<<@BearingBear says : Grab Atlas VPN for just $1.83/mo + 3 months extra before the BIG DEAL deal expires: https://get.atlasvpn.com/Bearing 💥>> <<@GoliathGrouper_Esq. says : Putting paint on a painting is an attack?>> <<@Maxwel90890 says : If I were you I will left the market if I see LGBTQ FUCK THAT++ FLAG>> <<@Jorokusaki says : Finished with a bang-ing kids!>> <<@chrisparkhurst5158 says : We went from tolerance, to acceptance, to embracing it. Next up is you're not actively having homosexual sex you're a bigot. After that you better be enjoying it or you're going to be canceled>> <<@robertmiles1603 says : i'd call them a lot of things but people is not among them>> <<@ondrejsedlak4935 says : One of the ladies I work with is gay and not that long ago, she was fuming that our delivery truck was being delayed by some fucking gay pride protest. She hates that shit with a passion.>> <<@AccaDaccaVoltage says : It's got so bad because of SJW people wanting to outdo each other in terms of how morally virtuous and good they are as people...mainly because they actually do no good in general. It's just all social media posts about what good people they are. I really do plead to all the normal gay people to take a stand and speak up against this militant community. My uncle hated what was happening (he just wanted to be accepted), Douglas Murray hates what happens (he just wants to live life without sex shoved down his throat all day) and Blair White wants this madness to end and gets abused by her so called community. Just be happy and live a nice life. That's the only point we should have reached. It has to be the normal gay/trans community that has to speak up against this. It's not normal for kids to be exposed to naked men as if it's a normal thing that should be celebrated. You would be arrested as a sex offender if you were straight so how do the same rules not apply?>> <<@swilson7674 says : Gays ate being elevated to deity levels.>> <<@MontageMomentt says : So do you attract kids to your youtube when you talk and show things you would consider inappropriate to children because you have a bear avatar? stop reaching xd>> <<@MontageMomentt says : And for 1 month every year, we have Christianity shoved down our throats with Christmas. Same difference :)>> <<@billypratt4201 says : No more special treatment for the medically confused people.............>> <<@nyeeeessss7674 says : This what happens when you bend over to a minority despite granting them to freely express themes, able to marry whoever they want. They will just ask more and more. I remembered gay people really just mind their own business and happy the way they are and have a close circle of friends and even considered cool.>> <<@jacobj3933 says : Live let Live for thee, not for me. Gotta get out of this mentality of live let live. Only works in a cohesive society when there's legitimate commonalities amongst people, not superficialities. And they've exploited people's desire to just be left alone as a to further push the envelope. If you're someone who just wants to be left alone, then the people who want to pursue their goals will step over you or push through you, regardless of your discomfort or disapproval of what they do, even if it does have severe consequences too. This whole world's history is contradictory to a personal desire for "live let live".>> <<@Ranchpig67 says : The answer is: It will never be enough. That's the nature of revolutionaries. They just want to destroy. They will continue to push until there's nothing left. Happens every time.>> <<@jimbrown9885 says : They want to make id LGBTQP.. that's where they're going. And they're pretty far down that road.>> <<@gooner72 says : Wow!!!!! They walked across a bridge........ what a fucking achievement!!! Right, this might be a controversial opinion but........... the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP community has human rights, like the rest of us, and NOBODY is denying them that, but just because they have a different sexual preference to me it doesn't mean that they are more special than heterosexual people, we're ALL THE SAME. END OF.>> <<@ethanwalker1459 says : So using your logic is this a kids channel? And shouldnt you maybe stop swearing and making adult content because the bear avatar is clearly atracting kids to this channel What fucking stupid logic Also its a adult world full of adults your kids and what they see arnt my problem>> <<@jaydenwright9203 says : This mural was definitely made to be offensive on purpose to stir up the pot>> <<@Nymphonomicon says : What's funny is over here in the States we had a tobacco company that got in trouble for their cartoon camel mascot and the exact argument used against it was that it attracts kids... fast forward to now and it's apparently okay for the LGBTQIABBQXYZ-up,up,down,down,left,right,B,A,Select,Start people to attract kids.>> <<@Nymphonomicon says : "We've got a long way to go!" Me: Oh shite, they want the entire calendar!>> <<@sausagesoda4090 says : I still remember the first time I seen a gay person crossing a bridge. It was glorious💯>> <<@gavriloprincip11 says : so the bear isn't you?>> <<@1989ahi says : Glad that Bearing is still here 🐻>> <<@mjbull5156 says : That mural was supposed to be pro-LGBT? I think someone should point out that was not a good look.>> <<@zer0sinder says : Giving bears a bad name with that mural....>> <<@Alexws88 says : I actually thought the first picture was the vandalised one. That is just not acceptable anywhere.>> <<@177SCmaro says : Not sure being as obnoxious as possible, including screwing up a city's traffic and trying to control what other people think, do, and say is the best way to gain tolerance and support. Has it occured to any of them that people don't hate homosexuals and trans, they hate the crap an lot of them do (see above for examples). Also, it's not brave to be "for gay and trans rights" in modern western societies that already not only tolerate them but are practically worshiping them as a superior human beings. Go to places like most middle eastern countries and do all that openly in the streets then you'd be brave.>> <<@roymcgrath9236 says : Now that trans people are rapeing and murdering oir children i personally think we should be doing to them what they say we are doing to them. One childs life is worth a millions trans lives to me. Lets even put those numbers folks! The laat trans mass shooter killed 6 people and 3 children>> <<@JoseRamirez-rd9di says : I do like to have things against gay people are everywhere threatened everybody spaces especially in the social medias yet nobody cares you're gay I only want to see big booty b******>> <<@AutoAlligator says : Bridge-walking is great. Lets all show our Pride for walking across a bridge.>> <<@DjVortex-w says : You don't know how there are still ways to go? Easy: Mandatory "equity and inclusivity" comissars in every single company and workplace, mandatory "sensitivity training" if you want salary and any state benefits, "reparation" taxes, massive censorship of entertainment media, compelled speech in entertainment media, draconian laws that punish for the slightest of expressions of wrong opinions and words, and so on and so forth.>> <<@billlowery1658 says : The dancing bear is a porn brand. The mural was a clear allusion to that>> <<@stygianjack9017 says : I imagine a large percentage of the people on that march weren’t even gay. It’s a free day out for a simple bunch of people obsessed with the ‘look at me, aren’t I good’ virtue signalling schtick. Sad bunch that have little character who feel banging on about their sexual proclivities makes them some how interesting. It doesn’t. In fact it’s getting old.>> <<@hrthrhs says : I don't understand how people still believe that politicians actually care about them. The pollies only keep saying "we've got a long way to go" because it helps secure votes from the minorities who have allowed themselves to be brainwashed that everyday people actually have an issue with them.>> <<@colonelcider8292 says : 3 weeks late but its a good thing they painted over it. It doesn't need to be a fat gay guy with bondage. Why not just a picture of an influential gay person? In America we have a teacher who got fired for showing of Michelangelo's statue of David. That's somehow an issue but bondage isn't? Why are you even making such a big deal of being gay?>> <<@ix-Xafra says : It's an industry...>> <<@talorguitarowner5 says : This is pretty gay. I should know, I’m gay.>> <<@mistercornell4755 says : GAY POWER>> <<@ALovelyBunchOfDragonballz says : Bearing, you keep forgetting the P in the alphabet soup.>> <<@bonnielassie2200 says : Back in the 90's, no one needed attention to be gay. It was accepted. There was no screaming and attention seeking. SMH. Not to mention I was a kid in the 80's, so I grew up with men in makeup. This isn't new.>> <<@theblackbaron4119 says : Wait that WAS what they wanted to have as a mural? I thought that fat caricature of a degenerate WAS what they painted over 😮>> <<@richardlbowles says : "Sydney World Pride has finished with a bang!" Who banged whom exactly?>> <<@lloydmunga4961 says : And the bridge didn’t collapse .... more the pity>> <<@SupportMensMentalHealth says : I want a straight pride cos now it's the only sexual orientation not represented and is in fact now vilified and mocked>> <<@rokkena says : How dare homophones deface the pedobear mural!>> <<@mike_onevia6465 says : didn't need WW1, WW2, I'll allow WW3 need actually to cull some shit this time.....>> <<@richardokeefe7410 says : Why wasn't the mural sandblasted off by a mob of artists outraged at the low-quality "art"?>> <<@hla0roo says : Bearing should sue the bastards who so disgracefully misrepresented him! How DARE they represent this glorious Ursidae as an ugly ass, hairy ass DUDE!>> <<@LWolf12 says : Wonder when Pride went from being about being gay, to being as degenerate as possible? Especially when kids are around.>>