<<@BearingBear says : Help Melt Body Fat Away With This Special Keto Powder! http://www.ketowithbear.com Try it today for 51% OFF ^^^ 😄>> <<@Thisguy352 says : “Wanting to live” is crazy because you aren’t given the right to want to live you just fucking want to live, i wonder what the statistics are when it comes to Trams and do or die, is it happening because they get relentlessly bullied or is it happening because once you actually transition and realize its fucking permanent you regret that decision and get stricken with severe depression because i’d imagine, however the actual surgery is performed has got to be not only uncomfortable in the moment but uncomfortable forever especially if your a woman and get your tits chopped off and a man who’s no longer freeballing but snipped and tucked, every time i hear about transitioning my entire body gets second degree pain cringe just imagining it>> <<@asddasasdda says : ....>> <<@GuerillaCatty73 says : Still looking for that parallel that describes calling yourself, and insisting others agree with you in all material ways, something you aren't.>> <<@L0rdslashstab says : according to google the 8th stage is "Expropriation, forced displacement, ghettos, concentration camps" so they adiment that this is happening but cant provide any evidence most likely because they dont know what the 8th stage is and picked it because 8 sounds like a high enough number>> <<@robertmiles1603 says : no, that would be subhuman wrongs>> <<@ivandelac764 says : Bwahahahaha This is funny. WOKE= rtarded.>> <<@unknownvagrant6851 says : They sterilize themselves. Is it a genocide if it is self inflicted?>> <<@The.Mr.JBiggs says : The thing about adoptive parents being like trans people is a false equivalency, for one adoptive parenting doesn't require a psychological component like trans people do.>> <<@DitchDigger311 says : "Money, bitches, fame, helicopters, mansions" LOL>> <<@wyzer9 says : When your driveshaft suddenly turns into an oil pan, it's probably a bad trans...mission.>> <<@Alucard_XR says : "Tinkerbell from the fuckin' Hobbit..." hahahaha>> <<@laudercarame7265 says : Yeah, not a good analogy>> <<@morecringe89 says : I don't feel less parent for not being the biological parent and in many situations is important to say I am not the biological father. This has nothing to do with Trans. I am not pretending to be the biological father or forcing other people to call the biological father, which is the opposite of trans trying to push me to accept and it is not happening,>> <<@scottd1903 says : Few things infuriate me more than when people flippantly use the word "genocide" to describe what usually amounts to them not getting their way. Genocide is the most egregious act possible and to use it because straight men won't date u is disgusting.>> <<@gdprsn says : If they are fighting for trans human rights don't they think they aren't human.>> <<@Karmasu_L says : at 3:48 apparently there are 8 stages to a genocide. i'm especially curious about the first two and who really is working on implementing them: 1. Classification 2. Symbolization The 8th one, written in the tiktok, would be Denial btw.>> <<@toonnoon19 says : Imagine demanded to love someone at gunpoint. Its Shrek in drag but hes screeching "YA HAFFTA LUV MEH! AHM A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN!!" "W-wait.. you just said you were non-bologna a second ag--" 💥💥>> <<@ruthlessadmin says : They don't understand what "rights" actually are. Also, trans people are genociding themselves by getting bottom surgery and/or taking hormones that wreck their ability to develop or otherwise reproduce. These people are beyond delusional.>> <<@daniellepage2923 says : Ohhhh noooo the trans activist can’t hold a argument with a public official for more then 25 sec without calling him an istphobe or trying to derail to topic instantly. In other words she’s a complete NPC and has no actual argument or reason to be there>> <<@Sniperboy5551 says : No matter what you do for these people, they will continue to self-delete. The self-deletion rate is the same before and after surgery. Using the proper pronouns doesn’t help them, nothing can.>> <<@Sniperboy5551 says : My favorite part of these videos is the intro song. Everything else just annoys the piss out of me, even though I agree with him.>> <<@bobbythompson6017 says : A trans flag gets burn down is called terrorism/hate speech a American flag gets burned down it's called freedom of speech/expression🤡🤡🤯>> <<@bobbythompson6017 says : IM TRANS BUT IF U ASK ME TO PROVE IT I CAN CALL U A CREEPY Tranphobe bigit>> <<@bobbythompson6017 says : Anyone can say they are trans but somehow we cant say prove it we just have to believe them?>> <<@smflatt says : My adoptive parents are the only ones I’ve ever known, as I was adopted at 9 days of age. I met my biological parents once and am very thankful I was adopted out from under their roof! Don't ever slam people who adopt! But I am strongly in favor of it only being legal for normal, heterosexual married couples to adopt. No person with any form of sexually aberrant behavior should be allowed to approach a kid, let alone adopt one!>> <<@GreyWolfLeaderTW says : Always rich when people complain, "Those bigoted Republicans are trying to control others." Reality check: *Banning Murder CONTROLS other people's behavior* All Law is predicated on the concept of morality and forbidding actions and behaviors deemed to be the most immoral, degrading, and harmful to individuals and society.>> <<@GreyWolfLeaderTW says : Everything the self styled "trans" movement demands better fits the definition of "Aristocrat's Privileges". It's the same elitist entitlement that the ye ol' nobles had in the Middle Ages, before the concept of Equality Before the Law became a major idea of the Scottish Enlightenment, English Common Law, and Classical Liberalism.>> <<@jeremyschutt171 says : When asked what she (Emma Watson) thinks others should think about sharing a bathroom with the opposite sex is "they should be allowed to think whatever they want." Any other answer impies you think you can decide to what others should think.>> <<@jeremyschutt171 says : I was confused about the stages of genocide too. Looked it up, it's a thing, but like all other current groups of people, they are on stage 0. It takes a lot of re-defining the meaning of words and lies for them for them to say they could be at stage 2, let alone 8.>> <<@ogreofgormley says : Is there some sort of correlation to be found in mental illness, awful taste in music and spending all day on TikTok?>> <<@DjVortex-w says : I have genuinely wondered myself what these "rights" are supposed to be. I have never heard of a coherent definition.>> <<@gooner72 says : So, that person sitting in a blue jumper doesn't seem to think that a Government should set and police the rules in our lives.......🤔🤔🤔 I thought that's what governments do, or am i wrong here??🤔🤔>> <<@gooner72 says : Hey, Bearing........... Do you want the truth or diplomatic answer????>> <<@Jesei1211 says : 6:56 Hitler is a human beeeiiing yknoe? Let him pee beside you Emma :)>> <<@death-by-ego says : Transactivist: "Gender and sex are different." Sane Person: "You know things like bathrooms and sports are and have always been sex segregated, not gender segregated? Because the male and female body are different. It would be unfair if Lebron joined the WNBA and when I go to the bathroom, I dont pee out of my internal gender identity. The only reason we slap men's and women's on these things because they were always colloquialisms referring to sex." Transactivist: ".. sex and gender are different.... unless I say they are the same to further my goals.">> <<@oranguman9360 says : That's trans exceptionalism not rights. It's never going to happen, not because there is a man somewhere stopping them but because we're all made equal.>> <<@MrNategeo says : Muh Trams>> <<@yoursmokedetector says : Why are they trying to convince themselves that they made the right choice to adopt?>> <<@condew6103 says : You left out the latest trans right -- the right to shoot up a school and not have them use the wrong pronouns after the police put you down.>> <<@erhiueQWEF says : 8:00 Another psuedo-intellectual that graduated with a college degree and thinks her shit doesn't stink. Let's just say for a moment what she said was correct and the discussion DOES affect more than biological women, that's not what the hearing is there for! They're there for a specific reason and she has the nerve to say, "Yeah well this is what *I* wanna talk about.">> <<@erhiueQWEF says : I'm willing to bet Emma Watson has NEVER used the bathroom in the same room as an adult human male in her entire life.>> <<@chevlinpodhorodeski9814 says : That parenting one was complete crap. Parenting is an action. She should have said father or mother if she wanted any hope of making sense>> <<@videomonkeyman says : Believe me bro (blue t-shirt in the car), the gov is giving everyone the sh*ts.>> <<@matthewkirkpatrick5545 says : Tinkable from the fucking hobbit 😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@NotsilYmerej says : I have a question: can we call transes who complain about not being able to get a date “incels?”>> <<@viperdemonz-jenkins says : do not care if an adult chooses to be gay, but do care when kids are washed into thinking they are gay.>> <<@macturner2196 says : Female trans women have GRAPED women in public bathrooms. Hermione has probably never used the bathroom with a trans person. If she was victimized, she would change her mind.>> <<@macturner2196 says : I would bet the woman talking about adoption, has never fostered a child or adopted, unless she's single, and alone, cause no man can stand her. Look at her ears, ad hair. Says NO to me.\>> <<@6teeth318-w5k says : #TrampGenga>>