<<@MrBrownsugar85 says : lol the only reason i like my unionized job is because it makes dumb dumbs mad>> <<@donzuckschwerdt4857 says : As a 3rd generation Union Democrat, back in the late 70s and early 80s, my dad and I realized that the Unions sold us out to the Democrats and the Democrats sold us out to foreign countries. Just research the facts. Nothing wrong with a Union, it's the people behind it.>> <<@annharlan8926 says : I'm from Michigan. I was in 2 different unions, and I made decent money ($20 an hour regular time and $30 an hour evenings and weekends - 25 years ago). I moved to NC where there are hardly any unions and I have yet to make $20 an hour. Most jobs I see advertised are $14-17 an hour - and it is 25 years later and there's inflation. We need more unions.>> <<@DeathAndTaxesAbolitionist says : Celebrate! Because the auto unions did so much for Detroit. /S>> <<@ubereats3048 says : When is tyt going to join a Union.>> <<@mambojazz1 says : Huh?! WRONG!!!!! WORKERS HAVE A RIGHT TO WORK WHETHER THEY PAY UNION DUES OR NOTπŸ™„ Jesus Ana>> <<@johnmartin4641 says : Fun fact: Gretchen Whitmer was in charge of an insurrection at the Michigan Capitol when Right to Work became law.>> <<@fyourmoms1962 says : Rich people in Michigan are pissed about this. Lmaoooooo>> <<@Kim-ej2xm says : πŸ¦› won>> <<@arlosmith2784 says : My problem with compulsory unionism is this: Compelled unionism compels ALL employees to finance the Democratic Party. Moderates and conservatives are forced to pay to finance the Left. If Organized Labor was financing Trump and the Republican Party, I'm sure TYT would be advocating FOR Right To Work laws. Compelled political contributions are as bad as compelled contributions to religious institutions. As a Jew, I and non-believers should not be forced to contribute to Christian churches. For the same reasons, I oppose compelled contributions to political causes and organizations by ANYONE - even though I am an LGBTQ activist who personally disagrees with most GOP politicians on most social issues. 🌈>> <<@arcadiaberger9204 says : Can anyone name two states where companies fled states where these laws with the Orwellian name of "right to work" were abolished? Can anyone name two states which have "right to work" laws where working people have higher wages? Can anyone name two "right to work" states where the economy is better than the average among "right to organize" states? Can anyone give us one good reason why Congress shouldn't pass a *Federal Right to Organize Act* to override these depraved "right to work" laws?>> <<@kennyljs says : Companies are going to leave Michigan now. Congrats.>> <<@ts1931 says : Awesome! Awesome!Awesome! Thank you TyT I didn't know this and I live in Michigan! Yes this so called right to work is such a crime! What other company gets told that they have to work for free? Because that is what these laws are telling Unions! Yep they were telling unions how they run their unions! No other company in the country gets told how they run their business!!>> <<@davidnorthover2812 says : Bravo Michigan ,vote BLUE πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ>> <<@aliquot8404 says : "Right for corporations to exploit workers and bust the unions that would protect those workers">> <<@dennismartin3356 says : Another freedom lost.>> <<@MrDavekatz says : "right to work" = right to scab>> <<@davidadams405 says : As a life long union man and apprenticeship instructor, I’m very happy tonight.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘>> <<@davidhutchinson5233 says : Finally, some good news.>> <<@down-to-earth-mystery-school says : Actuality, the only way to get ourselves out of this mess is to roll back the ruling that declared a corporation a person, who’s primary objective is to make as much profit as possible. If companies were required to provide goods and services that demonstratively solve society’s biggest issues, then things will change. We believe we have no power to put checks on the corporations. That’s false, our government can do what’s right, if they choose.>> <<@robertparra7577 says : Arizona is a right to work state and I am a small handyman business owner. So a lot of people don't understand what unions do to construction workers. If it's slow and there isn't any work you still have to pay your dues and you can't do any side jobs because the union will kick you out and take your money. You can only do jobs that aren't what you do for the union. It works for corporations but it doesn't work for construction workers. So fuck the union.>> <<@JohnSmith-rn5tb says : "Right to work" equals work for less money,benefits,etc,as Unionized workers put in a losing position- no more BS worded as if it's favorable to workers!!>> <<@EverythingIsLit says : Great, now how can we stop greedy employers from pitting union and nonunion workers against each other?>> <<@scottmcamis2127 says : Fuck yes!>> <<@lynnebarrett9912 says : HOORAY!!! YAY!! OREGON NEEDS TO FOLLOW!! πŸŽ‰>> <<@bravo24nyc1134 says : thank you for airing this, we fought hard and the media isn't showing the success that the workers in Michigan accomplished, so thank you for showing this.>> <<@nathanmiller3891 says : Build on this. start an organized nationwide labor movement from sea to sea!>> <<@heavyarms55 says : "Right to work" laws are called such in the same vein of "religious liberty" laws that allow discrimination against people who don't conform. Classic right wing lies.>> <<@rehaanphansalkar4187 says : Michigan is where exploitation goes to die>> <<@phillair3813 says : When I was 14 y/o in 1957, I was paid 50 cents an hour as a movie usher. The next year I was paid 60 cents an hour as a doorman, then 90 cents to $1.05 an hour in 1960 as a trained projectionist. That was in Right to Work state Texas. I had one day off. In 1961 I was told by a friend that beginning wage in Chicago for a union projectionist was $7.25 an hour. After graduating HS in 1961, better paying jobs were available while I attended university. My early work years colored my sense of employee worth for 60 years. If I had not left Texas as a teacher to work in a decent job on the Hopi reservation and then the state of Washington, (Go Blue states!), I would not have really known the benefits of unions.>> <<@michaeltuffin5002 says : People are their own worst enemy>> <<@joed1344 says : Man. This great! I remember that piece of shit republican governor, Snyder, rush to sign this law through. Fuck you Ricky boy. Thought you pulled a fast one but Big Gretch cares about our workforce. Thank you Whitmer. We will never forget Flint either you bastard.>> <<@jon2026 says : Another one for the good guys!☝️>> <<@christiansmith-of7dt says : What's this big murdaugh tyt connection everyones talking about>> <<@jon2026 says : I worked in a non-union shop back in the day. They used to tell us it is our right to unionize if we wanted but then intimidated workers with threats to close shop if we did. I left them for a union job 20 years ago and never looked back. I make triple what they paid and have excellent benefits while they are still struggling to stay afloat.>> <<@jon2026 says : If you want to see how Biden got 81 million votes, search his union support.✊️✊🏽✊🏿✊🏻✊🏼>> <<@jon2026 says : The right to work.....FOR LESS.>> <<@jon2026 says : ✊️ Fuck you, Republicans.>> <<@julietcunningham852 says : As Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers said, "The difference between a Red state and a Blue state is Right to Work Laws".>> <<@bigric5100 says : SOLIDARITY!>> <<@sterlingfury says : Awesome...a rare victory πŸ˜‚>> <<@teddycheong says : LMFAO told you Democrats promote slavery, now people literally are enslaved by the unions and cannot opt out of them. Democrats will FOREVER be the party of slavery and that's fact.>> <<@tyrannosaurusinf1488 says : The rightist has failed the American worker πŸ¦…πŸ˜”>> <<@biscuit2075 says : So many trolls smh.>> <<@bartdoo5757 says : Why did so many union jobs leave Michigan?>> <<@cocknose7271 says : The Young TurdsπŸ’©>> <<@timallison8560 says : another important aspect of the right to work laws is the ability for any employer to fire an employee for ANY reason they want to.>> <<@andyvonbourske6405 says : it reminds me of the "patriot act".>> <<@maggiebannenberkowitz9254 says : Unions are good in many cases. But this is hard to understand with the name of this issue. Good job Democrats!!>> <<@jamesagostino6816 says : I tell you Whitmer needs to run for President. Especially, unions would vote for her after this event. This a slap in the face of Scott Walker after he pushed for stupid "work to rule" laws in Wisconsin. He was dreaming in technicolour running for president in 2020. Union workers for sure would not work for that dork.>>