<<@jorgegonzalez426 says : I love Candace she’s 100% correct.>> <<@winkyhere8697 says : Wow, is this chick on a fast track to eternal regret... *Libs* experience hatred, *Too.* But it's typically tied to *outcomes fueled by greed* & other folks' mindless *hatred & bullying* of the *weakest* in society. (Punching *downwards* is *Never* a "good look", to *redeemable* souls). Or, it's due to a collective *disgust* at watching *good* people be *used up & discarded* by Greed Monsters (i.e. modern business practices, which are *nothing* like those of mid-20th century America, when corporations paid more taxes & paid their - *white* - employees better wages than *most* workers now earn). Some folks have No Idea what *"enough"* means. Which is why they seek to impose a *New Slavery.* All these modern issues, when grouped together, support that fear. *No* birth control = more forced births. No vote = a *Strangehold on Power* for the *few. More* people on a planet w/ *ever-more-limited* resources = more slaves for the Richest. But over-worked slaves drop fast & need to be *restocked* w/ newer, fresher slaves. More enslaved humanity = *more suffering.* THAT *IS* THE *FUTURE* THEY'VE *PLANNED* FOR *OUR CHILDREN.* That means *YOURS,* Too. 🤑😱☠😱☠😱☠😱🤑 No wonder these Evil beings now frame *Compassion* as a "joke", when w/o it, Life becomes only *More Hellish!* 🔥🔥🔥 Beware of anyone *attacking* teachers, librarians, the DOJ, the DoED, doctors, nurses, medics, the disabled, our brave vets *or* their grieving families. Or anyone else *unable* to *stand up firmly* in the face of a *vitriolic, tribalistic mob.* Where would we be *w/o our experts* & their organizations? Yeah, bureaucracy *can* be numbing & *should* be streamlined where possible. But *w/o any* such structures *or* helpful knowledge, *chaos reigns.* Who here (besides violent marauders & hapless incels) truly *wants* to see human Civilization *fall* so they can live in "Mad Maxland"? That 💩 should be limited to the cinema, *not* viewed as any option for Real Life. Be *esp. wary* of any group seeking to *take away* the right to *vote OR peacefully protest* (or who *lies* about the voting process & the protesters themselves). If you've been *listening* to those who seek to *fill* you with *hatred* for other humans - who are *also* God's kids, *regardless* of their faith *or* lack of it - you've been listening to *Satan's P.R. team.* And they don't much care what happens to your soul. Well, they *do,* really... b/c it's *their job* to *destroy* it. There must be some sort of "bonus" for such "achievement" down in *Hades.* Maybe an extra pitchfork to wield, or a couple degrees *less personal* suffering. Kind of like Modern Corp. Mgmt. in most HQs. Those earned "treats" *hardly compare* to what goodies will be enjoyed in Heaven, for free b/c they were earned on earth through kindness. There are still *many* things we *can* do, IF we work together, to *stave off* Disaster. *Fixes Exist:* Tighter *term limits* & oversight for *ALL* in Govt - including the *SCOTUS.* Let's *bring Civics back* to schools, to educate on how to *correctly* protest w/o shutting down public roads (which ambulances & police need). Let's tax the Greediest & bring back our *stolen protections.* Let's *renew* our *lost Fairness Doctrine* that once *protected* us from Fake News. *So many* workable solutions *could* be found, IF we recaptured that *intentionally trashed UNITED* part of *being* the USA. We're *not* that entity, right now. And it IS being used *against us* by cheaters. We'll NEVER be anything even approaching "Great" *w/o* uniting again (plus, we need to *stop* tripping over our own *hubris* & behaving like the planet's *Biggest AHs.* Then, we'll have *more* allies). There are a LOT of folks - led by corporate "leadership" & their boards, DJT & the GOP, Putin & other Dictators & the criminals who aid them - All reporting to *Dark Forces* - who *dread* that outcome. Our Unity means they LOSE. Don't let *"Divided We Fall"* come to pass. If you're a self-professed "Christian" *causing* chaos in a *fervent effort* to bring on those prophesied *End Times?* Let's just say that you will likely *DETEST* your soul's *eternal domecile,* even more than you *despise* "wokeness", queer folks, "uppity" women, POC &/or the "demoncrats" trying their best to *improve* both educational & healthcare costs/access (despite *endless push-back* from those w/ multiple homes, private jets & untaxed offshore accounts, *or* generous rich pals who buy their support via *sharing* such luxuries). *Also* beware those (like DJT's pal Nick Garcia) wishing we could *🔥"burn more women!"🔥* Or *Injustice Alito,* who quoted *actual "witch"-burners* in his opinion on removing bodily autonomy from *half* of us. (Opening the door for *forced organ donation* someday, from *men,* too? Never know, w/ such *slippery* slopes). Have *faith enough* to *know* that God "wastes* NO souls. But *Bad Humas* sure do. It's *All* about our *choices.* Another *big one?* Our *willingness* to *allow* God to do *His job* (= judging human souls) while remembering to work on *our own critical assignment* (= reducing suffering for others). We humans seem to have things *backwards* these days, expecting God to *grant us* what *we want* while WE do the *Unqualified judging.* Perfection is *not* God's expectation. *Effort & Progress are.* Let's do better. B/c if we *don't,* we *won't? be able to legit blame anyone but the person we see *in the mirror.* That's true for every one of us. Turn *off* your TVs & try to *read more* (it gets *easier w/ practice,* i swear. Or, try books on tape). That'll help. I suggest some studies on *20th c. history & economic changes since 1970* (what actually drove them, who profited most,, & at wha/ cost to everyone else). Plus, for Christians, a *thorough re-reading* of all sections of the bible containing *Christ's words* (while realizing that Beelzebub has used our own imperfections to *fill* that "instruction manual" w/ many a lie across the centuries. But that's why God gave most of us operational brains). For *true disciples of Christ,* whose words should be held in *more reverence?* Build as much *empathy & compassion* in your hearts as possible, to serve as a light in the darkness. *Good luck.* May *Peace & Wisdom* be w/ us ALL until this scary, heartbreaking era *finally* plays itself *out.* The chips *will* fall where *GOD* decides, *not* Benedict Donald. 💙✝️💙>> <<@markroberts7825 says : Drag queens are pedophiles>> <<@ItsGivingBrandNew says : She uses "Karen" because it's a buzz word... she doesn't know what it means. If she did, she wouldn't be proud she's uses it because of it's proximity to ignorant, extreme right whiteness. That's sad.>> <<@JessicaHood5377 says : Who the heck is this new company or this lady? LOL. Where is she getting her information....She obviously has never been to a drag show or even watched it on Tv because they are absolutely sexual. WOW just what an idiot this is just wow....Candace can say wtf she wants to considering her background and the amount of work she has done to combat this crazy bs in our society.>> <<@abdullahali6781 says : This whole video is fking stupid because as a gay person, I’ve been to MANY drag shows and I can 1000% confirm that being sexual is part of the gig. Unless constantly talking about sex, making sexual jokes and wearing revealing clothing isn’t considered sexual 💀. Also dragging up an old clip of trump interacting with a drag queen is also very mental. Just two idiots sitting behind a desk advocating for exposing children to perversion.>> <<@kathrynmcelroy5658 says : the black right wing voodoo doll.>> <<@mattwolfe70 says : Candace Owens identifies as a angry, ignorant, racist, homophobic white dude…. How dare she criticize others….. 😎>> <<@juliepiper7058 says : I am only on here to say I am a fan of country and all genres, but for the simple fact that she spoke out against country music, as a toxic weapon, all she is saying are toxic words. What she is verbalizing is wrong with country music, she herself verbalizes judgment with her toxic words such as homophobic, transphobic misogynistic in the word, salad of terminology called cultural judgment herself. She has demonized those who put her on the map, made her famous and supported her. Let’s see where the slap in the face gets her. This is the epitome of entitled, shameful behavior.>> <<@conniecarter778 says : Maren M has always been a b___t. That aside, how on earth can you say drag queens have nothing to do w sex. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@beauxcarroll8348 says : Shakespeare was full of drag queens, it was illegal for women to be on stage.>> <<@olivertoclassicrock4429 says : TYT 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡>> <<@02rgallivan says : These two white clowns trying to drag a black woman through the mud is disgusting.>> <<@02rgallivan says : Thank you Candace!!!! So proud of Candace for standing up for children’s rights. Keep the drag queens away from our children. Why is it necessary to have these sick individuals mingle with children?>> <<@mikeg2306 says : Gender specific clothing is a social construct. There is nothing inherently wrong with a man wearing a dress. If you see it as sexual that’s your hang-up.>> <<@catkat7310 says : ur nuts nt owens,,,,pwe>> <<@colemartin9077 says : Wonder what, Hank Sr would think? Hmmm. Ridiculous.>> <<@tammyderson6547 says : Everybody really missed the point here! Kids being in the middle of this Sickening Men dressed as women! Kids now being given the choice about their sexuality when they don’t even know their favorite color! Trump is a grown man,has nothing to do with kids! Marren Morris believes it’s ok to give a kid medicine to change their sexuality! She’s gay obviously and don’t want no one to know it! Gotta be! Who wants their kid (about) to be in middle of drag queens!! Y’all need to check your facts of Morris before you do a show about it!>> <<@ssmcfadyen8520 says : That’s so funny to hear about Parler Candy . How’s that lawsuit with Facebook. Yep you aa everyday cop moon grifter .>> <<@mitchellsander6808 says : Bitch get a real life.i bet you two have no friends or family>> <<@trucklife-mh5cb says : Wat is the fascination with y’all seeing men in women clothes fuck out I hate this show>> <<@70cheyennejcu1911 says : You are Fucken nuts.>> <<@WraithAllen says : She’s one to talk about “pandering” as that’s all she does.>> <<@lancecanteloupe1015 says : You’re so full of crap and please keep the gay community out of your mouth .>> <<@TashaRhodes-ho6hd says : WHO IS CANDACE OWENS???😅>> <<@TiffanyLeannFrazier says : All your guys is chilling is good for if nothing lie about the conservative and I like to become🤔🙄🤬😠😡>> <<@bebeautiful6613 says : Candice is such a sad person… she never smiles and is always bitching. How awful it must be to be sad and mad allllll tttthe tttttime 🫤>> <<@tlf5046 says : I think she’s gone if the rails lately, but let’s be honest, drag queens were inherently sexual form the beginning. Now if they are not wanting to as much now, then that’s fine, but that is pretty much how it all started so it’s sort of hard to invite that fact.>> <<@jjlivepattern says : …what an insane person>> <<@timharris8611 says : She wants to arrest everyone, maybe we can jsut arrest her and she wont need to worry about begin around anyone else, problem solved>> <<@savagdog1 says : I think Cenk hit it on the head. These haters in the GOP must be attracted to drag queens and they see something sexual and seductive there. I believe that kind of logic extends to everything in this sphere. The GOP wants to outlaw and condemn everything they secretly want. I've always thought many of the homophobes out there are that way because they are jealous of the people who are brave and strong enough to live their most authentic lives, and their response is to do anything they can to stop them. Just a theory but I think it makes a bit of sense. They can either embrace their truth and allow themselves to be free, and therefore accept others, or burn it all down, keep lying to themselves, and punish those with the audacity to not be afraid. Candace just sounds like a bitter girl who had a bad time at a gay bar once.>> <<@Richard-ug4el says : I'm gonna call it. Candice is a racist white dude in blackface.>> <<@Richard-ug4el says : I don't get Candice Owens. She's a beautiful, smart woman. But she's just so... ewwww!!!! Surely it's not worth being this gross, just for the money? She could do so much better. It doesn't make sense to me, that's she's selling her soul and getting this disgusting just to make a buck.>> <<@gregoryvanikiotis3214 says : This parasitic urchin doesn’t even have a job. This skanky ass schlub doesn’t deserve the time of day.>> <<@ursulagoldson7670 says : Ass clown>> <<@nas487 says : So Candace is in the camp of youuuu motherfucking owe us…you better act right we made you a star, you can’t have your own opinions. Did I get that right?>> <<@mmddyyyyalphabet says : Candace says Morris is pandering to a community by bashing her own kind. CANDACE OWENS GOT RICH OFF OF PANDERING TO RACISTS BY TALKING SHIT ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE. Ffs.>> <<@vectorfox4782 says : Umm, did she just say she used to be a dude? I can see it.>> <<@jumperpoint says : It sounds like Candi is really wanting to make an appearance in court herself. Probably not for the first time. Drag queens are no more inherently sexual than clowns are. Ant the clowns in the GOP are all unf--kable.>> <<@viviancouper4636 says : Projection much? Everything she said applies to her more than anyone. Cancdice Owens could not be more irrelevant, she disqualifies her own opinion everytime she opens her mouth. Lets hope this current trend of karma appearing to come for Trump, Tate, Carlson etc. extends to Owens and people like her.>> <<@aprilmenchaca2269 says : You can't compare two grown men who can make there own decisions in the same category as a parent taking there kid to see drag show's lol. Please get Candace on your show to debate you in person t.y>> <<@texasmurphy7088 says : Candace is a mouth-breathing tw*twaffle. Maren Morris is from Arlington, TX - not TN. I wanna see Candace address the issues with Charles Wadlington - a psychology professor at Abilene Xtian University who was just arrested for molesting his adopted children. His wife tried to threaten those kids into shutting up about it, too. You'll never hear Candace threatening to call the cops on other Xtians, but she'll turn on a mom teaching her kids to be accepting of all people. Actually...that tracks.>> <<@vallejoborncalihasbecomeal9022 says : We don't want to be subjected to the leftist lunacy and we don't want young kids to be either. You don't get to take your kids into bars and subject them to booze so...!>> <<@jeanneeber says : She is one ugly woman. Smear campaigning others is just one sign of an unstable person.>> <<@Faith-nl3di says : Rudy and Trump were not in front little children in school or libraries!!!!!!>> <<@carsokk says : If you thnk men in dresses are inherrently sexual, just watch any Monty Python movie and you'll probably change your mind.>> <<@robinfreeman1885 says : Morris should have CPS take her child from her. She os a groomer and abuser!>> <<@mariomeza8459 says : Candice looks like a drag queen>> <<@christines9227 says : Drag queens should not perform in front of children period. Thank you Candace 👍🏽 ❤😊 🇺🇸>> <<@SS-zb4mm says : Why the fukk does she care about what other people do? God, why can't everyone just MYOB???!!!!! And let everyone else live their own goddam life as THEY see fit??!!!!! IT IS NOT YOUR JOB TO MONITOR EVERYONE ELSE!!!!!>>