<<@NdayambajeDickson says : 😮😮😮😮🙊🙊🙊🇧🇮🇧🇮🇧🇮🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇺🇬🇺🇬🇰🇪🇰🇪🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝>> <<@victormalapane6057 says : It's always going to be difficult for people from a- one- racial group countries to fully comprehend the economic and political dynamics of a racially diversified country. In these other African countries race and citizenship mean 1 thing. The political barometer used in almost all African countries can't easily be prescribable to SA>> <<@shabaka4555 says : 🦁 ❤ 🔥 THE STRUGGLE FOR SOUTH AFRIKA WAS NOT ABOUT THE ABILITY TO VOTE!! THE STRUGGLE IS A LAND STRUGGLE!! WHO CONTROLS THE LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES OF SOUTH AFRIKA!! IMPERIALISM TOOK THE STRUGGLE TO A DIFFERENT LEVEL!! SOUTH AFRIKA HAD THE CHOICE OF REVOLUTIONARY CHANGE!! THE COLONIAL MENTALITY STEPPED IN THE WAY!! AFRIKANS MUST UNITE!! POLITICAL EDCATION AND ORGANIZATION IS PRIMARY!! IMPERIALISM WILL CONTINUE TO EXPLOIT AND OPRESS AFRIKAN PEOPLE !! IMPERIALISM KNOWS ONLY IT'S SELFISH INTEREST!! JULLIUS MALEMA AND THE AFRIKAN FREEDOM FIGHTERS OF AZAINA MUST CONTINUE THE STRUGGLE FOR A UNITED STATES OF AFRIKA!! WAKE-UP AFRIKA!! UNITE ,TAKE YOUR RIGHTFUL PLACE IN WORLD HISTORY!! ALUTA-CONTINUA THE STRUGGLE HAS JUST BEGUN AFRIKA WILL UNITE!! ❤ 🦁 🔥>> <<@anstaranstar says : People died..ithers went into exile..or prison...FOR NOTHING. THANKS YO RAMAPHOSA>> <<@anstaranstar says : All the sacrifices made by others to defeat APARTHEID have been gor NOTHING BECAUSR OF RAMAPHOSA>> <<@Gbchatter says : Anyone born south africa is African. Hes not if he wants to enslave his country then hes a traitor>> <<@BolamasTheLevite says : Well it is the end of ANC reigning. But then for the next 5 years DA is not in power..>> <<@BolamasTheLevite says : Capetown has high richest population and poorest population. That's fuel for crime to hike... 📈📈⤴️>> <<@BolamasTheLevite says : ANC sold South Africa 30+ years ago, We are not surprised when ANC choose to join venture with DA. DA did not had itself so much votes, but the same South Africans voted for them .. Many of Our people vote based on feelings and not facts.. What's coming next it's unknown disaster ..>> <<@jay6667 says : Maybe it might lead to people seeing each other as just humans. I don't have a problem with census having racial categories or people referring to this person as Black or that person as Boer. I don't have an issue with individuals seeing each other as just humans. I think the DA gaining power might be a good thing. It could put pressure on ANC and others in the future to deliver on necessary things. I don't know how it will turn out concerning the disagreements among themselves. I don't completely know the answer to the Africa and who it belongs to question. Does this include African Americans, Haitians, Afro-Brazilians, etc.?>> <<@semakularock5701 says : East africans are crying for more than 40 million subscribers on this channel please let us rach that lements please ❤❤❤❤. asante sana.>> <<@semakularock5701 says : Black people in south Africa they still need to safer because they didn't support Malema,if black people in south Africa today can support white's then they deserve to go back in canges because they didn't learn in there history.>> <<@semakularock5701 says : We need more than 40 million subscribers on this channel please we need to love and to support our own,ane love>> <<@rubydiamonds5623 says : They have sold themselves out and made alliance with their enemies. The South African Constitution was written by the white Apartheid regime. A black person born in England cannot be European therefore a white person born in South Africa cannot be African period.>> <<@ListenThis-th8rc says : A few month ago i read 2 million European people moved to South Africa. Do they have the right to vote? I think this election was rigged against J Melema>> <<@phungoyavhonenzhelele670 says : Mandela 's dream was never absolute and the world doesn't care about anyone dreaming so stop intimidating people with dreams we are not kids.>> <<@EqualityAdvocateNL says : and what if they are i dont see anything wrong with that we should stop thinking about black and white start thinking of who can do the job who can lead south Africa to a better situation. this is my opinion>> <<@tiitola says : Because the black leadership mess things up.>> <<@siyabongamayekiso6830 says : It's not about the political power or serving the people but about making sure that blacks don't ever get their LAND back.>> <<@siyabongamayekiso6830 says : Hey I'm from South Africa and you right when you say they are forced because Phala Phala is being treated with jail time and his been in the pocket of the of the elite. So those who OWN him and gave him the wealth he has want to see their investment in him come to fruit. One thing it won't end well!!!!!!!!>> <<@cherylmarais5888 says : It doesn’t matter what your skin colour is if your born in South Africa your a South African. I noticed you love hitting on the whites. My family never agreed to the apartheid rules. But let’s be honest even when the apartheid government was in power they built schools, hospitals, clinics, malls, stadiums and so on for the black people. They made sure there was a reliable train and bus service. They made sure there was electricity and water. It didn’t take long for the ANC once in power to destroy everything. They never bothered with maintaining infrastructure. Now we have farmers being murdered which will bring about a food shortage very soon. The EFF shouts we want land …. Are they farmers? I talking about commercial farming that can supply food. Not just the farmers that plant a bit of mielies, have a few cows and goats. Not everyone understands the soil. Not everyone is a farmer most of the people have moved to cities looking for work they don’t want to farm. They want money not land. Many forget that old Julius, Zuma, Cyril and so many more all have white bosses overseas pulling the strings and paying money into their bank accounts. George Sorros is white. Follow the money and you will find out who is in power. Zalenski got booed out of the German parliament. Only Biden and NATO say we will back you because the want the mineral resources of the Ukraine. NATO is 2 faced just as Biden is. People need to wake up and see what is really happening. It’s going to take years to rebuild South Africa. It’s going to take black and white working together to do it. BEE and BBEE will not work. You can’t hold businesses hostage and expect them to do as you say. Have you questioned the whole Compliance thing. If a company wants to be compliant they have to pay huge amounts into certain people’s accounts and also another account into someone else’s account. What for? They people working in the companies that want to be compliant don’t benefit from it nor does the man in the street. So what does it tell you …. Only a select few are reaping the benefits.>> <<@ibraimojamal4929 says : Very sad situation>> <<@tshepophillemon268 says : Zack if you give someone a job and can't deliver on that,replace him to find the person who can do the job properly,Anc has been given chance for 30 year's but still they were not delivering now people of South Africa chose the parties that think they can rescue them from the hunger and frustration they are facing so if that GNU don't work we will elect other parties to rescue us,we are a Democratic Country after all❤❤>> <<@tylancoleman2862 says : Well ANC is the lead>> <<@tylancoleman2862 says : Africa needs to re unite. It is stupid to have these small countries..>> <<@sR-kf9ib says : From 1652 to 1994 the European ruled savagely. 2024 and you return the prozionist , anti Brics , anti African DA party who is funded by the west in order to cripple South Africa, to subjugate it, to enslave it. Mr Ramaphosa ‘s hypocrisy during the Palestinian uprising is transparent. Those who brought the DA into power , beware of your children. They will despise you : many rich Indians , some hypocrites amongst the Muslims and almost all so-called coloured people. Shameful wealthy mr ramaphosa : you have undermined Brics.>> <<@richardfisher3220 says : Chairman Mao Tse Tung revolutionized the minds of his cadre. When they took control of China, the leadership was unified and forward looking for their country. Black folks always seem to omit this step and think that they can have progress. Where is the revolutionary cadre of South Africa? Why haven't they consolidated power and begun to move the european invaders out of their country? Rather than return control of their wealth to Africans, they have opted to think that they can live in peace with europeans. Will never happen. I point to the two cradle theory as espoused by Cheik Anta Diop in his book, 'The Cultural Unity of Black Africa". South Africans should use legal and extra legal means to control all aspects of their society.>> <<@ajdaames says : Of course I will be attacked for the following statements; but what’s new? So Here goes; South Africa will never be run by white people again. Mandela’s dream was not to see the ANC rule forever . Mandela said if the government is not doing its job it is the duty of the people to stand up once again. Mandela’s dream is living on and will never die. I’m sorry Zack but you seem to be spreading division with your recent posts. We as South Africans are not interested in kicking white people out. We are only interested in equality. As for BEE; many white people started companies and appointed a black puppet as CEO in order to get loans and tenders. Then the racist apartheid term “coloured” was embraced by the ANC in order to disenfranchise those people from receiving BEE benefits. The best/most qualified person should get the job not the one with the right skin color. We simply need opportunity not charity. We need a hand up and not a handout.>> <<@nicolemoore7618 says : Zack, What I don't understand is this. Why is Cyril Ramaposa's people struggling, suffering, and seem to be on the outside looking in. Looking in on the very country that they were born in ? Mandela didn't give up his freedom for that. I hear his people don't have food, electricity, toilets, jobs and the list goes on and on. I hear it's been that way for quite sometime now. So in light of all these needs that are plaguing his people, it's quite shocking that he has won another term in office.>> <<@PaulPaid says : Mandela sold out. This is just a continuation.>> <<@chibabambizi1838 says : They can make it work by only focus on the economy and national issues that's only way DA anc eff and many more can work together>> <<@Noxfumes66 says : What does it matter what colour they are?…. As long as they govern properly.>> <<@shola-Johnbull says : Fair assessment. Impartial.>> <<@jonathanatkinson936 says : Imagine that😂. Africa has been ‘controlled by whites’ from the day they decided it was time to ramp up the social experiment called - the end of apartheid. First off, the CIA put Mandela in power and the Rothschild Cabal crippled the Rand with their useful idiots in charge. Don’t get me wrong, there is certainly people in government that are of good nature and who have done a lot of good but they are few and far between. The craziest thing about it all is that these Khazarian (Jews that are not Jews) have also used the tribes of Europe to carry out their objectives. Point is, if we don’t stand together they will enslave us more!>> <<@FranklynBurke says : Those black African people are suffering from inferior complex lots and lots of them. Meny meny of them are still burden by slave mentality.i am a proud African Jamaican.this Caucasian brother are going to separate South Africa. my heart I Breaking.❤from a true African Jamaican>> <<@Za_Dynasty says : My brother !! Even when we won 1994 elections - we never received our freedom, it looked like freedom in eyes 👀 of people but not realizing that we are still enslaved Apartheid was not enslavement but an issue we had with these white people - what enslaved us is the system that white people laid out to benefit them even when we won the 1994 elections When these Europeans colonized Africa, they laid a system that benefit the 1% which is them, that is why ? People like Steve Biko were killed because they knew that the real problem is a system not issues like Apartheid or pandemics (AIDS/covid-19)_ when fighting it they kill you, Kings and queens of Europe are the ones who control it. The Europeans their ancestors were Kings and queens of ancient Babylon for you to see my point, Babylon national symbol was lion with eagle wings - Babylon today call itself Britian and America look Britian national symbol is lion and America national symbol is eagle then combine the two symbols they give you lion with eagle wings which is Babylon America 🇺🇸 is daughter of Britian its mother they killed our real Kings when they colonized Africa and replaced that with false Kings (presidents) which they control via their system called democracy In reality and truth !! We are not ruled by presidents but Kings - these white people still have their Kings and queens in Europe while in Africa our Kings were killed then we are given puppets (presidents) to rule us - as long their system is not destroyed, we will remain enslaved and seeing things that are not there like killing one another e.g xenophobia, blaming our black politicians but forgetting who introduced politics (good guys vs bad guys) to us. White people are master of deception, politicians are two sides of the same coin ( good guy vs bad guy) both play for same team which is owned by European kings and queens>> <<@pichorra9 says : I hate to say this but black people do not know how to run a country, everywhere there is a black government in power everything it seems to be worst than when the racist are running it. The only reason why South Africa is they way it is is thanks to white people, somehow they make things function even with all the discrimination.>> <<@javajazz6686 says : Wow! Enjoy being recolonized!>> <<@fud338 says : As a black SAn not disappointed at all....😊>> <<@fud338 says : Zimbabwe chased whites away...destroyed by blacks..those blacks came to SA to work for the same whites who they chased away..😢>> <<@fud338 says : Mostafrican countries..in the land of their ancestors..many are running away to stay in European countries and Americas..after years of independence ..those countries are ruled by blacks...doesn't make sense>> <<@harleyfong5784 says : ANC failed the people of South Africa, this shows that black people are selfish and don't love each other. The people used the black people to cause trouble in South Africa.>> <<@sem5548 says : Black south africans are a joke. We africans should have never support their struggle!>> <<@gannyelifetravel says : No. It’s bad news.>> <<@henrydebernardo7255 says : I think that ppl will now move towards MALEMA...stop the foolishness... Don't discount MUSK's money in all this...😤😤😡😠👀>> <<@tekpic04 says : Do you think black people in the West want's to return back to their natural home in Africa?... Yes! South Africa in particular was supposed to give hope blacks around the world a vision of hope where they will feel at home without European colonialzers BS. If South Africa and many countries on the continent wants talented blacks with real knowledge and experience to build a better Africa, you must sort your house out promptly.>> <<@sumtendechaba9717 says : No means of production! It deeper than that! The land is not in hands of African! And SA are idiots!>> <<@Mamtshubs-kk4ev says : That wont happen trust me you people panic>> <<@ingridvoltaire6849 says : I am shocked, South African are trapped in a Bad situation. I hope they will awaken soon. Very disappointed>> <<@TshuTshi9642 says : We want land, ANC sells it to be even far within reach.>>