<<@Idevaughan530 says : Wasn’t this already a law??>> <<@jascam1 says : Sadly access should be a parental responsibility but a lot of modern parents are incapable of setting boundaries. This will be difficult in a society where a child can divorce their parents and even change their sex; should social media be the priority.>> <<@spacespector says : They ban the 1st amendment like it was nothing but they say putting reasonable restrictions on guns is impossible? It appears they don’t think of the children.>> <<@shirleysear7168 says : Gotta protect those kids from Mormon groomers and Mormon sexual predators that abound on the internet and on the Utah streets and in their churches.>> <<@Fancy79 says : 18 year olds can vote>> <<@moralkombat66 says : Wonder why the state dominated by mormons, a controlling religious group, would want to make it more difficult for kids to be able to reach materials that may differ from their parents ideals?>> <<@thecoloursquad8572 says : 7:58 Yes, it's guns, and don't forget about cars. They're at the top too. Kids can definitely benefit from an environment where they don't need to be driven everywhere (like is the case in suburban communities).>> <<@annharlan8926 says : Bahahaha! How are they going to monitor that? Teens get fake ID.>> <<@Miguel_Gabriel_ says : That’s good I agree! Ban it all of it for everyone . 🤭🫢>> <<@redpapa859 says : Yes let's recreate laws that already exists acting like it's going to change something>> <<@franktownsend410 says : Kids will get around this faster than it takes to sign the bill!>> <<@shazamshazamshazam696 says : So the political party that accuses Democratic of "nanny," governance once again issues a pure "nanny" state law.>> <<@BrianBrazilHarmonica says : It's too bad they want to protect children from the internet, but not from guns that just might get them killed in the classrooms at school.>> <<@nellies-taekook-journals says : Watch for a big uptick in kids running away from home in UTAH. California here they come. Kids aren't as dumb as all that. They will find a way. And when they leave for a better place to live... the first places parents will look is social media. This isn't a fight they can win. 🕊😇>> <<@taffinjones8641 says : when are people gonna learn the more you try to stop kids from doing a thing theyre gonna do it? Ive known plenty of people who literally ran away from families for being too restrictive on them. This is going to do nothing>> <<@kbar3612 says : Is Utah going to prevent military recruiters access to children’s elementary school records and deny them access to school campuses to propagandize the kids with patriotic military crap?>> <<@heinzdelf says : FRAGILE>> <<@heinzdelf says : 🚬 👓 👤>> <<@rerun3283 says : OMG Brayduhn and Skeilar aren't gonna be influencers selling MLM to their ward at 9 years old. Unfaaaair-uh!!>> <<@Zaerion1 says : There are so many issues with this with regard to security, privacy, and enforcement. Hackers will love stealing their information posing as their parents.>> <<@fuzzymcwazzy1293 says : I gotta say I don't hate this bill. There's some real creeps out there.>> <<@Yushilan says : I'm a liberal in so many ways and I agree with this. There needs to be done controls over kids. They are being bombarded with adult content and if my fellow liberals can't see that, than they are blind. Well, most of them don't even have kids yet, so they don't understand the consequences of their actions yet.>> <<@JohnDoe-fy5kd says : Nice!!>> <<@ShadowPrincess87 says : Why are republicans emulating china with all these bans? Oh that's right, cause they are tired of losing and want to force people now... Cause it's ok if teens/kids get pregnant and are forced to keep their babies without abortion and it's ok for kids and teens to have guns but tiktok is dangerous? BULL$$$$t Social media saves a lot of teenagers, it provides them a way to escape abusive families, keep in touch with friends and with education. Kids without social media and internet access will not be able to adapt to future technologies. It will slow down the economy as social media caters to teenagers a majority now and small businesses are run by Tiktok. This is about control and it's going to have a devastating effect on our youth with future jobs in the tech industry. ( they are going to be incredibly bored and they are going to go after these old people) you are literally taking away millions and millions of teenagers FAVORITE things to do..... Good luck with that angst filled fallback. They will remember this in 2024 elections too To farmers and old people who live in isolation who don't live in the modern world this is " great" but to the real long run real world this is government overreach and going to send your kids back into the damn uneducated dark ages Which I know crazy religious people would LOVE if we all went backwards but that isn't how the world works. Progression over oppression!>> <<@lothsper says : Do you have any idea how many p*** sites I got on to by saying I was 18 when I really wasn't you guys are fighting an uphill battle good luck>> <<@lothsper says : How exactly are they going to enforce this>> <<@Otherwise88 says : Honestly never thought about the angle of conservatives needing to control the media ad being part of the agenda against social media. Keep up the good work!>> <<@therealhiesenberg2731 says : Unless they find a way to remove all pornographic material from social media, this is a great idea and should be implemented on a wide scale. Then it would also force people to talk to each other and understand each other instead of damaging their mental health by isolating with a computer screen. You think it's a coincidence that the youth suicide rate is very high in the age of social media? I for one will fordid my children to use it until they understand the severity of the issues they deal with. When they are 14,15 you can start introducing them to life but before that they should just concentrate on being a kid without having to start worrying about adult problems. Too many parents treat their kids like their friends instead of their responsibility>> <<@notafaker says : Dead on but realize shutting down tiktok will only mobilize to another site.>> <<@youtubecommentator6023 says : Hah, this video is ridiculous. "Drag shows don't harm children", "right-wingers don't want their kids to be progressive by being able to get on social media", etc. First of all, most Drag queens have sexualized acts. Just look at what they wear. Look up the Drag shows that have happened in schools and THEN try to tell me that it's not harmful for children. Anything of a sexual matter does NOT belong in schools and should not be allowed in them. It should be the parents sole responsibility to teach their children about that. Second, social media is a huge platform for human trafficking. How many more children need to be exposed to online predators before something is done about it? These predators are smart, they know when to target kids and they know what to say to isolate these kids from their parents and from telling their parents that they are talking to them. Also some social media doesn't restrict content based on age. I've seen my 11-year-old niece scrolling through tik-tok and some of the videos she comes across can be pretty much pornographic.>> <<@edog6770 says : This completely disregards the fact that there are PLENTY of settings on every electronic device for parents to restrict their kids access to media, information, apps, and the internet itself. How about we make laws about PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY?>> <<@LilitheAmara says : I lived in an abusive household growing up and I didn't really have access to the internet. I feel like if I had access to the internet and social media, I might have recognized sooner that the violence and emotional manipulation I experienced every day was not normal as I was raised to believe.>> <<@robertrussell1879 says : Would have thought Utah lawmakers were willing to have learned from what happened the last time the lawmakers tried this.>> <<@Adrianibrahim752 says : So dose Michigan have to follow this rule?>> <<@Michael-G- says : I’m seriously worried about this. I went to generally small schools so I didn’t make many friends, and was and still am a serious introvert. Social media was my life line. My parents sometimes restricted access to my phone once in a while. And the friends I did have, I would keep in contact with online. I would often fall into a depression cause Friends mean a lot to me, and not being able to talk with them destroyed me. Granted I do think more regulations are needed. But I worry, especially those whom are heavily isolated and introverted with this change.>> <<@scottwager9998 says : So we have to protect kids from Tik tok but it’s ok to let them have guns🤔>> <<@andreakitajo4516 says : When my daughter was 13 Facebook was just get popular and she wanted to start an account when she turned 14 so I went the library to get books that explained the internet, cyberbullies and other online dangers. Then she and I discussed everything. We set rules of her being Facebook one major one is that her dad and had to be part of her friend so we could monitor her account. Until she turned 18 any social media account she started had to have us as part of her friends. Once she turned 18 we gave her the option to drop us as friends. She didn't but she always came to us if she had any questions about post on her page or messages she received. Since we really didn't monitor her accounts the older she got she learned online responsibilities. I like that the new law that Utah passed give parents and children a chance to talk. My daughter was brought to know that she could talk us about anything and even now ( she is 23) she will still come talk to us about anything she needs advice on.>> <<@Amanda--- says : Can't you just lie about your age? Do they think kids are this dumb?>> <<@M1s1i8 says : Why only Utah? The entire world needs to ban them!!!>> <<@howarddowthwaite7641 says : Yay!!! 1st amendment violation. Nothing in the amendment specifies an age limit.>> <<@kathyhallock2528 says : A lot of it makes sense. By using logic and common Sense they have awoken!>> <<@musclehard says : Yet a South African in business with Saudi Arabia can own a platform with sensitive data of our leaders and that not be a security threat.>> <<@johnholliday13 says : I promise every parent who's child has been abducted by a predator wish this was in place for their respective situations>> <<@abrahamhorowitz8374 says : Forcing time restrictions in legislation is both government overreach, potentially a violation of privacy rights in this action, and unnecessary. Google, Apple, and Microsoft have parental control apps and tools for this already. This currently available option puts the control where it should be, with the parents. In terms of the selling data aspect, it's not bad, but it could also be regulated to require parental concent with a default of no if the parent is not readily available and not bar access to the app if concent is not given.>> <<@jonsturgill8868 says : That's actually a good idea. Social media is more harmful to kids than drag shows.>> <<@flannelsone1159 says : This is just worse, now the government can't properly protect people online because they wouldn't see who breaks these rules.>> <<@veroj says : “If there’s a will, there’s a way.“ lol. If only people understood this will make it more popular and exciting. But yeah repubs “got no swag” for sure. 🙄😅>> <<@TheRealOnlineBabbler says : The title is misleading, guns are not the leading cause of death for kids, and yes, kids would stay up most of the night on TikTok or other social media. This video is wildly inaccurate.>> <<@seebanff7865 says : utah just made tik tok way more cool with the utah kids.>> <<@cicichambers3887 says : Do you know what else is addictive? The endorphin rush from feeling loved, getting a positive hug from her parents, receiving a compliment, achieving something that was hard that we learned how to do an accomplished… But how many parents actually parent their children>>