the way he does, especially f*cking _constantly_ is what I find bothersome & disrespectful. This may come as a surprise to you, but I _DO_ have a sense of humor & I'm not so f*cking stupid that I can't tell what a person's intent is behind their words. The worst, most hate filled, most horrible, f*cked up sh*t that I ever heard someone say about me or those like me, there wasn't a single slang word spoken & there was no name calling involved. Because, as you can see, what people often forget is it's the thought that counts. I love South Park and I have from day one. I didn't think that show would last due to our PC culture that can be a bit over bearing at times but I think that the fact that they obviously aren't singling any single group of people out, everyone is fair game is the reason why it has survived. The message I've always taken from it is that every one of us has sh*t about us that can be made fun of. It's OK to acknowledge this as long as we're laughing at each other in jest & being able to laugh at ourselves as well is alright because we're all a little f*cked up one way or another. It's when someone thinks their sh*t doesn't stink like everyone else's that it's a problem. And they _do_ mock racists & bigots in the manner that I think Jennifer is talking about. So, yes, Jennifer. You _can_ do exactly what you said we can't do anymore. Remember that show that you voiced yourself on called South Park? It's still on, still going strong, still funny as f*ck with the same approach to comedy it always had. Herbert Garrison, Big Gay Al, Mr. Slave. I'm not offended by those characters at all. I think they're hilarious. Some people just need to twist up a fatty & relax a little. You can always tell who's a toker and who's not. LOL!>> <<@ThatOneHomeGirl says : “Extreme left” you mean liberals and so-called centrists. The actual left calls these fools woke scolds.>> <<@sylviabrown1112 says : It's not that ppl can't say what they want. Ppl can say anything they want. However not everything ppl say is without consequence.>> <<@rebeccayoung4019 says : Can't believe no one even mentioned that Friends is on Netflix around the world and plays constantly today. Her point is moot when she's still making money off the back of that work in 2023.>> <<@badmonkeyking says : Friends wow that show didn't age well. Racist>> <<@ObiShawnKenobi1 says : Pretty much, you only have to be concerned if you are overtly racist.>> <<@ObiShawnKenobi1 says : Trump is a dirt bag, and he deserves to answer for all of his disgusting actions>> <<@pablolloyd1450 says : where is the actual video of jennifer aniston saying these things?>> <<@mikewalton6856 says : First of all Friends SUCKED! It was a boring, unfunny suck ass show. 2nd, it was a rip off of a much funnier show “Living single” which had an all black cast. But is Jenni gonna give credit to the originator of her show? Nope>> <<@whovian_scarf_dragon says : My concern with this logic, anyone that have had past tweets or comments held against them should be excused if they have changed their stance and beliefs.>> <<@Justaswise says : Yes I didn’t know rape was illegal when I did it so you can’t blame me for doing the thing that should’ve been common knowledge they just never thought me that in school>> <<@down-to-earth-mystery-school says : My guilty pleasure is watching George Carlin standup replays. Absolutely non-PC, pointed and hilarious>> <<@jeffrockwell1555 says : Netflix HAS lobbyists working for them>> <<@artblife1041 says : Really though the cosby show was his comparison ????>> <<@hardryv3719 says : She's just wrong. The best comedy out there never takes prisoners... ever. There are no sacred cows when there is laughter to be found in the telling. The dummies not moving forward on that movie are idiots... if their concerns were remotely valid, Borat 2 would have been far less popular with #RightWing consumers. I don't agree with either of you cats on #Chappelle... he's a genius who regularly creates unique comedy that drips with wisdom, subtext, and controversy. I suspect that's just escaping your awareness. That's fine too, truly all things are not for all people. I also still enjoy Don Rickles and Redd Foxx. It took me a long time to appreciate rap, and my awareness of it grows steadily.>> <<@ProgrammerPete says : Who the fuck cares about friends, stop being so butthurt.>> <<@vickijohnson4985 says : Cent is making entirely too much sense. We need more of this.>> <<@tmate88-j8y says : "Comedy is dead 😢" - millionaires>> <<@JuvPrimervago says : Not gonna cancel you cenk, but Chapelle is still good.>> <<@jtszabo1691 says : How they feel about friends, I feel about some of the old John Hughes movies. I love 16 candles in the breakfast club, but they would be much much different if they were made today.>> <<@daizeedee1202 says : The assumption that comedy comes from a place of 'sending things up' is just that. An assumption. When we look back and look around this is not always true. Historically, it was always about others in positions of 'comedic talent' making jokes about fat people or black people or whatever to garner a laugh. And now that's not OK. Just get over it. We all KNOW people in our lives who say things in 'joke' to make a personal dig. Well FYI stand up comics do that too. And it's cheap. And it's cowardice. And now that is called out and rightfully so. When Richard Pryor used 'comedy' he wasn't belittling or hiding behind issues. He was calling out what was in our faces and ignored much to the detriment of people of colour so he 'sent up' the racist white establishment via comedy. I'm sure many where folks were not amused by him but that's because their idea of comedy was about belittling others.. not themselves. And he wasn't belittling. He was speaking truth to power...via humour. Yes we all need a good laugh but for too long that 'laugh' was done at the expense of the 'other' and so it was 'only funny' to those who were fed a diet of self complacency. It was never n 'funny' to those ridiculed back then and guess what..it is not funny now. Didn't your parenting teach you something...? real jokes are laughing with people..not laughing at them. Few stand ups get that intricate balance right. Lucille Ball did!>> <<@juanramos.jr.7948 says : Here we go again! Ana Trump wants you to see it only her way!>> <<@DanielBrotherston says : There's a difference between being offended and being sensitive. I always find this a frustrating take. The "Christmas" thing is one that pisses me off, and you can follow along with the "master bedroom" because its the same thing. The right always says "why are you so offended by Christmas"...but that's bullshit. I'm not, most people aren't...in fact, probably nobody is. But understanding that by using different words we can be more inclusive, more welcoming to people, that isn't taking offence, that's having sensitivity and empathy for others. It is only worth taking offence to others intentional harm. But the Right especially would like to pretend everyone is angry and offended, because that's what they're selling.>>