<<@vilongo says : you mean this person who people deem smart is actually "awakening" to how stupid her base is? I mean, I turned coat in my early 20s from the left to the right. And I didn't need such a huge catalyst for it.>> <<@jeffreysmith2069 says : FoxNews, once, daily, state's to- us, it-'s purpose is entertainment rather than to- inform us any- fact.>> <<@ronnicoles1 says : I understood Anna from the jump and you can’t insult and expect to win them over>> <<@commonmannn4961 says : The left has been the very best besties of African Americans for the entire 60 years that their life spans have gone down, their health outcomes have gone to hell, their chance of never being imprisoned has diminished, and their family unit has been disintegrated. With friend like democrats, black folks don't need enemies.>> <<@SenatorBluto says : TYT clearly wants lower wages from millions of foreign invaders who will hopefully bring over their extended families and vote to keep the Party in power in perpetuity.>> <<@pnoman316 says : Center needs to go back to Turkey on the next available jet. Like now! Like John Pinnette, you go now!>> <<@johnepizzini9482 says : You two need to quit the left and embrace the new Republican party. You're both better than that and you can't possibly promote what is going on by Democrats! WAKE UP, it's time, wake up!>> <<@Krazyness says : Ana is going through a character arc. She is seeing the ridiculousness of the left and the dems>> <<@DennisK-ch4sk says : How are you not mad about trans athletes? Bruh how the hell can you not see the glaring issue with that? Idc if it was 1, eventually if he got away with playing against girls, inevitably 100 more will follow>> <<@LarryRota-mh1gc says : Is intentionally misrepresenting what you're saying because he's a Democrat and he can't help himself because there hate is always right below the skin>> <<@LarryRota-mh1gc says : Ana your better than this come on over to the right side he's feeding you so much bs I was a Democrat for 47 yrs and year 2 into Trump's first presidency and I seen that my party became so mean almost evil with hate that I switched and cenky getting load over you and your theory is a prime example the right don't hate blacks or gays like he says we simply don't want it shoved down our throats were all free and have a right to are opinion>> <<@EdBenji says : Ana looks 10 yrs older since Trump came back in the race!>> <<@DaveGibraltar says : What a cancer to the USA these two are. Cenk, and his fit of overreacting and that rude as hell Ana who what’s to be relevant, but is definitely irrelevant. Stop watching their channel. An a non-American, go on Trump 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇬🇮>> <<@justair44 says : Cenk seems to think that the right exists in a echo chamber and only listens to right wing media. We live in the west, and the left controls media.. it's near impossible to not be exposed to left wing media as it's everywhere... the left is arguing with a group that sees both sides of the argument at all times because they are bombarded by the left, and have to seek out the right just to get a different take on things and then start nodding as they find that the right wing media is basically parroting the conclusions they've already arrived at.>> <<@philipdupont3602 says : Yes Ana, Cenk brings his problems on himself. He does group all the Right in together.>> <<@philipdupont3602 says : Crime is rampant in all Democrat run cities.>> <<@philipdupont3602 says : 100% of the Right know that Biden has criminalized the DOJ to go after President Trump to try and keep him out of office.>> <<@philipdupont3602 says : Washington politicians are far more criminal than Donald Trump!!>> <<@philipdupont3602 says : Cenk, just described the Democrats. They do everything criminal then accuse the Right of doing the same exact thing they do!!>> <<@jeffreysmith2069 says : We do😢-have years, Cenk; 2026 wilknow us, we wilnt -know it-.>> <<@jeffreysmith2069 says : Now and later, fight -fore, Equality, innocense's defenseless.>> <<@jeffreysmith2069 says : Well done, Ana; I tounge-tie specificity when- I read it-; phonics.>> <<@jeffreysmith2069 says : foxNews hair's at their-' least -watched whenever, ratified their-' credit-ability displaying cold-fact, foxNews may- state's fact; but, stations pure- entertainment.>> <<@Wileysmiley says : Call them racist!>> <<@travisjones640 says : This radical DA sounds like the NRA!>> <<@travisjones640 says : Fox knows privately Trump did crimes, but they don’t put it on the air.>> <<@d1ws655 says : Ana is wrong, if you’re a racist, psychopath, and lunatic, then we shouldn’t care about your opinions. They need to be held accountable for their bs.>> <<@brianmatthews9697 says : I would like to see Judge Jeanine Pirro and Ana in a conversation. Two strong ladies. I don't get Cenk.>> <<@Cyanide999 says : I stopped watching TYT because of Cenk. Anna is more reasonable>> <<@carlamick says : #stocksexchange>> <<@TheHardTruth315 says : Cenk proved Ana's WHOLE fricken point at @19:25 PERFECTLY!>> <<@benkoo1827 says : Ana talk real cenk talk for the sake of talking. Cenk doesn't actually believe what he say>> <<@ZeroTheHeroGOAT says : Ana is three-four times smarter t han Cenk. It's embarrasing to watch.>> <<@ChiefMasonDixon says : As long as Ana is on screen and it’s muted, TyT is tolerable.>> <<@BillVAngelsPentangelo says : Ana actually thinks things through an always pushes up against her own philosophy to check it, reinforce it or modify it. Cenk is just a sound bite used car salesman that actually is a tool. Ana, get your own show please.>> <<@relshdan191 says : anna is so awesome>> <<@formerlydistantorigins6972 says : As a Brit, Cenk is everything he claims the American right is. Every sentence he says is exactly how I'd describe the American (and British) left. Especially the way he talks about the rights commitment to the "culture war". He is one of its major actors in it, yet claims it is nothing but a right-wing conspiracy>> <<@patriciadorner8007 says : Cenk is projecting>> <<@patriciadorner8007 says : TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME IS REAL AND PROMOTES DETERIORATION OF MENTAL STABILITY>> <<@jeromenewry3253 says : They given most talking points for Republican so give them your money let's talk about facts and red states crime give me a break on the Dems.f you Kyle Rittenhouse>> <<@ApolloBlatenszky says : What we label 'Right wingers' have a propensity for chaos, crime, is part of it's domain. The ends justify the means to them, the laws exist inside our cultural structure, to wealthy white privilege over to any deemed other. They might say they love peace, but they love their peace, not yours. But regardless they still need empathy, but held accountable.>> <<@Barocalypse says : This is content.>> <<@tokebuddude says : with this new format that Ana is embracing I now am going to Re subscribe.. Truth is better than narratives... Both Sides have extremes.. I'm just a Gay guy who gets news from different sources and feel it is important not to push Left or Right wing narratives. I like truth reporting and make up my own inferences from said truths.. Bravo Ana and Cenk for allowing this and not giving in.. This country needs help from all of us in the middle for balance. I used to be hard core Dem.. but seems that line of Dem/Rep have gotten so far apart now it's going to push us back to the 80s.. I'll be back in the closet.. or Everyone will be on puberty blockers.. hehe.. extreme I know but you can see how this could go if only Left/Right extreme narratives are pushed.. It is Orwellian. so I say to you.. Bravo.>> <<@cnreidy says : Imagine Cenk's response to if a group far right wingers took over part of a city in Texas like lefties did with CHAZ in Portland, where they controlled the law within and didn't let emergency services enter and people who lived in houses within the area had to just accept it. He would go so insane that his head would explode>> <<@christhedemocrat says : Ana is smart, passionate an pretty. Great combination Cenk is smart an passionate to but if he don’t stop with them damn mock voices… Someone should to a montage of the Cenk “mock voices” They both have good points I tend to agree with Ana most of the time>> <<@mikeybones7 says : Is there a bigger stereotypical radical left winger than Cenk?>> <<@AyeCarumba221 says : I kinda like this new format.>> <<@Steve-hq4fm says : I can see it now. When Ana is 60, she'll be a hardcore Conservative!!>> <<@chamskivision1290 says : Fake News! I'm surprised how so many subscribers can listen to this bull!>> <<@cooljams_jams says : Ana just spent 23 minutes dismantling and critiquing Cenk's use of a composition fallacy, and the irony was how Cenk's response amounted to, "Yeah, but that's okay for me to do that.">>