<<@LaurenSouthernOfficial says : Appreciate you all! January has big things coming for this channel.... whew. You'll see. Hope you enjoy my little commentaries here and there between my bigger projects though! Make sure to check out todays sponsor: Noble Gold: https://tinyurl.com/86nuam7s CALL +1 877 646 5347>> <<@magnanorris3530 says : I remember this case, and I remember that cop was just a rookie too. Wasteful stupid and above al, avoidable.>> <<@rppoker8541 says : Maybe the pig deserved it ?>> <<@garryhynds4870 says : Very well done Thank you,>> <<@ZOMBIEHEADSHOTKILLER says : also.... shooting a cop ........ is a basic right... its called self defense.... we have no obligation to be their victim, not even if "the law" or other fictional beliefs say we do..... Cops can live in peace, or die.>> <<@ZOMBIEHEADSHOTKILLER says : all laws, but specifically gun laws.... exist exclusively to get people hurt and killed. Never is a threat of violence, gonna help the public. disarming the public, only leaves people defenseless.. you are not gonna save lives, by making it easier for people to get murdered. Simply break any and all laws....its your ight, its called freedom..... its your right to have a gun, any kind, no licience no permits, no approval of any kind needed....... this is covered by the right to self defense, one of, if not, the most basic right any life has. Should we also ban fire extinguishers and seatbelts? you know.... to save lives..... its a fact, guns save lives, we need guns..........>> <<@bloodspartan300 says : Lauren i don't think you are appreciating his crime... his crimes were mostly against people of power... if it wasn't for crimes like this the people with guns and badges will have nothing to fear... and when they have nothing to fear they turn tyrannical... he is just balancing the power.>> <<@mauricesimms3037 says : You are a Canadian embarrassment, word salad for far right subscribers. Why promoting gold in IRA accounts that don’t exist in Canada? Maybe shut up and read a book.>> <<@RetirementIncomeAcademy says : Love your purpose. But as a Republican film producer read Uta Hagen on acting, just to improve deliverability ogf your message, cooler styling too, get an image, and get wilder in your journalism, crying, laughing crazy etc… your an entertainer too so increase your reach, your message and u.>> <<@RetirementIncomeAcademy says : Bravo>> <<@williamfenton9889 says : Good one right on. Keep the good work up Lauren.>> <<@Mitchellstar says : Hi Lauren, USA subscriber here. Saw your issue with ABNB. Going to do what we can here in Savannah, GA>> <<@c.daubz.5386 says : Fact is, No Guns No Freedom because that is the only way to truly protect yourself against criminals that don’t care about laws and government Tyranny>> <<@GaelicStorm1 says : Trudeauistan, I mean Canada is in serious trouble... What's happening there it's going to be exported South real soon....>> <<@philhood3924 says : Oh that's great so only black people can have illegal guns and commit crimes but not white people cuz they had string them up go ahead and alince the white people now The fuck's wrong with these motherfuckers>> <<@7dmnckdmn761 says : did they kill LS?>> <<@a627246 says : Yt didnt inform me about new movie>> <<@Mr.Fridaynight says : Well done good report.>> <<@Mike__G says : Mr Trudeau is expert at stating problems but failing to accurately define and address the actual causes.>> <<@scpfoundation2030 says : make the crisis and then offer the solution. then seize total control.>> <<@wissambarakat6466 says : Trudeau is a joke and this is a bit exaggerated.>> <<@magicfarce2941 says : Lauren looking like a used Surrey girl that she is bleh. Keep grifting. Right wing to the left pathetic.>> <<@ΙωάννηςΛέπουρας says : 8:10 *as likely>> <<@Trizzer89 says : Lauren, I think this has gone beyond "bigotry of low expectations". I think they literally only want guns in the hands of Leftists because then normal people cannot defend their ideas, literally.>> <<@Teleman01 says : As Gavin says.... "Trudeau is AIDS".>> <<@scarab36319ify says : If they target guns that aren't the problem they can declare to the media: We have removed 350,000 firearms off the streets. 349,000 were legally owned and safely stored. And by 'streets' they mean from the country.>> <<@ironknightgaming5706 says : Canada1984ia>> <<@derekmcnulty2559 says : Just had ANOTHER OPP offr killed by a criminal! The rookie cop stopped to help someone in the ditch. And was murdered for it?>> <<@derekmcnulty2559 says : By IRA do you TFSA? You are in Canada and your add is an American company talking about American tax law>> <<@Agigaherger says : bro talk about something else>> <<@Child-of-God-Jaoel-Greatangel says : what makes no sense is why are people still obeying the fraudulent legal system a armed society is a safe one plus canada is not a country but a corporation so when will people take there heads out there asses and create a constitutions united we stand divided we fall. if anyone votes in this fraudulent system they are part of the problem none of them have real canadians interest only the invaders and foreign corporations>> <<@ZandrichMynhardt says : Hey, Lauren - Jesus Christ is Lord.>> <<@meech.88 says : Lauren, Can you do a video update regarding the "bodies in unmarked graves"? Allegedly there was a jaw bone found recently 🤔..>> <<@jorgegodoy3183 says : How many legally licensed gun owners have killed somebody?>> <<@tosseway145 says : Thanks for putting this together. One suggestion, put a date stamp on our content so that you can bring it back in 3 years and say, "See, I told you 3 years ago.">> <<@rickskedden9595 says : As long as we have liberals in power the people that own firearms legally will get the shaft so wake up and get them out of power>> <<@globaltoleranceproject says : Thanks, I guess.>> <<@jont2228 says : Trump 2024✊🙌>> <<@TravirusTheKing says : I'm indigenous and number of us on my reserve had to get our PAL before getting a rifle or ammo.>> <<@bluemeriadoc says : seems wildly successful at its actual aim. disarming the population>> <<@yesiamarussianbot3076 says : I can tell you, the Australian government is even better at denying law abiding citizens owning guns.>> <<@fckinvandoos says : The liberal trudeau govt doesnt want to disarm people to protect the population, they want to disarm people before they abuse them, i think covid policies were a good sample of how filthy and malicious they are>> <<@MsHburnett says : Trudeau body guards have lethal weapons 24/7>> <<@IanDinBC says : I'm sure he was just about to find Jesus (I didn't even know He was lost) and turn his life around, after all he was a good kid and the cops just wouldn't leave him alone, also given that his grand mother once walked past a residential school it was the government of Canada's fault for intergenerational trauma - who was in government at the time anyway, some other guy called Trudeau, perhaps? - /sarc>> <<@gordonfiala2336 says : the police dont charge the criinals with criminal interest, so the criminals kee all their criminal interest. because all our courts in canada are run by the mafia. hence trudeau is uncontested and the tory's boost him>> <<@normwhiff says : Gun crimes have increased EVERYWHERE THAT GUNS HAVE BEEN BANNED. EVERYWHERE. Every place that there is open carry there is very very low crime rates. EVERYWHERE.>> <<@nicmon5214 says : You are asking too many questions. Lol many great points thank you for making this video.>> <<@nicmon5214 says : Just ban all the guns, and then we can see what else needs banning.>> <<@fab-antonio says : Great episode Lauren. Hopefully Canadians wake up to this and remove the corrupt Liberal party destroying this country.>> <<@normalgermanguy7976 says : Another proof of EVERYTHING WOKE TURNS TO SHIT ........>>