<<@wethepeople9412 says : Mabe mandated not for profit structure for pharmaceuticals? They literally lobby for laws they know will increase and create mental health issues so they can profit.>> <<@Arriea9390 says : What Bernie Sanders asking is legitimate, here in India companies gives huge discount to Government where as same vaccine is sold at much higher prices to private entities.>> <<@12235117657598502586 says : WHICH GOVERNMENT HAVE THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES SCREWED OVER? …. The DUMBOCRATS of course! 🙄>> <<@ronreyes9910 says : If the US funded the research then it owns the rights to the vaccine. Why did the US buy 10 billion doses? 340 million people means everybody got 27 jabs? Oh that's right, we need to buy everybody else's jabs. I say we send the bill to China.>> <<@air-1579 says : I was raised in Burlington Vt where bernie was mayor. He is nothing but a PARASITE that sucks life and money out of society for his personal gain.>> <<@FoxHoundsPain says : Tax the rich!!! Tax Bernie Sanders!!!! Anyone that disagrees with me is just another Nazi bigot troll!>> <<@simondressler8966 says : somethings missing>> <<@simondressler8966 says : i think the usa has a health issue since the 70s diabitis and cancer>> <<@cristobalrodriguez5869 says : Republikkkans and some Democrats love the price hike of medicine more money for the lawmakers pickets>> <<@robinsl27 says : I consider voting for Bernie if he cared as much about the vaccine safety and forwarding a bill that would making vaccine manufacturers liable for injury as he did about how much the cost is.>> <<@utilityaccount8514 says : mass murder for profit is normally called WAR>> <<@randalramsook5445 says : Do not date a woman who has been vaccinated. There's a high chance she cant have kids and if she does, it's extremely likely the kids will come out like John Fetterman.>> <<@teddure5290 says : In most Western countries, healthcare is a human right.>> <<@teresalucree6202 says : Patent office says a patent can be invalidated if all who helped invent are not named. Seems they don't have a valid patent.>> <<@barbbrinkerhoff1097 says : Love ya Bernie>> <<@vallriesweeney3987 says : All countries who contributed in the development of any drug or vaccine should also own the patent. That means if Moderna or any other of the pharmaceutical companies that does not want to sell bulk medicines drugs or vaccines at a low discounted rates well it would be inconvenient but fine because we would own the patent. We would make sure we had full disclosure and all the particulars to manufacture the drugs in America legally. We gave Moderna millions of dollars... what for free? I don't think so.>> <<@harrowgateguy says : If other politicians worked half as hard for average Americans as Bernie does the difference would make the US the envy of the world .>> <<@tomallen5837 says : There's good reason to report all this but leaving quite a few huge gaps out. There are many many Americans who are counting on this to be their crypto payoff. Just go to any party and sit next to the people who make 300,000 and up, their children go to private schools, or specialty schools. you'll hear them talking about their stocks. ...No need to discuss crypto or any of that silly stuff.>> <<@colmastro4373 says : All vaccines are free in Australia, i'm on my 5th booster and havn't paid a cent.>> <<@grahamjones5400 says : After the hearing Bernie had to give the Moderna CEO a blowjob as a apology for having to virtue signal on tv, "I am sorry, M'Lord , I had to play along for good attention. I'm so sorry, lemme lick your asshole clean , babe.">> <<@ktmggg says : I love Bernie! He would have been a great President.>> <<@chevyvet69 says : Who cares Sanders is a dirty socialist And we don't listen to their opinions>> <<@genevievematte9048 says : Cancel all those poisons, we don’t need those to heal!!!! There are other ways!!>> <<@theta799 says : Saddam Husain: “It turned out that I wasn’t making weapons of mass destruction “. Bill Gates: “It turned out I was”.>> <<@VJFranzK says : Bernie is right, the USA needs Universal Healthcare! as the other largest economies already have.>> <<@lvl2424lvl says : Go Bernie!!!!>> <<@jamesmoon5392 says : Bernie is not a communist he a demarcate socialist there is a big difference between the two. before you call someone a name you should do your research. communism is a type of dictatorship and demarcate socialism is a democratic form of government where the people vote for how we live and work together.>> <<@elliottboomsluiter7214 says : Covid vaccines of the rna type, are designed from a template. They already have many typed of viruses sequenced, so all they have to do, is add the final bits of the rna sequence of a covid type virus.>> <<@Jesusandbible says : Comments on YouTube about HEK-293 are being deleted by YouTube if they are linked to the words Pf-zer or M-derna. Doesn't that prove to you that Big Pharma are bribing YouTube operatives to hush hush the subject?......>> <<@perooster1 says : John keeps for men us available for your greasy wop hairline..>> <<@HaloManTheSpider says : I'm loving John's hair in this video.>> <<@rossdaniels9180 says : Poor Bernie, Hillary slandered and robbed him, Joe paid him off, everyone that makes $1 more than him, doesn't pay enough taxes!! Racist progressive Marxist deathcult democrats, worse than the NAZIS that copied them.>> <<@rossdaniels9180 says : Poor Bernie, Hillary slandered and robbed him, Joe paid him off, everyone that makes $1 more than him, doesn't pay enough taxes!! Racist progressive Marxist deathcult democrats, worse than the NAZIS that copied them.>> <<@matthewsmith3914 says : Repent and come to The Lord Jesus Christ. As a former staunch atheist, then agnostic; I genuinely asked God if he existed and found him. You can find him if you are genuine and have an open heart. It's simple, what do you have to lose? “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” John 3:16 Repent and Believe before its too late>> <<@wrongturnVfor says : Yeah, price of gas went up because Biden sanctioned Russian oil, did not go back into Iran deal so that oil is off he market, refuses to mend ties with Venezuela so that oil is off the market and pissed saudis off so they aint increasing production. We cant use oil from our companies because we produce light weight shale oil and not heavy weight crude that all our industries are designed to use. I am not debating the morality of any of these actions, I am merely stating cause and effect. He sanctioned nearly 2/3 of world's oil on the false assumption that oil companies and saudis would increase production, Well they didnt. SO enjoy the inflation now. For context everytime we go to war and put sanctions the other countries face way worse inflation every time, We haven't felt that for 50 year because we rigged the system to offload this cost onto others. Now that they are getting rid of the system, we are feeling the effects. Which is why people need to educate themselves about economics and geopolitics. Else we will keep demanding wrong solutions for the problem>> <<@wrongturnVfor says : I dont understand this. Look our government takes the money put into treasury by other countries and spends in on weapons that they buy from defence contractors and often just give them out to other countries or just dumps them on midless useless wars all over. This definitely makes the defence contractors rich. What I dont understand is why the government cant do that with something like vaccines that actually helps the world rather than destroy it? Pharma companies would still get rich, people would still get the vaccine. Heck infact if we had collaborated with countries like brazil, mexico, south africa and India to produce vaccines, we could have distributed them to the world and emerged as a world leader doing good to everyone in times of dire need. They could have even sold them under a different brand name if they were worried that strict regulation standards would not be maintained (which ussually is a BS complaint). But not only did we not do that, we went around asking people not buy vaccines from other countries because we would supply them and never did. In the meantime Russia and China gained massive influence by selling their vaccines to everyone. Chinese and Russian vaccines both cost $30. I genuinely thought that the cost of manufacturing them in USA would be higher because of our labor and cost of materials being expensive. But if it was under $3, we would have sold it for much cheaper and companies could have made profit in volume and gained influence over so many countries. And no these vaccines are not crap like people have been led to believe. The data from all the countries that used them shows 90-95% effectiveness. India has supplied cheap medication to africa and south america since the 1970's and they continued to supply them this vaccine too and I believe at $3 or $4 pr shot And their effectiveness was pegged at 97%. I believe they were the only country supplying more vaccines to others than they were keeping domestically for their own use. And the first two shots were free for people. Let me remind you they have almost 4 times our population and very few resources in comparison. ( There are many third world countries that actually made the first two shots free for their people) I mean hats off. Ro Khanna had a plan to collaborate with them like UK had done. But we rejected that and shadow banned their vaccine from WHO and I still dont understand why? I mean instead of seeing them as competitors, that should be stomped out from the market, why not just make use of their industry by working with them. The pharma companies would still make money on the sheer volume sold by doing nothing. This shenanigans just caused those countries to buy the vaccines from India bilaterally cutting us out of the equation completely. And then we effectively sanctioned South Africa when they gave us all the info about omicron. Like what it the plan here? No wonder countries are no longer interested in dealing with USA and prefer to deal with others.>> <<@CurtisSmale says : Why are people still getting this particular vax? Covid is a done deal now.>> <<@georgeglass3680 says : Price, not safety, right Bernie?>> <<@cxa011500 says : We need to break them up. Break up ALL these big corporations.>> <<@mohammadmahbub-ulhaquephil6341 says : It's amazing how sharp Bernie Sanders is at his age❤>> <<@wallyvos6167 says : Its impossible to SHAME Big Pharma because they are blinded by greed. The USA has anti trust laws, national security laws but what's needed is Big Pharm Laws where corporate avarice results in canceled patents.>> <<@VooduWizard says : Raising the price of a useless \/accine is just smart business. As more people finally stop taking the stupid thing, they lose more money.>> <<@ti.mythril says : So.. research done using taxpayer money.. manufacturing done using taxpayer money.. distribution using taxpayer money.. excessive.. obscene.. profits given to big pharma... what a great capitalist society we got here.>> <<@pappete9988 says : The bigger the business the dirtier they are, they just have a bigger budget to spend on a false image of their social conscience when the ONLY thing that matters to them is profit 💵😈>> <<@cocknose7271 says : Title should read... Bernie doesn't do shit business as usual.>> <<@eviedson says : Y'all gave these companies soooo much power the last few years and are now whining for doing the same thing they been doing for decades. Y'all caused this.>> <<@dickgozinya1615 says : The reason why they think they can get away with it is because we dont properly enforce the 2nd amendment>> <<@LoSmith82004 says : #feeltheburn 🔥🔥🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥>> <<@Gregorypeckory says : The greed heads who refused to share the vaccine information to save millions of lives after profiting massively already from the public's funding of it ought to be on trial at The Hague for crimes against humanity.>> <<@rolandforeman7318 says : 🤔😳 “YES”!!! GETTEM “BERNIE”!!! TAXPAYERS COVER “R&D”,,, & Get SCREWED by the Pharma-Thieves,, who JACK-UP “PROFITS”! “UNGODLY-GREED”!!! 🤜🏾😈👿🤛🏾👎👎👎🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤛🏾>>