<<@edwardhoover3727 says : How long will it take for at least some of these folks to start to realize that Fox "News" is there 24-7 to service the interests of the wealthy.>> <<@Abigail-ns2fk says : That's why other countries are happier than Americans>> <<@Abigail-ns2fk says : I'm part French. That guy is ridiculous.>> <<@kergroix5881 says : I don 't agree about all you say about Fox news but on this point, the french riots, I agree. The riots are not only a question of retirement age. The new law is bad for women who will have lower pensions (because of childbirth absence). Tbe new law is bad for the people who started working young and have therefore more working years. Etc But it is also the way in which this law was imposed by Macron with NO VOTES of the representatives. No consultations with unions. And this comes after many other instances of Macron's arrogance and disregard for the people. He is the president of the very rich. He keeps asking working people and middle class people to do all the sacrifices. On top of all that he throws away millions of euros to Ukraine (a proxy war of the US and not in France's interest, plus a very corrupt country and noone knows where that money goes) while he pretends there is no money left for pensions.>> <<@dwainmarsh9139 says : It amazes me that watters never worked a real day in his life. Yet thinks that people who have worked in restaurants and factories and other such have to work themselves to the grave. Make his dumb az work in a factory to see what it's like. I bet he wouldn't be able to last past lunch break on the first day.>> <<@Priss933 says : I'm 48 and I'm already tired , can't imagine working into my 60's and its not Jesse Watters type of BS work>> <<@axelpalacios9232 says : Damn, I didn't know the folks at Fox could be such POS>> <<@Chris-lt8up says : The greatest country on earth, and we can't retire until we're in our 70s.>> <<@pop5678eye says : Corporate-owned politicians quote out-of-context polls that Americans want to work longer... Actually we don't. We _need_ to work longer because our retirement benefits suck and corporate owners literally just want us to work until the day we die or be laid off and die in poverty with not even a thank you card from them for us creating their wealth.>> <<@BeaulieuTodd says : How do these morons get to where they are? He’s such a smug little bitch.>> <<@axer3515 says : It was a joke.>> <<@terryreynolds200 says : “A lot of Republicans — their dream is to cut Social Security and Medicare. Well, let me say this: If that’s your dream, I’m your nightmare.” Joe Biden>> <<@terryreynolds200 says : What they’re actually saying is, we’re going to cut your benefits so that rich people don’t pay more in taxes.>> <<@Feral_Turd says : yeah, don't those French realize they should work until they die like Murican Reich tries to force on us>> <<@millionsasone says : Antifa sissys are setting fires in France? The cops need to grab these Antifa sissys, hold them down, and handcuff them.>> <<@100couscous says : You got to work harder when you can't work smarter:)>> <<@onetwo9792 says : It’s crazy to me that the Turks constantly bash American capitalists but base their company here to take advantage of it. “France is better because they have a democracy”…..we’ll they got their retirement age moved without a vote dummy 😂>> <<@bryanb4379 says : Macron should tell the people look, either we raise the retirement age or we raise taxes. We have to do one or the other because the previous plan was not sustainable.>> <<@adel19997 says : 1:00 lots of stupid words according to the host of junk turks>> <<@adel19997 says : Lazy French>> <<@hsserry5289 says : It’s should be raised to retirement age to65 years old, with discounted pensions at earlier age. Otherwise the French government will go broke!>> <<@paolomargini7904 says : If I was a fox I would sue Fox unless they change name to Ox. If I was an ox I would sue Ox unless they change name to X If I was an x I would sue X unless they change name to If I was a I would sue unless they change They won't change>> <<@ohrodrigs7970 says : You guys are morons>> <<@mathijsbeaujean8378 says : Personally (as a fellow European) I'd propose an alternative. The thing is: with the aging population we'll have to work longer to make sure there's enough people to fill all the jobs. And it's more useful to have time off when you can still enjoy it. So my proposal: 10% longer work, but 10% less hours per week. So 32 hours instead of 35, and from 18 till 66 instead of 18 till 62.>> <<@CALAMITYGURULASTDAYS says : AntiChristian Islamist Pr0paganda, Go back to Turkey since you hate Christianity so much! Pity to those blind fans of these Usurperers, Hopefully they Wake up soon. LOVE, Prayers & Eternal Blessings to Jesse Waters & Tucker Carlson. Babylon is Falling!>> <<@JohnnyDrivebye says : If Waters asks you a question you should in turn ask him when he stopped molesting children.>> <<@gordontall2441 says : I have three and a half months of vacation.>> <<@MODea-pq7ei says : I'm French and PROUD to have 5 weeks of vacation here. We have 35 hour work weeks (7 hour work days and paid for 8)? Faux news DESPISES us because our government works WITH the people and not AGAINST them. My country is the best. I feel nothing whatsoever going to the US where more than half of citizens making 7.75 cents an hous and must work 3 jobs just to pay their electric bill.>> <<@joelyates2404 says : France has always been known for its Paris sites.>> <<@scottreeves1232 says : Waters looks and acts like a real trumprat fascist douche bag who should have been"under the bridge" before he started. What a GOP mouthpiece loser.>> <<@Armeddragon12 says : Wait, did he just straight up call all French people lazy? As a newscaster? WTF.>> <<@teresawilson3893 says : That’s why the French can’t stand America they open up their yaps on things they have no clue about.>> <<@schoonerchic says : FAUX NEWS specializes in stupidity . . . I guess if tRump got back in the White House and did the same that would be okay too . . . again, FAUX NEWS building can burn down with these asshats locked inside!>> <<@Alex-qh5wn says : any push to lower retirement and keep working hours less....is a good thing. you want to work less people, not more. quality of life not being a corporate grunt.>> <<@at9660 says : Lmao... when you can't roast the protesters or Macron because they're leftists like you.>> <<@at9660 says : ...when get paid less for doing the same job because you suck. 😅>> <<@SeeTheWholeTruth says : Sigh. With the idiotic nonsense you spout as well as the rest of them? Stupid is as stupid does.>> <<@AdmiralBison says : Support a proposal for a national *'News Media Public'* - funded by taxes and ultimately owned by the country & people - protected from government influence - Protected from corporate buyout and privatization attempts - its one and only purpose is to investigate and inform the American people of flat facts at the best of its abilities - Corporate media will be forced to compete to provide "news" - independent media can still exist and able to expunge its views and go into depth on *News Media Publics* findings. A well informed people makes for a powerful voting people.>> <<@tomahawkchunker says : Lol, they're testing the waters for 70 now, they'll raid ss again next administration, it'll run out of money again, and in the administration after that they'll scream Fiscal Responsibility! Austerity! and no one will blink an eye when they raise retirement to 80, as the ever spiraling healthcare and stagflation push life expectancy to 74>> <<@kimberH1005 says : The incredibly stupid thing about the majority of Fox viewers and Trump supporters is they support things that are NOT in their best interest. Things that make their lives WORSE. No healthcare, reduced benefits. It's unbelievable. In Nazi Germany before the war there were Jews that supported Hitler. What? It's true. People are so susceptible to propaganda and Fox and Trump are masters at it. Getting people to support things that harm them. It is shocking.>> <<@AdmiralBison says : I implore the French to once again bring out the guillotines for our 1% wealthy ruling elite. This time in the form of a "Guillotine tax">> <<@AdmiralBison says : Viewers of corporate media - Fox News Network, CNN, MSNBC etc... Need to get it through their heads, if you are not stinking rich, they are NOT on your side. The majority of the news is in this country is owned, controlled and narrated by the rich and for the 1% wealthy ruling elite.>> <<@LanderFoxx says : Makes sense the people that want to raise retirement ages are the ones who own the news networks. After all life is only about work and making rich people richer.>> <<@patriciacarlos says : We experienced the pinnacle of our era, but it is now gone. Like what happened to Rome, the corrupt administration will bring this nation to an end. My condolences go out to anyone who is close to retiring and may be worried about whether their pension will be enough to pay the rising cost of living. Insane fiscal policy, poor regulatory policy, poor energy policy, and poor foreign policy>> <<@JetTech1992 says : Yes OUT RAGE 😤 over FOX News report. Let ye who are without sin cast the first stone>> <<@joynay8405 says : This is funny for the young turkey 🦃>> <<@mcurrie2886 says : Jessie is great!!>> <<@newdawntruth says : The only good thing about Fox News is Tucker Carlson, they should honestly fire everybody else and let him carry the show.>> <<@heavyarms55 says : TYT: Fox isn't out of touch at all. They know full well what they are saying. They are the elite. This contempt they have for the working class? It's their true feelings. Wow, the simps for the ruling elite are out in mass in the comments section. Do you losers enjoy the scraps you beg for? They're good enough for you? These French people have a spine, they actually stand up to power. You guys get down on your hands and knees and kiss the boots of your masters. The people who watch Fox and agree with what they were saying - nothing but simps and betas. Class traitors and losers.>> <<@hunternedib1119 says : Have you seen all the smoke and soot going into the air in Paris? Yup, they are really concerned about Climate Change,.... what a joke!>>